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möchten, schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an Susan: Vielen Dank an Martina und Sarah, Sara.

If anyone would like some of the LORD’s letters that are now translated into Japanese emailed–please email your request to Susan at

God bless! Thank you to our dear friend Higashi Nobuo for translations!


Letter 78 Spoken by JESUS to Susan on February 14, 2011.

You may write these words down:

MY daughter, I am coming sooner than most people think. They refuse to believe that MY coming is so near. I am giving these people a little more time before the evil consumes the world.

The world is about to enter into MY new phase. Evil is gaining power and growing all around. The people will be caught off guard as they continue to embrace evil. I will continue to pour down MY wrath. I am a jealous GOD and MY people cling to their other gods, their foul gods. I will not be usurped, unseated from MY throne in their hearts. They place other lesser gods on the thrones of their hearts to rule over them. I am despising this and I will rebuke their ways.

I will pour out MY wrath over this people who have become so wretched, writhing about in their sin. It is a putrid stench under MY Nostrils, MY Holy Nostrils. I will not tolerate this arrogant way of disregarding ME, their One True GOD. I love like no other. I am the One Who created it all. I created the world, the universe. I placed the stars in the sky. I put them all in place, in perfect order. MY perfection is stunning.

Men cannot fathom MY detailed perfection in all I do. It is a wonder beyond the mind of man. All creation was planned and willed by ME, GOD, JESUS. I am the Eternal CREATOR, the PERFECT PLANNER. I put up stars in the heavens and I layout microscopic universes. I plan, I organize, I create, I create effortlessly.

MY thoughts are beyond the human capability. Humans who think they understand MY Ways and MY Creation do so because I give them knowledge. I give, I take, I create, I destroy. I can do what I please, when I please.

I take no pleasure in destroying MY Creation, but I cannot tolerate evil, evil men and evil works. I will not allow this world to carry on in its overwhelming evil any further. Soon MY wrath will be poured out on mankind that so rejects ME, its MAKER.

How do men go about their daily walks and never once consider who made them? Why do they think they are beyond knowing their GOD, even imagining that I exist? They come up with all sorts of explanations for my creation, MY brilliant planning. These men are evil. They want so desperately to escape answering to a HOLY GOD. They contrive all sorts of explanations for the unexplainable. MY handy work is so complete, beautiful, and detailed, only a GOD of unexplainable abilities could have conceived such a universe and the life within it.

I alone paint the skies with beauty and boldness, every single day and night. Men want to explain all this away with their limited human comprehension. MY work screams of MY existence, yet the people reject ME outright. Soon I will reject these people who choose not to believe in ME, their LORD and a SAVIOR, they will go to dust and will cease to exist.

I on the other hand, will continue to create beauty. MY creations will carry on. These men, who discount the possibility of a great GOD, CREATOR will know what it means to come face to face with their CREATOR. They will know I exist, but their theories that GOD does not exist will become dust as well. I am sorry for their loss, but this evil deception will take many to hell and so many will suffer because the world is convincing itself I do not exist.

The world is full of fools who doubt MY existence. Where were these when I rolled out the foundation of the world, laid out the plans and brought forth the mountains, the springs, the founts? Where were these who disbelieve in GOD when I prepared the oceans and great waves, the stars, and the heavens? Where were these small-minded men, these evil thinkers, these who are deceived by their egos and lust for evil? I take no pleasure in these who disbelieve that I exist.

Why would I continue to bring down the rain and sunshine on even these who disbelieve ME? I am a GOD of love, compassion, purity, holiness. I have made all men and I care for them, but they have all gone their own way and reject ME outright. They create explanation after explanation; theory after theory about MY creations. Each created thing has an explanation of how these things exist apart from ME, a GOD of great magnitude. There is no other like ME. Only I can accomplish such feats.

Why do the people so readily dismiss such obvious greatness and the unexplainable?, because they cannot tolerate MY Rules, MY Book, MY Ways. They want to run amok and follow their own evil and the two will never merge. So they have contrived such plans of detail to explain the impossible. These men will surely come face to face with ME, their MAKER and explain why they chose to reject their CREATOR. I will not listen to their poor explanations. They will know about MY other creation, hell and they will have an eternity to explain why they are there. This will be their punishment for rejecting their CREATOR and leading so many astray.

