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Book online «BACKSLIDING TO HELL by Mike Peralta (books to read to be successful TXT) 📖». Author Mike Peralta

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It is sin.

1st Corinthians chapter six verses nineteen and twenty: "Do you not know that your body is the temple, the very sanctuary, of the Holy Spirit Who lives within you, whom you have received, as a gift, from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price, purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own. So then, honor God and bring glory to Him in your body."

Matthew chapter twelve verse thirty five: "The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things."

James chapter one verses thirteen thru fifteen. "Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by, what is, evil and He Himself tempts no one. But every person is tempted when he is drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire, that is lust and passions. Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death."

That evil passion to masturbate is yours and yours alone it is an evil desire in your heart. If you are born again and you being the very temple of Almighty God, decide to drag Him through it. In all your fantasies and thoughts you bring God along, is it any wonder He is grieved? It is sin.

Sex was a gift from God for a married couple to give of themselves to each other. Masturbation is selfishness pure and simple. It is sin.

You a man are having sex with you a man, what's that called; I don't care what you are thinking of. You, a man, are performing a physical act with you a man. It is sin.

Romans chapter twelve verse one: "I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of, all, the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies, presenting all your members and faculties, as a living sacrifice, holy, devoted and consecrated, and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable, rational, intelligent, service and spiritual worship."

When you masturbate you do none of these, you do just the opposite. It is sin.

How bad is it? It is a grievous sin and it will grow and bring forth death.

How wide spread is it? Jesus said the last days would be as the days of Noah and Sodom. Luke 17:26-29.

Some of these statistics are as much as twelve years old and some have to do with pornography. Men you know what you do when you look at porn. In a 1994 survey of 600 Christian men. Of the married men who responded 61% said they masturbated, with 82% saying they did it at least once a week. 96% of single men under the age of 20 admitted to a masturbation habit. Only 23% gave "enjoyment" as a reason for doing it. The rest said "from habit," "because of their sex drive," "they were addicted to it," or from "lack of an outlet for sex" as the reason they engaged in masturbation.

In his book, "Men's Secret Wars", Patrick Means reveals a confidential survey of evangelical pastors and church lay leaders. 64% of these Christian leaders confirm that they are struggling with sexual addiction or sexual compulsion including, but not limited to use of pornography, compulsive masturbation, or secret sexual activity.

A study of university networks by Palisades Systems found searches for child pornography at 230 colleges nationwide. The research revealed that 42% of all searches on the file-to-file sharing systems involved child or adult pornography. The study also found that 73% of movie searches were for pornography, 24% of image searches were for child pornography, and only 3% of the searches did not involve pornography or copyrighted materials.

In December of 2000, the National Coalition to Protect Children and Families surveyed 5 Christian Campuses to see how the next generation of believers was doing with sexual purity:

48% of males admitted to current porn use 68% of males said they intentionally viewed a sexually explicit site at the school. From MSNBC Survey 2000: 60% of all website visits are sexual in nature.

At 13.3 billion dollars, the 2006 revenues of the sex and porn industry in the U.S. are bigger than the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball combined. Worldwide sex industry sales for 2006 are reported to be 97 billion dollars.

To put this in perspective, Microsoft, who sells the operating system used on most of the computers in the world, in addition to other software, reported sales of only 44.8 billion dollars in 2006. Internet Filter Review. Just one more identifier if you are still wondering if we are in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The number one search term used at search engine sited is the word "sex". Users searched for "sex" more than any other terms such as "games," travel," "music," "jokes," "cars," "weather," "health," and "jobs" combined. The study also found that "pornography and porno" was the fourth-most searched for subject. From Alexa Research.

When I was a kid I would try to sneak a look at playboy magazines. Now we have it piped into our homes by cable, by dish, by the Internet. We can even download it on our phones. We don't have to look on the street as in the days of Sodom; it's in our homes and it's in the church.

How widespread is masturbation? It is rampant everywhere, in the church and in the world and all the sin, the porn, child porn, prostitution that blossoms from it.

