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Book online «Dark Book Of Shadows by Magickal Warriors (most read books in the world of all time TXT) 📖». Author Magickal Warriors

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You can bind someone to a promise they've made, especially
if that particular person has been known to go back on their word.

Bindings are commonly used to stop or prevent the actions of another person. By their very nature, Binding spells prohibit the free will of another. Therefore, they violate the Wiccan Rede, and should only be considered as an extreme and final form of self defense. Binding spells are not the answer to petty animosities between people... in fact, that is when they are most likely to backfire.

A Binding is designed to block, bind, or otherwise restrict the flow of energy of another person. In order to do this, the magician must link their personal energies to the person they wish to bind. Thus, the magician becomes equally bound. Therefore, if the magician is in the least bit suspect in their motives for building this “dam”, it will break and flood the magician with the after-affects.

This type of magick is strongly discouraged for the potential negative consequences associated with it. Not recommended until you've been working with energy for a long time, if ever.

Binding Spell for General Use

You'll need:

A piece of lightweight cardboard

Writing/drawing utensils

Black yarn

A fireplace, bonfire, cauldron, or other safe place to burn the cardboard

Cast a strong protective circle around yourself and all participants before you begin.

Take a piece of light-weight cardboard and draw images and write words on it to represent the evils that you wish to bind. For example, draw a man with an X crossing out his heart to show it is closed, write words like "Greed", "Irresponsibility", "Disrespect", etc. Then crumple the cardboard up into a loose ball.

Take a piece of black yarn and wind it around the cardboard twenty one times. With each time you loop the string around the cardboard, say one line of the following chant...

With the thread of the crimes
of your own design
I bind your evil
Three times seven times.

I bind you from Behind
I bind you from Before
That you'll hurt my people
never ever more

I bind you from the Left
I bind you from the Right
I bind you by Day
And I bind you by Night.

I bind you from Below
I bind you from Above
That you may ever know
The laws of Life and Love

I bind you with your own
Good conscience Within
And so let this magic
And spin....

Tie off the ends of the yarn with three sturdy knots to seal the spell. When done with this, burn the wrapped images and words in a loud, strong, crackling fire. Chant these words until it is thoroughly burned:

Goddess of darkest night
Send our troubles all to flight
Burn them in thy sacred fires
And replace them with our hearts' desires!

Once the image is burned and all negativity removed, do a positive visualization to replace it. For example, visualize people laughing and dancing in rainbows, etc.


Take an artifact or picture of the person and bind it with tape while saying:

(Person's name) I bind you from doing harm to others or your self.

Repeat 3 times.

To bind a spell

Always bind your spells! Here are three simple chants to do so:

For the greater good of all and with harm to none,
This spell is bound, and will not to be undone.
By the power of three times three,
As I will, so mote it be.

"By karmic power number three,
This spell tied and knotted be,
so that its contents stay together,
and can't harm human, beast or weather."

Now's the time of the three times three;
This spell I bound. So mote it be!

Hecate Binding Spell

This particular binding spell mentions taking away another's ability to use magic, so it could be used on people you think have tried to curse you.

Cast your circle and say:

In Hecate's name we bind ____ to the flame
May she bring nightmares, depression, and pain
We cast ____ to the wind, that all know his/her shame
May Hecate envelope ____ in the threefold law
May all forget ____'s shame, their harm, their call
May their ability to raise magic fall on deaf walls
We join our energies, fellow friends in the Craft
May Hecate stop ___'s harm in the future, present and past
Only when their deeds are reversed will this binding be uncast
So Mote It Be!

Binding off Harm

You'll need:

A photo of the person you wish to bind
Black pen
Black glove
3 tsp black pepper
Small round mirror
Dark cloth
Black candle (optional)
You can burn a black candle while you do this spell if you wish.

If a person wishes to harm you, take their picture and write their name nine times on the back in black. Take a black glove and place 3 tsp of black pepper in the glove. Take a small round mirror and place this picture facing the mirror, and place the glove stretched out as a hand on the back of this picture. Take some twine and wrap it all together while saying:

"Everything you say to me, everything you do,
bounces off of me three times, and sticks itself on you."

