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We - The New Testament in Modern Speech (1929; as printed in 1944), Richard F. Weymouth. Yg - The Holy Bible, Revised Edition (1887), Robert Young.

So friend, as you’ve seen, the light keeps shining brighter and brighter as you go along reading this book. Sorry for the many Bible scriptures as if you are reading a lexicon. Remember, we are trying to build one solid theme through sound arguments, observations and the ultimate scriptural light. But I must apologise if so far you’ve discovered that I somehow indiscreetly condemned your current belief, profession or organisation and thereby alluded anything unwise and improper to it, especially from a personal point of view and not necessarily from what the Bible directly condemns or may approve, cause that’s obviously resolute and fixed from above or heavenly and no man can amend it to suit his wayward or blemished course.

So I’m only apologetic from a personal point view or opinion but never from divinely set standards as found in the Bible. But still, friends I wont refrain from apologizing if need be, bearing in mind that I’m also imperfect and my personal view may lack true justice or real soundness of mind at times. Technically speaking, there is no one evil or wicked existing confirmed up until the time Jesus does the judging among mankind. He is the Final Arbiter placed by Jehovah God to finally decide that who is a true sheep and that who is a goat as pointed out in Matthew 25:31-34. So, if you understand all that I wrote previously in this light, it’s only then you can pardon yourself or me in that case if either of us seemed to go beyond the fence in comprehension. Stay calm my friend and enjoy the rest of this book. Note, however that the way we choose to live our lives now matters a lot to Jesus and his Father as this will serve as a basis on which to judge us as conscious beings that have been brought to his knowledge and that of his Father. This answers the question that what will happen to individuals who die prior to the judgement time of Jesus. Jesus will simply decide their resurrection based on whether they knew him and his Father or that they deliberately rebelled like Pharaoh of old. The same principle works on those who commit suicide, Jesus will weigh all factors involved and judge as to whether the person showed a true lack of appreciation of life and so forth. Also, the category of those who died when there was no evangel brought to them at all will also be encompassed on Jesus decision on who to bring back to life on earth and who to leave dead forever. Just compare these verses when you have time: John17:3; Hosea 4:6a; Romans 6:7; Acts 24:14; Isaiah 26:19; Matthew 25:41,46.

So with all this in mind we can now clearly see that it is not a trivial matter of how we use our lives now as we do not know whether we will live to see the time of judgement by Jesus or that we may die before that time arrives. One thing is certain, all those deemed unworthy of being brought back to life here on earth will not undergo an eternal torment or what many call “the hell fire.” This teaching is contrary to God’s mercy as he simply told Adam that he will return to the ground and not migrate to eternal fire. While it is not a desirable condition either to ‘peacefully’ die eternally, it ought to show us the pure distinction between life and death, just like how you may be infuriated when your child tells you, “ I wish I wasn’t born!”

So to you as a parent it does make a big difference for your child to exist, even at times the child may use his or her’s involuntary being as an excuse for wrong doing and unwittingly expect you to withhold all necessary punishment for any misdemeanour procured. So, the same applies with us as individuals in God’s eyes, we simply cannot yearn to die ‘peacefully eternally.’ We have to be responsible for our deeds and not live a care-free life all the name that we didn’t ask to live and that dying forever in ‘peace’ is still fine, since there is no torment. No my friends, we ought not to reason that way. Life is a beautiful thing and to obey simply means longevity in a true sense, delight and true ecstasy, far more rewarding than the illusive or hallucinatory methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

Okay friends, I hope you are enjoying everything so far except for when you feel like I’m too self-condemnatory or self-denouncing as if I’m unsure of what I’m trying to portray to you. Well if this may seem to be the case then it means I’m like one of those people who jump into the rear seat whenever they are given a lift or sit at the back chairs whenever they enter a hall or classroom. Is it true modesty, lack of ego, a cultural background or just trying to hide away from who I am originally, as in character and will. Unfortunately some men use this approach when they enter into a marriage. They reason: For you to be a happiest husband you need to take a back seat and let her do the steering, driving or controlling. Such an approach is usually employed by men who want less headache and more fresh air. They reason that if using authority makes you unwelcome, rather relinquish it and enjoy the peace of not steering at all.

So, most men don’t like opposition especially when they know that they are doing the right thing. Anything that poses a threat simply causes mental debilitation, frenzy and awkwardness. That is why there can’t be two bulls in a ring. So, instead of fighting and arguing endlessly, men seek peace, not as sign of compromise, but to avoid needless conflict, arguments and confrontations.

