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Book online «2020.03.08 - The Word of God on the First Sunday of the Lent, of the Right faith by Lord Jesus (i read books TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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themselves for Him; they are those who believe and work as those at the beginning, from where the faith and the man’s way with God started. Then the time has come when, by the Holy Spirit, there stood up with power from above the three great bishops of the Orthodox flock, Basil, Gregory and John, over whom the great work of the Holy Spirit and its great power descended, and they established good order for those who would be worthy on the way of the Orthodoxy with their life to God, and the Holy Spirit sealed this wisdom, descending and working a great deal over them, and He left the things that were taken from My things and announced to be established over the holy things and over the saints of the Lord. To these three great and holy bishops are added, for the strengthening of the church of the saints, the bishop Nicholas, the bishop Spyridon, the bishop Charalambos, some of them are now being named in My speaking about the holy beginning of the work of My church, strengthened by the saints full of modesty and full of humility of heart and abstinence by their self-denial, as I, the Lord, require of those who walk with Me on the way, and they and many others like them walked having great struggles between My holy ones and the enemies of the right faith. And after one thousand years since the foundation of My church by My disciples, oh, the time of the separation had to come, (The year 1054 – the separation of the Catholic Church, r.n.), and if this time came, then I, the Lord, have remained with a little flock, because most of it chose its way, and it threw the dice to know the fortunes and to choose its own order; however, by coming out from the obedience at the beginning of the church, its order has became variegated in such a way that, from time to time, it has taken place over the separated flock many other separations, (The protestant Cults and neo-protestant, r.n.), until there have appeared many other paths and names of paths, many choices of paths, each at will; however, I, the Lord, have remained faithful and wholly with those who have persevered in their walking according to the guide sealed by the saints for the spirit, for the body and for the walking of My church.


And behold, two thousand years have passed, and I am as whole as in the beginning, I am not divided, but I am working with the Father by the order that has remained and has been kept by the Orthodox church, the steadfast bride for her Bridegroom, (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) and that asks from the Father for the forgiveness of her mistakes, as she also forgives those who sin against her. And over time, from one time to the other, there have been many, and still there will be many who will bow to thoroughly know the true history and the faithful walking of the saints of My church, and they come with faith on the one which is the true way and kept at the root of the life pleased to Me for My church.


Oh, no one, no one can mock Me for the course of My church over time, even if there were and still are some of those who do not walk beautifully in their life according to the order of the saints of the church, for men fall in sins, but they still have at their disposal repentance and rising, and I am saying this because I see the boldness of the false prophets who keep on saying here and there that they have gone away from the order of the church left by the fathers because the servants of the Orthodoxy are not worthy, they do not honor God, they do not take care of their flock. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) However, I also ask these mockers: were or are they worthy since they stepped back to listen to the callings foreign to the Lord’s voice? Alternatively, are those, who persevere with steadfastness on the way of the faith of the holy fathers foolish? How about those who bow at random? Are these smart really? And do they leave because of they are so smart? Oh, it is not so, but these are those who let themselves be fooled and pulled out from the root; they are stubborn and haughty, and they are drunk with love foreign to the spirit of humility in Christ, even if they feel, as they may say, that they love God and that through the love they have, they draw and save many to God. Oh, who sends these people to do what they do? Oh, I'm not sending them. It has been prophesied[4] that they will appear, that they will come out of the flock and will deceive those who do not love God, and that they will say that Christ is with them, even if they cannot show that God is with them.


Oh, and who are those deceived by them? They are those who do not know the history, its steadfastness and the abstinence of the saints and founders of My church through the Holy Spirit left by God upon them. Those who have been deceived are those who have not put their hearts to know and to follow the Lord, and when they are shown the bait they think that the Lord has come out into their way.


However, I have a birth certificate like man, and My church has one too, but who is to tell this to those who are deceived and who do not know that God is confessed through the saints, through the disciples, through those who keep their body in control, through the teachers who are very skilled and wise, not just picked out from anywhere on the road, not formed anyhow, but by self-denial while they have been illuminated and equipped by God for the people?


Oh, and then I look at those who stay at the crossroads hunting souls, and see how they seek after those who are remarkable, known by some with a great name among people and they try to convince them so that they may be believed then and to draw others, ignorant on the holy way, as they may say, oh, and these remain in their wills, not in My wills, and they do not have any seal known by God, and they let themselves be fooled by any trap that may come into their way. However, I, the Lord, am clearly telling to all those who have been fished and fooled, and I am also telling this to the fishermen and their catch, and I am saying this: «The Lord knows those who are His». (2 Tim: 2/19) This is written and it is not otherwise, and it is not as man wants it to be, for man receives that what he deserves and finds that what he has been looking for, and then he thinks and he has found God. However, he who wants to find God for his life, then I, the Lord, am telling to all those who have been seeking, that it is through His church that He lets Himself be known, found and given as a gift to those who sanctify themselves for Him, for My church is the church of My saints, of those who, step by step, go up to the knowledge of God and to the obedience to Him.


And now I am saying: Those who want to be with God according to the truth, I am the Way for you, and I cannot guide you but only towards the church that I established through the saints, through the fathers and through the confessing martyrs of the holy faith, and the way is called, according to the language of the people, the Orthodox Church, and all its order for those who become God’ sons through the church, because other kind of sons God does not know to be His, but only if they come to the truth through His church, who come to become Christians and then to the life for the faith after that.


Therefore, this is the way, which I, the Lord, have spoken about that I am the Way. Oh, the history of My church is so beautiful, so beautiful. If man wanted to come on its path, then he would be filled with the wisdom of My saints, and he would be clothed in the wisdom from above, and I, the Lord, am saying on this day, marked with the name of the Sunday of the Orthodoxy, and I am telling to all those who want to try the love of God through the church, either good or bad, Orthodox or separated from it on other paths, and I am saying this: Oh, make the sign of the cross with your three fingers of the right hands and mark your body on the forehead, on the chest, on the right shoulder, then on the left one and then say: “Lord, have mercy on us!” and then you will see many miracles and overthrowing of devils, and then you will see satan shouting beyond you, and you will also see the fulfillments that will save you in times of war against the devil, oh, for men lack the weapon of victory, the cross and the use of it of those who are baptized, they do not have the cross just as the soldier lacks his weapon in the time of war. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.)


Oh, I do not want you to suffer dangers, Romanian country, (Now, from the coronavirus pandemic, r.n.) My country, Orthodox country, but I am telling you to make the sign of the cross and erect crosses all over your land, and do make the sign of the cross, Romanian sons, for Christ has come on earth and embraced the cross for you, and for those who believe in His coming, and then keep yourself in the faith of the church from the beginning, oh, and call Me close to you, for blessed are those who choose Me as their Savior in time of trouble!


Oh, behold some holy advice I am still giving you: Do not sell and do not buy on Sunday, sons, for it is the day of the Lord, it is the day of resurrection, Romanian sons! Make a little path on your way with the sprinkling can with holy water! Make the sign of the cross over all things and over you, over water, over food, over all your work, over the way on which you walk! Oh, make a prayer to God when you go to bed and when you get up, when you sit at the table, when you go to work, for David, My anointed one, was king and had so many worries in all the days of his reign over his country, but he always had time enough to speak to God both in joy and in sorrow, to bring before Me all his joys and pains, to go to bed and to get up with God, to praise the Lord in his heart, and with his voice all the time, oh, and behold what love is and what the living with God is in all things and all the time. Oh, how could God forsake such a loving man, and how could such a godly soul stay without God?


Oh, do not leave your country that is so

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