Then wrap it into a dark or black cloth and hide it somewhere near the entry door which is most used in your house. Results should start to be evident in about three days.

Best done on a Wednesday night.

Enemy Binding Spell


1 ice cube tray

1 piece of paper



Write your enemy's name on several small pieces of paper. Put the papers in an ice cube tray, using one paper/name for each hole. (If you have their signature that would be even better.) Fill the tray with water and put in freezer (this prevents them from taking any energy against/towards you.) If you want to sweeten them up, add sugar or honey to the water before freezing.

Binding Love Spell

You'll need:

A yard of red ribbon

2 photos (yours and your beloved's)

A needle or sharp object to poke holes into the photos

Poke holes in the pictures then sew them together chanting your desire.

Warning! Remember, as with all binding spells, you are also binding yourself to the other person - think before you do it! Binding spells have a tendency to become really complicated! You might be binding yourself to a cheat, lazy bum, or serial killer - it could happen!

Also, keep in mind that attempting to force another to conform to your will is highly immoral. In addition, it doesn't always work. Don't write to ask me what you did wrong. If the spell didn't work then your relationship simply wasn't meant to be. (Actually the clue that your relationship wasn't meant to be was given to you when you got dumped.)


Piece of parchment paper Quill pen Dove's blood ink
Two white gender image candles
Red string Bewitching oil Pot of soil
Cut a piece of parchment paper into a small square.
Using a quill pen, write in dove's blood ink the person's full name at the top of the
square and your own at the bottom of the square. When the parchment is dry, turn it
over and place to white gender image candles in the square.
Tie a red string around the bottom, then wrap it around the two candles until you get to the heads.
Wrap it seven times total. Tie the string.
Next, pour bewitching oil on the candles, making sure to soak the string.
Concentrate on the person you want bound to you. Then light the candles.
After they have burned completely, take everything that's left and bury it in a pot of soil.
Keep it close to where you sleep. To undo, simply dig it up.


A brown candle Controlling oil Parchment paper A black pen.
Write down your situation on the paper, underneath it write the outcome.
Anoint the candle with controlling oil. Put the paper under the candle, then light the candle.
Visualize your problem and it being solved (meditate on it for awhile).
Let the candle burn itself out.


You will need your magic mirror or a consecrated small round mirror,
a wide-mouthed glass jar, ashes, vinegar, a knife or something else sharp like a razor blade
or piece of broken glass, and an apple.
After sundown, set the jar before the mirror and place in it some ashes.
Fill it up about 2/3 of the way with vinegar.
Take the apple and carve into it something that will represent the person or the negativity which
follows or attacks you. Try and make it as clear as you can-while you carve, infuse the apple
with all of the negativity you perceive around you . Raise the apple above the jar and say:
"Evil send must come to rest
Reflect it back to who knows best
Energy spent for evil and bane,
Go back now from whence you came
Far away I send you this hour
May all your attempts to harm turn sour!"
Place the apple in the jar-for best results do this spell for three consecutive nights.


Take a piece of paper and write the name of the person that is to be bound on a "3x3" piece of paper, using a black ink pen or a pencil.

While you do this visualize the face of the person on your mind. When you have written the name cross it with an inverted pentacle (5 pointed star within a circle).
Fold the paper twice and take a rubber band and tie the paper with it. Raise it to your temple and chant three times the following...
"To be protected from you,
This magic charm i will do,
With this words i bind thee,
For you to let me be,
To be protected from your harm,
I now seal this charm".
Now place the paper on your right shoe and slam your foot on the ground nine times (doesn't have to be so loud that everyone hears it) As you slam it the ninth time say...


Do on a waning moon.
On a sheet of paper, write the name of the person who you wish to bind. Also write down some negative behaviors that you would like to change positive. Roll the paper
and wrap with black ribbon, set paper on fire, and place in a fireproof bowl. Chant this until completely burned:
"As this paper chars and burns, all these behaviors soon will turn."
Dump the ash in the water. Visualize it glow with power of peace. Concentrate on your intent. Take the water and ash to a north tree at your home, and pour water & ash
around the base while chanting three times:
"Sink this into mother earth, give love and understanding birth."
Visualize how things will be different.
"So mote it be!"

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