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Book online «2021.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synod of Saint John, the Baptist by Lord Jesus (read this if TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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My word when I come and speak to you. (See the selection topic: „About baptism”, r.n.) Oh, for such a long time I have been speaking to you to know from Me how to behave during this dangerous time for the world, and even for those who are on God’s side in their heart.


I said by this word at the beginning, I said, Christian, if you stay with Me, even on your feet you will not be splattered, just as I said in My time with Virginia, (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet - see selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) and you are not supposed to ask Me about you, for behold, I am asking you about Me and about those that you have learned from Me, and you have to know as a man who has been taught by God.


«Come out of the world, My people!» This is written in the Scriptures for God’s child to do. God cannot protect you if you do not come out of the world, for in the world are only those who serve the ruler of this passing age, and I said: «Cheer up! I have overcome the world!» (John: 16/33)


Satan walks, and he stealthily tries to gather those on earth for himself and to put on them his pagan sign, as it is written that he will seek to do, so that he may lose all people afterwards, and not to be the only one to lose, for he knows that he will lose his fight against Christ.


However, you, those who know Jesus Christ in this word coming with the clouds, oh, do not be afraid, do not fear of anything but only of your separation from God, sons, only when satan puts his sign on you! Do not be inclined within your will to side with satan and with his robe of benefactor!


I have always told the Romanian people not to let itself be deceived and enchanted by the antichrist’s servants, who have their hearts set on this land, on this Christianized land, and I have also told it not to let itself be injected by satan’s sign, for a bad pestilence comes after that, written in the Scriptures that it would come over those with satan’s sign in their flesh pushed by a hidden trick by the mind of the man who does satan’s will, who makes peace with satan. Oh, and I have also asked the antichrist man to depart from the Christian people, to leave those who are Mine alone if they have chosen to be Mine, and I have asked him to go to his own and exercise his will there and not over those who have chosen to be Christians, unless they have allowed to be undressed of the Christian garment and of the robe of their baptism.   


Oh, Christ’s Christians by your faith in Him and by your baptism in the church, oh, sons, seek to be wise now, more than anytime. Flee from the man of lie! Hide from before the one with a benefactor face but with a heart of a wolf for Me and for you! Persevere in prayers, in the love for God and for the saints by the power of your faith and of the cross, sons! Ask from God protection and victory against the devil! Ask by the Christian cross that satan may perish! (See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) Ask this by a holy life, and watched by a holy mind, lest it may come to your mind and say like the devil who wants to undress you of your Christian robe.


Oh, do not give yourselves into the mouth of the wolf! A wolf is a wolf and is not something else. Oh, you do not know those who come near to you in order to tear you now. Those who are not known to you are a trap, sons. Behold those whom you have sent to the helm of the country, behold how they are giving you over on the hand of the foreigners, of those whom you do not know, dear Romanian sons, on the hand of the pagans in their life and faith, sons. Oh, your rulers do not care, they do not care about you, they really do not care because they have joined the mob that gathers around the beast and give it entire control, as it is written in the Scriptures about the truth of this time, and you are left uncovered, and there is no man to protect you from wolves and from beasts. However, I am coming to teach you, I am coming to clothe you with power from above and with the spirit of wisdom, for your rulers do not want to know about the danger of the time and they come out and keep on coming out and are telling you to submit to the work with a hidden face, to the antichrist’s army and before the lawlessness on earth, for your rulers have no mercy on you.


Oh, do not go alone into the wolf’s mouth. It sharpens its voice and softens its voice so that you may not know his hidden plan to destroy your future with God, your eternity with Christ, of Whom satan’s servants are afraid.


Satan is the enticing serpent, and man listened to its voice in paradise to take from the tree of the good and evil, the tree of knowledge, oh, and satan and man fell from paradise, and man has in him good and evil, and the devil is the evil, it is the adversary what made man fall from paradise, oh, and you do not have to stir up evil in you, man, but you should choose good, but do you know what good and evil is anymore?


