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love, intentional love. I love like no other. Soon the world will witness MY return. MY return will be dynamic. I am a GOD of greatness and when I burst on the scene, the world will know. It will be a glad moment for MY children, MY bride. It will be a devastating moment for those who thought they were ready, but were clinging too tightly to the ways of this world. Their shock will be great.

I want the people to know something. I take no pleasure in leaving anyone behind to face what is coming. I want MY people to come. I want to take you, MY people, out of the trouble that is coming to the earth. It will be a great time of sadness, grief, and devastation. Many will die and many will want to die. These days are slipping away. The hour is closing in. Every day MY people, you draw close to MY return and to the tribulation that lies in wait for this planet.

Soon I will make MY descent to retrieve MY beloved and to return her to safekeeping. These people, they think I am a GOD Who is far away from them. They do not seek ME. I am, in fact, very near each person. I am as close as they want ME to be. If they reject ME, I will trouble them not, but if they come near ME, I will be very close to them. I long for closeness to MY children. This is why you were created, MY children. You exist to be near your CREATOR to share a close companionship with ME, your MAKER, JESUS.

I am the reason you have existence. Without ME you would not be. Does that not mean anything to you? You breath, you walk, you talk, because I allow you these graces. Without MY life giving touch, you would be dust. I breathe life into you. I sustain your very being. I care for you. When I give life and take it, I, GOD know the reason for these actions. I have purpose in everything I do.

You may not understand, but I am GOD and I choose when you enter the world and when you leave. I control all life, I am everywhere, all the time. I know all. Your life is beautiful to ME. Even a life that is sin-filled has the beauty of MY Masterwork upon it. I create life and give it freely. I also prompt people to turn back to ME, all people turn away because they have the curse of Adam until they receive MY Blood-bought gift of MY Salvation and then turn to ME in full surrender and make ME their LORD and MASTER. This gift is free. I paid it. I paid your price for the sin you committed before a HOLY GOD. All humans come into life as sinners, cursed sinners.

I long for MY creation to turn away and come to ME through MY Salvation and complete work of MY HOLY SPIRIT by the washing of MY HOLY Words. This is how you will be ready when I come to take MY bride. There is no other way, MY children.

These letters will not go on forever MY loved ones. One day soon, this chapter of life will close and the worst possible event will happen: MY enemy will take over and MY wrath will be poured out and all men remaining on earth will feel the blistering sting of the evil and pain of life without a HOLY GOD’s protection, for MY Protection will be lifted and the evil will be unchecked and it will be a horrible time for the human race. No other time in human history will match the coming horror. This is MY coming punishment for a world that rejects GOD. Sad that it must be this way, but the people leave ME no choice.

I will only allow people to carry on in their sin for so long. I am putting out MY warnings. If MY people choose not to heed them, I still have given them out. Men will be without excuse if they come before ME apart from MY Blood covering. Without MY Blood covering, I cannot save them and eternal hell and doom will be their destination.

MY people, you need to think this through carefully, while there is still precious little time remaining. Eternity is forever. It is a time that your mind has a trouble grasping. Think this through very carefully. Soon we will enter into the hour of MY return and if you are not ready, then I will have to leave you behind. I do not want this for you.

So repent, turn away from your worldly pursuits and surrender while you still have this chance. MY patience is closing down. I am a great patient GOD, but as MY Word demonstrates, I do run out of patience for sinful men who engage in evil. MY Book is clear that the day comes when I will not look away from sin any further and MY destruction is complete when I choose to rid the world of sin. MY return will signal the hour of destruction and suffering for mankind. Come with ME. It is not too late to choose for ME. I stand ready to receive you.

The world is imploding on itself. You can see it coming, great sorrow and loss is at hand. Be wise and turn to ME. Be foolish and you will suffer a great loss, your life for eternity.

I am a GOD of Truth. This is Truth. Come to ME, your one true eternal Love. I, JESUS have spoken, Truth and Love. Time is short, don’t delay. Your life is in the balance. What will you choose?