Soon MY wrath will be poured out and MY punishment will be swift. I cannot allow evil to continue and the world will see the end result of its rejection of ME, its HOLY GOD.

If you are MY follower, you will be spared. I will take you to safety. Repent, surrender, turn from your evil ways and come quickly to ME. Time is winding down. These Words are true.

This is your LORD, the GREAT CREATOR and MAKER of Humanity,


Genesis 1:10. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Psalm 53:1. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.

Exodus 34:14. For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

2 Samuel 7:22. Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according to all that we have heard with our ears.


Letter dictated on February 16, 2011. Letter of heaven for the bride, Words from the LORD JESUS given to Sabrina.

MY Dear Children,

I want to give you a letter about heaven, MY heaven, MY Heavenly Kingdom.

Everything here is pure, the earth, the flowers, the grass. Everything breathes out ME. Everything worships ME. Everything greets ME. Everything breathes out worship and purity to ME. Thus, I have created everything in MY Heavenly Kingdom.

The flowers rejoice in their singing. The birds sing to ME their best song. The grass breathes in and out MY worship. The grass is pure. Everything is pure. In purity and cleanliness I have created everything. The melodies of their worship: the birds, the grass, the flowers, and the earth rejoices over ME greatly. Everything here is pure and clean. Their purity rejoices MY Heart. Their purity is MY Worship.

Let ME tell you about the animals. The animals are MY Worship. They reflect MY Glory and Creation. They are created in MY Glory. Nothing here is like you think it is. Everything here is different, so different. Purity is the reflection of MY creation.

The animals make their best song for ME. They worship ME day and night in their creation. They dance for ME their best dance. They sing to ME their best song. They love ME with their whole being. And I love them with MY Whole BEING.

The nature is wonderful. She is created in all MY Glory and Creativity. She breathes out MY Purity and beauty in all her essence. She breathes out ME in all her beauty. The water flows also reflect MY Purity. Everyone who drinks this will have eternal life: The Water of Life.

Everything here is pure, MY children and I have prepared a place for all of you in MY Kingdom. Anything you desire, this will come about here. I am a good GOD and have everything sorted out for you with great care. MY angels make sure everything is ready. Let me tell you that everything is ready. Everything is ready. MY Kingdom is ready to receive you.

Many are already here, many who have already fallen asleep in ME. They are already enjoying MY miraculous creation. But all will only be completed if I can bring MY bride to ME. Just like everything here radiates MY purity, MY bride must also radiate this purity. This is the only condition. They must shine as the pure water in MY Kingdom. She must be cleansed by the WASHING OF REGENERATION. She must be washed by MY WORD.

MY WORD must be permeated into her. I must be her being. I, JEHOVAH GOD must be her expression here on earth. This earth must shine of MY bride, of MY beloved. She is MY beloved, I love her heart.

MY bride is the one who overcomes unto the end, who abides in ME until the end, who allows no compromises with this world, who purifies herself with MY precious shed BLOOD. MY BLOOD is precious to her. She knows the value of MY BLOOD. She knows that MY BLOOD has redeemed her. She lives by MY WORD and keeps MY Commandments. She does all this out of love for ME.

MY bride is precious, so precious, who can pluck her out MY HAND?

Keep yourself for ME MY bride, because the time is up. The time is near that I come to receive you unto MYSELF and to enjoy a Royal Feast, ME and MY bride. A bride, who MY FATHER has set apart for ME. She is set apart for ME. I love her heart. She is precious in MY Eyes.

MY dear loved ones, this is a love letter for MY bride. I love your heart. Keep it apart for ME because your BRIDEGROOM is coming.

This has spoken. The Great I AM, your JESUS. Be ready!

2 Timothy 4:18. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Proverbs 22:11. He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his lips the king shall be his friend.

Titus 3:5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Revelation 2:26. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

John 15:7. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 10:28. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

John 14:3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Isaiah 43:4. Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.

Joel 2:16. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth

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