Do you think that the girls that are in the porn industry enjoy it? "Most girls who enter the porn industry do one video and quit. The experience is so painful, horrifying, embarrassing, humiliating for them that they never do it again." Luke Ford, quoted by CBS News.

Now think about this. Hollywood currently releases 11,000 adult movies per year - more that 20 times the mainstream movie production, films that you can view at you local cinema. LA Times Magazine, 2002. In an average porn movie there are between 5 and 20 girls that's between 55,000 and 220,000 girls as young as they can get them to be used and scared this way a year. These are just the legal ones not counting the one made with minors or children. That is just in the U.S.

God is going to hold you personally responsible for your sin of masturbation if you do not repent. But you are every bit as guilty of sin as those girls that got lured in to doing a movie. You are every bit as guilty as the producers of that movie that lured them into it. Why? You gave them your money to buy them. You helped make those producers rich, rich enough to lure those young girls with the money or a quick fix; you gave them the money every time you rented a movie. Are you so foolish and I am talking to Christian men, are you so foolish that you think God is going to punish those producers, send them to Hell and just let you slid on by when you supported it. Just because you wanted to masturbate? Just so you could get your selfish, ungodly two-minute high.

The average time a porn movie is watched in a hotel room is 12 minutes. Time dot com. March 29, 2005.

1st Corinthians chapter six verse nine: "Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, misled: neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality."

Masturbation is sexual immorality. Jesus said that sexual immorality will take you to Hell. The fruit of it is that it has help build a multi billion-dollar industry that has helped to destroy millions of lives. Keep practicing this sin and stand before Jesus with any excuse you wish. Gods Word says the sexual immoral will not enter in but will be cast into the lake of fire.

How do we stop, repent and turn from it? God has delivered me from pot, cocaine, crystal, acid, speed and alcohol. With each of these came a battle. Of all of these and some of these drugs I did for decades. The sin of masturbation was the biggest battle. But if you say that God can't deliver you for any reason, it's too strong or that's the way I'm made, if you give any reason stating that God can't deliver you of this sin you have: 1. Just called Almighty God a liar. 2. Just proved you don't want to be delivered.

1st Corinthians chapter ten verse thirteen: "For no temptation, no trail regarded as enticing to sin, no matter how it comes or where it leads, has overtaken you and laid hold of you that is not common to man. That is, no temptation or trail has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear. But God is faithful to His Word and to His compassionate nature, and He can be trusted not to let you be temped and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with temptation He will always also provide the way out, the means of escape to a landing place, that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently."

Jesus took all our sin indeed the sin of the whole world upon the cross. He came to set us free that we might live a holy and pleasing life toward God. Those who are set free by the Son of God are free indeed. God is faithful and He can be trusted, He will let no temptation come to you that is beyond your ability to resist and endure.

1st Thessalonians chapter four verses three and four: "FOR THIS IS THE WILL OF GOD, that you should be consecrated, separated and set apart for pure and holy living: that you should abstain and shrink from ALL sexual vice, that each one of you should know how to possess, control, manage, his own body in consecration, that is purity, separated from things profane, and honor."

It is God's will that you live a life free from sexual sin. A life of pureness and holiness in thought and deed. He would not require this of you if He knew you could not do it. He does not call you to build a house without giving you the tools, skill and materials to do it.

You still have to do the labor and it can be hard work. The question is, are you willing to do what it takes?

You first have to come to realize how deadly serious this sin is. It was easy for me to say I know I was a drunk and a drug addict. God said no drunkards shall inherit the Kingdom of God. When something has that much control over you, you know it.

I first had to realize it was a sin not a disease. That would mean that I was in danger of going to Hell because I was sick. I did not catch drunkenness like I would catch the flu.

It was because of my actions and lack of actions, choices I made that led me to depend on alcohol and drugs to deal with my life and myself.

It is the same with masturbation. Yes God gave you a sex drive. Yes God made women attractive. Yes God gave most men a desire to have that one companion to be intimate with in all areas of life and not just sexually. That is why God gave us marriage.

Paul wrote that he wished that all men were like he himself single or unmarried. But this was a gift from God for him to fulfill his calling that the

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