I am your SAVIOR. MY Hands are pierced for your sin. Receive MY gift.

Rejoice the hour is near.



PART 46: In the letter to Susan, JESUS declares that HE is involved in the affairs of man and soon HE will retrieve HIS bride leaving those choosing the world to be left to face the worst.

JESUS tells Sabrina that HIS judgment is coming to the earth and the time is short and the people need to choose.


Dear Friends of Christ:

MY Pastor says that people whose job is spotting counterfeit money study authentic money so they can know when something is counterfeit. The same message holds true when it comes to the things of GOD. The authentic truth is contained in the Bible where everything can be tested.

The trouble is the enemy is doing everything in his power to take people away from reading the Bible and knowing the truth. The enemy will cause you to not want to read the Bible because it seems too hard. So the best thing to do is to pray to the LORD for understanding of HIS Word. This is why followers of Christ are disciples, there has to be a certain amount of discipline.

The enemy uses distraction to take you from reading and getting to know GOD in HIS Word. Almost everything seems more important then finding time for reading the Bible, so then it never happens. Pray for the LORD to bring the Bible to life for you and to draw you to its pages so that you will want to reject alternative activities because you desire to spend time with the Word of GOD.

Now is the time to be able to discern truth from the untrue. Pray for discernment in this late hour and pray for a hunger to read GOD’s Word. The world is full of books and many schools of thought—but the Word of GOD washes us clean through its truth.

2 Samuel 22:31. As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him. 

Ephesians 5:25. 28. 25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.


Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops!

Your friends in Christ,

Susan from the U. S. and Sabrina from Belgium.


Please Note: Jude of the Philippians has brought to us below three new brochures for printing and distribution to church congregations and to others. Thom Hale has added more youtube videos of the LORD’s letters at the link below and Mike Peralta has added a new MP3 audio of the LORD’s letters part 41 to 45 also. And we have received a new translated letter in German from Martina. Thank you everyone and may the LORD bless you.


Letter 82 from JESUS given to Susan on February 23, 2011.

I, JESUS am coming to Earth to sweep the bride off her feet and to fetch her home with ME. I, JESUS am ready for HOLY Matrimony with MY beautiful bride. I am ready to begin the nuptials and celebrate OUR wedding. I am a Great and Powerful GOD WHO is also Gentle as a LAMB. MY bride knows ME. She loves ME. In fact, I am adored by her.

This hour is the hour of decision. Do you plan to be with US when WE depart together for OUR new home together? Do you want to be with US as WE ascend upward into the heavenlies? It will be sheer beauty, a beautiful moment to be shared with ME and MY lovely bride.

Soon I will retrieve MY bride. Do you sense this MY children? Are you on guard: Watching? Waiting? Looking? If you are not, you may miss it. Don’t lose your place in MY Heart, in MY Kingdom. Don’t miss your chance for eternal peace and love with your MAKER, the ONE WHO brought you into existence.

Do you not want to come to the ONE WHO created you? There is no greater aspiration. Oh, you lust after the world. You grasp after the temporal thing as if it is all so important and life giving. It is a lie from the devil to deceive you to lose your place with ME in MY Kingdom. Don’t play with fire MY friends. The smoke from MY anger is escalating. The world ignores MY pleas, MY signs to watch for MY return. They use every excuse in the book to deny MY coming, MY return to remove the bride. Why do you doubt so, MY children? Can I not reach you? Will I leave without you? Can men and money save you in these dismal times? They cannot!

Come to your senses MY people. You cannot face what is coming. The fear you experience now about the future will be nothing compared to what is coming. It will be an avalanche of disaster, destruction, and deception, lies at every turn. You will not find truth. It won’t be. How can it be? MY bride and I will be at our wedding table, MY Hand of protection pulled away. You will face the worst. You reject MY current offer, and remain. The times are

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