So I am trying to apply a similar approach here in writing this book. If the reader wants to be the boss in review and scrutiny, then so be it. I have the powers of writing, but you have the power of analysis, comprehension, agreement or disharmony. But as a candid writer, I don’t go around doubting or weighing my readers’ motives and intentions. I simply use trust, love and an honest yearning for positive outcomes in everyone reading this material. Also, if you’ve discovered that it has largely been a copy and paste of the Jehovah’s Witnesses literature, then I wouldn’t argue much with you if you believe that you’ve found true sense or compatibility in all that you’ve been reading. They say Solomon built the temple, but the material was largely from David. Same, information can be derived from paternity, be it physical or spiritual, from observation and experience. It is in this vein that Paul told Timothy the words in 2Timothy3:14: “But you remain in the things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them.” – The World English Bible

So friend, our good book continues, sorry if it sounds as if I’ve been scolding or brandishing someone. You know, this character of mine is in fermentation, don’t worry friend, it will all come out for good or according to its Maker’s perfect specifications in a near future, not only mines, but yours too. A true new personality in a perfect sense. Wow, can’t wait for that time! You know friend, as I go on along trying to describe about how I feel and trying to get a picture of you wherever you may be, I notice that the more I try to touch on these the more erroneous I become, and the more I just I justify it is the more guilty, sullen and sunken I become emotionally. Proverbs 17:14 in the Good News Bible is rendered this way: “The start of an argument is like the first break in a dam; stop it before it goes any further.” The God’s Word Bible puts the same verse this way: “Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate, so stop before the argument gets out of control.”

Man has a big problem of falling on unpalatable extremes, both ends are undesirable. So now that I admit to falling victim of unjustifiable temper, I think it would be best if temper or wrath can be put to intense scrutiny in this umbrella of human imperfection, and maybe later on we can we view or try to diagnose this subject or issue of the marriage setting or arrangement. Sometimes it’s good to be honest with ourselves, some people may simply associate temper with rudeness, lack of respect, attitude and as being savage. Well, I don’t stem or insist so. Just saying, you know, in-case others see it that way.

Now friends, let’s say your sister ruins your favourite blouse. Your teacher gives you an unfair mark on a test. Just when you need it the most, your hair dryer refuses to work. For many youths, any such intrusions, injustices, and inconveniences can trigger great feelings of anger.

An article in Health magazine by Dr. Georgia Witkin-Lanoil explains: “As the brain reacts to an infuriating event, the autonomic nervous system is aroused. Adrenaline, released from the adrenal glands, begins to pour into the bloodstream, increasing heart rate and respiration, and stimulating the release of stored sugars for energy.”

With what results? “Actions we take under the influence of our own adrenaline,” continues Dr. Witkin-Lanoil, “are often overreactions. We scream, hurl hateful semi-truths, hit, damage, destroy or leave the scene in a huff.” An article in â€™Teen magazine similarly observed that anger “can make you say things you didn’t mean, lose your friends—and even physically ache inside.”

Did you ever lose your temper? If so, you are not alone. Like most of us, you no doubt felt quite foolish afterward and wondered, ‘Why did I do that?’ Yes, why is it so difficult for some to control their temper? Is it worth the effort to try to do so?

Why We Get Angry

Part of the reason we are capable of feeling angry from time to time is that we are made “in God’s image.” (Genesis 1:27) God himself can get angry! For example, the apostle Paul said: “For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way.”—Romans 1:18.

Note, though, that Jehovah God’s wrath results from a love for righteousness and justice. God’s wrath is not a matter of his simply ‘losing his temper.’ He controls his anger and expresses it in a righteous way. Thus, when he brought destruction on a wicked world by a global flood, he did not lose control of the situation. Rather, he kept “Noah . . . safe with seven others.” (2 Peter 2:5) Jehovah can therefore be described as “a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth.”—Exodus 34:6.

Because God created humans in his image, we have a built-in sense of justice. So when faced with unfair treatment or injustice, we may quite naturally feel anger rise within us. This happened to a number of godly people in Bible times.

For example, Moses, leader of the Israelite nation, became angry when several men led a rebellion against him. (Numbers 16:1, 15) And even Jesus Christ expressed anger! When he observed that men were carrying on commercial business in God’s temple of worship, he indignantly commanded: “Take these things away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a house of merchandise!” (John 2:13-16) Righteous anger is thus quite appropriate for a Christian.

Unfortunately, most of our anger is not righteously motivated. This is because, as the Bible says, we “are all under sin.” Therefore it continues: “There is not a righteous man, not even one.” (Romans 3:9, 10) So, then, our own imperfections—and the failings of others—are potent sources of frustration.

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