People go to the priests about whom people say that they draw the devils out of those who are possessed by the evil spirit. Oh, I could not do anything to escape Adam from the devil, and man, poor of him, thinks that the priest saves the wretched one from the evil spirit, when sin is the greatest dirt, but until man does not agree for his good, oh, you have nothing to do for him, because the devil makes a circus before the people by his servants, and then the news is spread that the devils submit and obey, when every man is full of the spirit of pride on earth, and pride is a demon, and many years ago, I said that there is no man without a demon in him, oh, and I saw the spirit of murmuring working against the word I had spoken.


Well, man, who are you so easily ready to commit sin in your body, oh, why did you wonder, why do you wonder? However, if you do not get rid of the spirit of pride, the spirit by which you got angry with Me when I spoke the word against the sin in man and I called it demon, oh, why do you still wonder?


Man makes a circus with a spirit of pride, with sin, with all kinds of tastes pleased to satan, and he still wonders that God speaks about the demon in man. Oh, do not wonder, but rather humble yourselves! Do not do like Adam, who got upset with God after he had listened from satan and took in him the work of good and evil by eating from the tree of knowledge, and thus eating at satan’s advice. Oh, is it possible to say that the Pharisee from the Gospel did not have any demon in him, when he left being ashamed before God, Who sees the man and the man’s work? Is anyone able to see that satan did not work in Peter, the apostle, when I rebuked him and I told him: «Get behind Me, satan!»? (Matt: 16/23)


Oh, sons, make a right judgment like God, for behold, man judges by appearance, poor of him. Satan urges you from inside of you, man, and you speak with pride, you get to like yourself, you doubt others, you grow cold to God and brothers and leave at satan’s urging. You turn away from watching over yourself, from the love of your brothers, but you also suffer damage, just as David drew harm upon himself after he had sinned and assumed the right to commit sin, while he thought he was worthy of the love of God, but in fact, he was subject to guilty desires and paid with four sons in return, oh, and so does satan with those who let themselves enchanted in such a way that he may do them more harm afterwards.


John, the Baptist, came out to the river Jordan two thousand years ago and started to call out over the people: «Repent, you, people, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Make ready the way of the Lord, make His paths straight, for it is written that every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, the uneven shall be made level, and the rough places a plain, and all the creature will see God’s salvation». (Matt: 3/3, Isaiah: 40/3-5) Oh, and John was also calling out: «Bring forth fruit worthy of repentance… for every tree that doesn’t bring forth has the axe at its root to be cut down». (See Matt: 3/10; Luke: 3/9) And the people were asking him: «Teacher, what must we do?» (Luke: 3/12) Moreover, he was exhorting everyone according to the teaching for the fruit of repentance, and many were wondering: «Is he not perhaps the Christ?» And John was answering to those who thought he was the Prophet: «No! I baptize in water, but the One Who comes after me is greater, and He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire, for He has got His fan into His hands and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor, and will gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire». (See John: 1/21, Luke: 3/15-17)


Come, My dear disciple, come, and sit down into the book with your voice! We are in a spirit of the feast of Epiphany, you and I at Jordan, you and I here, now, at the water of the river of life, the word that flows from God’s throne. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)


― Oh, Lord, oh, little Lamb Lord, Your time and mine was then the work of the heaven on earth. Since the news were given by the angel to the father Zacharias, who had no longer spoken but remained mute, nine months had passed and then he was able to speak and said a prophetic word, speaking over me: «And you child, will be called a prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the face of the Lord to make ready His ways, to give knowledge of salvation to His people by the remissions of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the dawn from on high will visit us … to guide our feet into the way of peace». (See Luke: 1/76-79) I was just been born when my destiny was spoken over me, and then it was fulfilled the whole word spoke by God to come upon me and to make my way of life on earth. 


Oh, and the same is now; we are working likewise during this time and we are working by the word and are preparing the nations for the knowledge of salvation, Lord, and this is in the remission of their sins.


The whole saving medicine for man is kept ready to be shared through the church built by You on the

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