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Book online «Fallen by JaX (beach read book .txt) 📖». Author JaX

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/> An unruly scream escaped her dry throat but was quickly silenced as his hand clamped over her mouth. She wriggled underneath his grip but could not get loose. He brought his finger to his lips. “Shhh.” She nodded her head in understanding, and his hand relaxed, moving away from her.

“Abaddon?” She whispered tearfully.

“Long time no see, Sarine.” A smirk lightened up his face as he leaned against the wall. “How have you been?”

She frowned at his last words. “How do you think I’ve been? I have been trapped here for three years now… I’m peachy!”

“You have always been one for sarcasm.” He chuckled.

Abaddon, the Angel of Death. The holder of the key which confines Satan in Hell. An angel neither good nor evil and Sarine’s eternal brother when they once had resided in Heaven, before pride had consumed the heart of Lucifer.

She had begged Abaddon to join her and rebel, but he had refused, he had refused her. His last words still rang in her mind, “I cannot turn my back on my Father. I am sorry.” And with that he turned his back on her, reporting treachery to Michael the Archangel. Hurling her, along with so many others, down into the fiery depths of Hell. Commencing the battle between Father and Son, the battle which Angels and Demons were only pawns. The battle being the end of humanity.

“Why are you here?” Sarine asked, suddenly suspicious.

“What, I can’t visit an old friend?” He questioned back teasingly.

She raised her eyebrows, irritated at his mocking words. It hurt her to think of him, and here he was acting as if everything had been a joke.

Abaddon’s grin vanished as he lowered his head solemnly. “Why can’t things be the same with us again?” He murmured sorrowfully.

“It can never be. Betrayal is not easily forgivable.” She spoke softly, letting her own words sink in.

Bright hazel eyes flashed up lividly, stalking towards her. “I never betrayed you.” He growled each word distinctly. “You disobeyed our Father. That is your own doing, not mine.”

I smiled bitterly, “Right, so I’m at fault. You’re the innocent son while I’m the rebellious prodigal daughter who actually has a mind of her own.” Sarine tossed the white sheets aside, as she began to climb out of the bed.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m through with reminiscing on the past. I’m leaving.” Her small feet touched the cool tile, bringing a slight chill.

“No you’re not.”

“How do you expect to stop me?” She took a step forward then halted, something was blocking her exit. An invisible circle barricaded her in a small space, limiting her little access. It contained two pentacles of the Key of Solomon, drawn by blood. She stared at the floor, following the lines with her eyes. It was portrayed perfectly, no way of escape.

She glared at the grave dark angel, baring her teeth. “A Devil’s Trap?” she snarled. “How dare you imprison me this way!”

“I had to, there was no other way. I am sorry.”

“Do not apologize. Release me at once!” she demanded. She felt like an animal, caged against her will. Unable to move, unable to fight.

“I will, once you listen to what I have to say first.”

She stayed silent, a fierce look in her eyes. She didn’t give a damn about his speech. She only wanted out. Out of this room and away from him.

He cleared his throat and walked to the window. “I have orders-” Sarine rolled her eyes and muttered, “Of course.”

He continued. “I have orders unlike any other. It is based on a prophecy,” He turned to look at her, “You know of it, the Seventh Seal?”

She nodded her head slowly, unable to comprehend his words.

“Two of the betrayed shall fight and only one shall be victorious. One being the darkness and the other being the light. This will be the breaking of the seventh seal. Which shall release the Devil from its chains, and bring about Armageddon, wrecking havoc upon the world to come, being no end for seven years. As it is written, so shall it be.”

Each of his words coursed through his mouth like a gentle wave upon the ocean. It surged through her body with immense power and command. She swayed down onto the bed, placing her head in her hands.

“I am the seventh seal; my blood will open the gates of Hell. You weren’t sent here as a punishment, you were sent here for a different purpose.” He took a deep breath, and spoke softly. “To kill me.”

Sarine shut her eyes, struggling to maintain those words. She wanted to block out his voice, to hide away from the agonizing pain she was feeling in her now pounding heart. Her hands shook violently, overriding her senses. “It can’t be.” She whispered.

“It is.” His voice was now stoic, locking away all emotion. “The sixth seal has just been broken by one of your higher-ups. Lucifer has seven followers and you happen to be one of them. You are the one to break the final seal.”

Sarine stopped trembling and looked at him with a fiery determination. She clenched her fist tightly, her nails biting deep into her flesh. “I will not!”

Abaddon glanced at her surprised, stupefied at her sudden defiance to her master. “You must though; you will die if you do not.”

“Then I will die.” She stated simply.

He was quiet and withdrew an object from his coat; Sarine was unable to identify the item in his hand. He held it behind his back, stepping forward.

“If that is your wish, then I shall deliver the final blow.”

“What?” She gaped at him, seeing the silver glinting blade clenched tightly in his hand.

“I cannot turn my back on my Father. I am sorry.” He murmured a remorseful expression upon his face. Those same words he had used to betray her were now being thrown back in her face yet again. This time they were to meet her death. Abaddon raised the crystal knife high in the air and plunged it down swiftly, silencing her helpless cry.
The Chains Which Bind Me to Your Cross

"They have left me among the dead,
and I lie like a corspse in a grave.
I am forgotten,
cut off from your care.
You have thrown me into the lowest pit,
into the darkest depths."
Psalm 88:5-6

On instinct she shielded herself with her arm raised high above her head. Prolonging her unexpected demise. The sharp edge of the blade sliced into her skin, peeling it back allowing a deep crimson color to run down and stain the white bed sheets.

Tears stung her opened eyes as she saw the dagger retreat back to its original owner. Hastily Abaddon pressed his forefinger down and wiped the red dripping liquid clean off the blade. He turned to the wall and smeared a blood stained symbol upon it. Without delay he cut into the palm of his hand with the same deadly weapon, bringing out the familiar red color once more. He placed the knife down and pressed his palm against the symbol engraved in the wall. A blinding light flashed and Abaddon took a sigh of relief, as he turned to face the bewildered girl.

“I do apologize, but I was under watch. This should keep them at bay for now,” he murmured. He knelt down and placed his damaged hand on her injured arm, closing his eyes. A faint glow appeared underneath his hand and when he moved away, it vanished.

Sarine’s eyes widened as she viewed her now healed arm, the skin was knitted back together leaving only a faded scar in its place. His fingers shifted to her forehead, and traced out two swift strokes, a blood cross. “You are now under my protection.” Abaddon bent down further, reaching the devils trap and scratched a thin line across, releasing her from its confinements. Warily she took a step forward, then another, stepping outside the circle. She was indeed free.

“Now go,” he urged her with a gentle push. “I can only hold them back for so long. You have to leave.”

“What about you?”

“Its fine, I’ll survive.” He gave her a reassuring smile. But she knew he was lying, he wasn’t going to be fine. Most likely he will be dealt a severe punishment for letting her escape. This had all been an act from the start. He had all this planned out, choreographed to have him lose. He never wanted

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