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Chapter 1: Hell Testimony About Lust, Pornography, And Sexual Immorality


Chapter 2: Hell Testimony By Carmelo Brenes


Chapter 3: Hell Testimony By Michael Thomas Sambo


Chapter 4: The Gospel Simply Explained






I urge you to take these messages about Hell very seriously. There are many, many people in Hell right now that thought they were right with God but they found out at the moment of their death that they were not, because of sin and disobedience in their lives, and then they found themselves in Hell. As God tells us in Phillipians 2:12, "Continue to work out your salvation in fear and trembling." Also, as it says in Hebrew 12:14 where it states that "without holiness no one will see the Lord." Both very direct statements about being very careful to live holy and obedient lives in the fear of God.

And if you serve Jesus with a purity of heart and wholehearted devotion and continuous communion with God, He will enable you to live holy and pure since you will continuously hear His voice in your spirit. And obeying and staying in continual fellowship with Jesus is not burdensome but will actually cause a continuous joy in your life – regardless of what is happening around you.

I have compared these testimonies very thoroughly with the Bible and I have found all of these below to be consistent with the Bible. All of these testimonies vividly illustrate how we will be judged if we don't repent of these sins. Even if you don't believe, God is still going to judge you according to His Word. Of course, God has provided these warnings because He so desperately wants you to choose eternal life. To choose Him. He really wants to bring you to heaven with Him. His warnings are His mercy to us. But He cannot choose for us. He has given us all a free will. It is up to each one of us to choose Him. To choose eternal life by repenting of all sin and surrendering our life completely and eternally to Him. Remember Jesus said that "He who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:13. This means that our commitment is not a one time commitment but a continuous commitment during all of our life. We are to fervently love Jesus with all our heart and actions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

NOTE: These testimonies and teachings have been taken from my book “Hell Testimonies” by Mike Peralta, available at and obtainable at bookstores by order.

Chapter 1: Hell Testimony About Lust, Pornography, And Sexual Immorality

by Mike Peralta


Note: The first 5 pages in this chapter is based on Dan Corner’s article:                                    (Used by Permission)


In the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus must have shocked the people of His day when He equated lust to ADULTERY! His actual words from Matthew chapter 5 verses 28 and 29 are:

"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed ADULTERY with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into HELL."

Please note the serious consequence of lust or mental adultery. Immediately after verse 28 where Jesus equates lust to adultery He describes the consequence in verse 29. And the consequence is Hell itself. According to Jesus, who always tells the truth, if you lust you will end up in Hell ! Therefore, this sin must not be taken lightly, as many people do.

The chief aim of this article is to provide the facts regarding "lust" as used in Matthew 5:28. Many downplay the serious consequences of lust. Similarly, remember this: Temptation in itself is not a sin. Jesus was tempted, yet Jesus never sinned. Therefore, temptation is not a sin. It only becomes a sin when you yield to it.

The Greek word rendered "lustfully" in Matthew 5:28, NIV, is found elsewhere and translated in such a way as to help us know what the Lord equated to mental adultery. This same exact word is found in Luke 15:16 and Luke 16:21. It is also significant to note that Jesus gave us these other usages. Hence, he chose to use the same exact word in these other teachings as he chose to use in Matthew 5:28! Those verses translate lustfully as longed and longing, respectively:

"He the Prodigal longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything." "And Lazarus was longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores." The facts surrounding the sad circumstances of the Prodigal and Lazarus, two other places where Jesus also used the word rendered "lustfully" as mentioned in Matthew 5:28, help us to better understand its meaning.

Regarding its usage by the Lord in Luke's gospel, it seems evident that this word carries a meaning with it that makes it much deeper than just a casual glance at a woman, as some wrongly think. To substantiate this, Strong's Concordance defines this word as "to set the heart upon, i.e. long for". Greek Dictionary, page 31, number 1937.

Near the end of preparing this book, the Holy Spirit prompted me to explain a little more on the meaning of lust. Usually we think that only sexual fantasies qualify as lust. But the phrase “long for” is revealing more about what lust is about. Following the lead provided by Strong’s Concordance, I referred to a thesaurus and found that other words synonymous with lust are: longing, desire, covet, wish, yearn, hunger, crave, ache, and pine. If you are longing for, desire, covet, wish, yearn, hunger, crave, ache, or pine for someone who is not your lawful spouse then that my reader is lust. When examining your heart please consider these additional words and test your heart to see if you have any of these sinful desires toward someone who is not your spouse.

When men lust they tend to emphasize the visual and physical aspects of the woman and hunger and crave for a woman that is not their lawful wife. When women lust they tend more to the emotional aspects of desiring, coveting, yearning, or pining for a man that is not their lawful husband.

Again, a casual glance at the opposite sex is not being referred to in Matthew 5:28. However, when actual lust does occur, that is, when one "longs for" another, then adultery is actually committed! To deny this teaching is to doubt God's Word and the Lordship of Jesus Christ! This also clearly refutes the statement I've often heard - "It's okay to look, meaning lust, but not to touch." Jesus never taught lust was okay! Nowhere is this form of adultery, though solely mental, less serious than other forms, although many treat it as such! Remember, Jesus said it can send one to Hell. Matthew 5:29 !

How awesome to ponder this fact in regard to all of the pornographic literature and media that can be found in this country, through magazines, movies, CD's, the internet, and even on TV. Mental adultery is rampant! Truly, this is an "adulterous generation," as Jesus said.

Men committing mental adultery should also be a sobering thought for women who profess to be Christian and desire to please the Lord. Paul wrote that women are to dress "modestly". 1 Timothy 2:9. Yet at the same time, Paul was a grace teacher in the truest sense. So this isn't "legalistic" as some accuse, but simple obedience! To disregard the way you dress might possibly cause someone to stumble into adultery! The same applies to a man and his dress, for women can lust too. Read what Jesus said in Matthew 18:6 about stumbling another into sin and think soberly about the consequences of greater judgment when you cause someone else to sin! Furthermore, a woman who dresses with the intent to make men lust after her is on a par with a prostitute!

In our generation, TV is the prime way people commit mental adultery. Sometimes even while watching news one can be exposed to spiritually unwholesome scenes which the devil is pleased to present. These spiritual pollutants flood into homes across our land. Then people wonder why they are having trouble with lust! It may very well be that more adultery is committed before the TV set than anywhere else!

Furthermore, it's a sad day when people who profess to be God's servants are ensnared by their TV as their precious free time is spent never to be regained! Our generation will have to account for this incredible waste of time at the Judgment. Please note I mentioned "our generation" since television has only been available commercially since just after World War II. TV as a means of distraction and temptation, is something which the Twelve disciples never had. Remember this: Before the invention of TV, Christians got along fine without ever watching it! You can too! Or at least you can reduce the amount of time wasted by being careful and only watching wholesome content. By reducing TV time you will have much more time to labor for the Kingdom in one form or another besides the other advantages of not being tempted to lust or adopt the world's values in the first place.

If you are having trouble with lust or know someone who is, the remedy, in part, is to cut off the source of temptation! It's that simple. If literature is the temptation, then stop going near it. If it's TV or movies, stop watching them. This is what you are to STOP doing. Paul wrote: "Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature" Romans 13:14 . Also, remember sinful desires such as lust, adultery are warring against your soul, 1 Peter 2:11. You must war back or be conquered. A fight is a fight and not a "bed of roses"!

Furthermore, to get victory over lust, you should START spending more time

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