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The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (11)

The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast (11)





(You can see the full document on: Calameo; on edocr; on Google Drive; on jumpshare; on; on scrid; on; on dropbox; on mediafire; on docs.zoho; on, r.n.)


Oh, I look down on earth and sigh with mourning. I look over the places where I came two thousand years ago as an infant by the Virgin, as it was written by the prophets that I have to come. When I came at that time, the rulers of the earth persecuted Me, and all looked out for Me so that they may not lose their glory because of My glory. The same is today, and here, I look upon the place where I was born two thousand years ago. People of standing have gathered together and increase their own glory and give gifts and names to one another saying to one another that they got together for the anniversary of My birth in Bethlehem. They are glad and I sigh in heaven with the Father and the saints, for there it is not about My glory, and people use Me for the glory of their own name and do nothing but pave the way for the antichrist’s enthronement everywhere I worked and left My marks as a witness against those who used God’s name for their human glory. Here, after two thousand years, I am good for the man of nowadays only for his glory, but not for Mine. I do not rejoice over this kind of celebrations; rather I rejoice over the celebration of My coming with those who love Me with their holy life, and spend time and rejoice with them. Now the angel stands ready to blow into the light of the great people’s delights that make a name for themselves among people, lifting themselves up with a human glory, a glory that passes away like grass.


Here is the lie. It spreads out from margins to margins. Here it is: «The woman sitting on a scarlet-colored beast, full of blasphemous names, having seven heads and ten horns, with a cup full of abominations and impurities of her sexual immoralities and on her forehead a secret name was written: Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth, drunken with the blood of the saints and with My martyrs. And she will come out from the abyss and will go to destruction for all are finished», and so it is written. The voice of My angel has always been crying: «Get out of it My people lest you share in her sins and receive of her beatings». Her sins got to heaven and we will give her back as she gave to us; we will give her a double portion. We will pour out twice as much in the cup which she poured out for us. She is an empress and I am her Judge. The kings of the earth who made her will, shall beat their chest saying: “Woe to her!” and heaven will rejoice and the saints, the apostles and prophets will see My righteousness on their side, as it is written in the Scriptures. Amen.


The great people of the earth got together to keep a feasting for My birthday in Bethlehem, but after two thousand years since My birth among people, here, I am coming again, and do not find any holy man on earth, a man to celebrate Me, the Holy One. That is why I have been hiding Myself and working secretly and preparing My coming in glory on earth against lying which wants to become a christ for man, a false christ, who deceives everyone by his coming, great and small, rich and poor, slaves and free, kings and soldiers, baptized and not baptized, for a lie is a lie, like man. But I sound the word, so that My coming may be heard and here they are all, for they are hiding into the caves and rocks for fear of My coming as it is written in the Scriptures about My coming.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Nativity, on 07-01-2000. (On Calameo)



I come closer to the manger of My word and let Myself in it as a word in order that it may go on earth proclaiming Me for My coming of today, for today are the days of My coming, as I said by the Scriptures two thousand years ago.


You from the manger and all who live as you live in view of the waiting of My coming with the saints and for the saints, occupy yourselves with to the full with your life in Me, with the holy life and exhortation for a great watchfulness, for the time of persecution is coming for every man who does not have God for his teaching and for life and light.



You, who divide the bread from heaven among you, the word of eternal life; you who give to the hungry from it, give power to My gifts among you, to the holy gifts upon you, and let them confirm that you belong to Me between heaven and earth, for the dead will arise and testify about their life on earth and about My work of today which I, the Lord, fulfill the Scriptures with for the resurrection from the dead. But with this accomplishment the servants of the antichrist will be revealed too and will try to conceal this mystery. He will send his lying servants who will say that they lived on earth life after life until today. (For they have been reincarnated, r.n.). Here is the lie to which it has been working for a long time, and the people hurry to fulfill this great going astray which will be called, “The resurrection of the dead.” And the man of lawlessness will show up and say about his life lived on earth a hundred years ago and hundreds of years ago, and the man on earth will stand and listen, and will not be frightened of such a wondering. And the resurrected ones will testify about their life in the flesh and about My coming within this word with which I proclaim to the dead as well, (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) the same way as I worked two thousand years ago when I was resurrected in My body from the grave, and many were resurrected at the same time with Me and showed to the people; (Mat: 27/52, r.n.)  and here, some will be the risen dead, and others will be the living ones who will lie from place to place to thwart, as they say, the mystery of the dead resurrection.


            I go through the air with hosts of saints and angels and come down together with them above the manger of My word, and find the watchmen watching and I set Myself as the word from the book among them, and then I go across the earth with it and make by it the work of My coming with the saints, for I work through the word. But who takes his time for the celebration of My coming? Who is to tell the people of My coming? The kings of the earth and the men of their church gave gifts, stars and medals to one another into the name of My grave from Bethlehem, as in the time of My crucifixion, and they do not know why they do this, and willy-nilly they fulfill the Scriptures which spoke in its time about this work. Here, at Bethlehem was fulfilled the Scriptures which says: «I saw a woman drunken with the blood of the saints and of the martyrs of Jesus. And on the waters that she sits upon there are peoples and nations and languages. And the ten horns and the beast will hate the prostitute and will turn her into a wilderness and naked, and they will eat her flesh, and burn her into the fire; as the Lord put into their hearts to do his will and to come to the same thought so as to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of God will be fulfilled. And the woman is the great city which has authority over the kings of the earth».


The kings of the earth met at Bethlehem and bowed down to the beast and to the woman sitting upon the beast, the woman who as authority over the kings of the earth, and she gave them gifts, stars and medals. But she is falling down by her fornication, and the saints are standing up and testify from heaven and earth about the holy truth and about My coming with the judgment; the judgment by the word. Amen, amen, amen.


What kind of work of brotherhood can the mixtures of the church with the world full of her lusts be? What kind of church work can this be? Oh, it is written in the Scriptures: «Friendship with world is enmity with God». And here, the man likes brotherhood, but this is for himself not for Me. But let you, who are the people of My coming in the middle of Romania, take delight in being brothers for Me to help Me be called all over the earth by My power and through you, those who became brothers in My name for Me and not for yourselves. What kind of brothers can they call themselves, they who pull My hand from one side and the others who pull My hand from the other side? (The Orthodox and Catholic churches, r.n.). They fraternize to beat Me nails; some of them into one hand and some other into the other hand, and then to do their own wills, mixed under a church name, under a secret name, which the work of the iniquity of those who do evil is hidden under. And here, My church is not from the earth and whoever wants to look for will not find it for it is not. It is there where I am. It is there where My people are with Me, not with the world, not like the world, but like God. Amen.

            Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the three hierarchs: St. Basil, Gregory and John, on 12-02-2000. (On Calameo)



I am the Judge over the living and over the dead, and the saints are with Me within My coming and they wait for the resurrection of the dead and for the life of the age to come, and each one will stay in his own order and gather fruit of those that he has sown on the earth. And those, who have sown living people on the ground, watering, weeding them out and taking care of them to the heaven, will gather the fruit of resurrection and eternal life, and this is how their reward will be. Every word coming out of My mouth will be judge over every man, and it will be as a standard of life, for it is written into My book that I will come to judge the living and the dead and to establish My kingdom, and this is what I do, as it is written that I should do. Amen. But first,

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