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suddenly in uncleanness, for the body is weak by the first built man’s falling, who was not satisfied and disturbed his being and fell thus into uncleanness. Oh, man, take from Me powerful teaching, for you are without protection on the earth, and you sink with your own body which takes you out from Me. Oh, man, teach yourself with Me, for I came after you to show what your life is. Amen, amen, amen.


Sons, I wrote Myself into My book of today with the heaven coming on the earth on a celebration of the New Jerusalem. I told the man what the ascension to the heaven means, and you should work the same way, and be the little children under My strong hand, for any perfect disciple will be like his Teacher. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all saints, on 06-06-1999



Oh, sons, I bring Myself together with the saints on your bosom to feed, for they from heaven are also hungry after those on the earth. We sit at the table, ones from others, sons; you from Us, and We from you, and We feed lest you die without food, without life, for this food is the heavenly life, the life from the man who has life in him.

Oh, how shall not be hard for the man to receive My staying with you? Love has to become the true God in man, and only then it is called this way; otherwise it is called sin, not love. Behold, I came and come, and find the man sinning. Oh, marriage does not mean self-denial, and I said that he, who wants to come after Me, shall deny of his own self. I told this also to those that are not married and to those that are married, but more I told to those that are married and I also say: the marriage does not mean self-denial. If the Scripture reads about a priest and about the bishop «to be the husband of but one wife», and this, in the Lord, as it is written in the Scriptures, here is what I, the Lord, tell you today: the priest or the bishop cannot belong both to the woman and to the church, and if he wants episcopacy, let him and his wife refrain from debauchery, from the sin within their own body, and, denying of their own self and of their bodies, let them take their cross and follow Me as servants for the heaven and for the church. The church is led by Satan today, not by Me, for the head of the church is the man: the man who becomes priest, and who marry first, but the Scriptures says this: «Your wedding and your bed should be clean, and God will judge the immoral». Amen.


Sons from the cradle, I want to establish through you on the earth the spread table of the kingdom of heavens, the table of heavenly knowledge upon the people, the table of humility, the meal of My word, for those on the earth do not come, because they have other food to eat, for the man got used to debauchery more than bread, and he suffers from bread but not from debauchery. This comes in hand to the servant of the church from the world, and it comes in his hand, so that the man may not have mind, for if he has, he will open it and see God and the devil with it, and he chooses what is best and most true for his true life.

When the scribes and the Pharisees were tempting Me about the man and the woman and their separation, I answered them according to the law issued by the sinful man, for the law is for the sinners, but I also answered them according to the holy law and said: «He who made them both at the beginning, He made them male and female and said: „Therefore shall a man leave his mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be one flesh and so they are no longer two. What therefore God has joined together let not man separate”». But behold, the man separated as both the man and the woman commit fornication and they are no longer one flesh; they are not the same as God made them, but each one is with his own body and does what they want and what they like, as their body leads them. Oh, it is a great mystery a man to be one flesh with his wife not two, but this mystery was only at the beginning and that is all, for the man violated it. The man separated what God joined together and the two were no longer one flesh, but rather they were two, and each one let oneself lured by the other one, and the man is enticed into debauchery by his own lust without any kind of orderliness. The Pharisees, who wanted to catch Me with the word at all costs, asked Me then: «Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away?». And I answered them: «Because Moses allowed you to leave your women after the hardness of your heart, but it was not so from the beginning. But I tell you that if you leave your women except for lewdness and marry another, you commit adultery and if you marry the one put away, you also commit adultery». Oh, what else should I tell these people who had their body unrestrained against their own soul? When My disciples heard what I said, they asked Me this: «Lord, if the case with the man is so with his wife, it is no good to marry». And I strengthened their wisdom saying: «This is a mystery and a word of mystery and only they understand to whom it is given to understand». And I also told them: «He, who is able to perceive it, let him perceive it». Amen. I was speaking carefully with them, as I had work upon them, and when they rebuked the children who were brought to Me, I told them not to rebuke or stop them coming to Me for of such was the kingdom of heaven, it was of those that were not lewd.


The apostle Paul answered also carefully at the beginning of My church when asked by those that joined the clean teaching and said: «It is good for the man not to touch a woman; nevertheless, to avoid lewdness, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband, for they who have come together for a long time are tempted by satan for their incontinence». But the restrained one does not want this law for he is clean. Oh, it has been so on earth since the man’s falling. The one who cannot restrain, that one is getting married, as when choosing between fire and marriage, marriage is better than fire. This is the law for those who cannot restrain and are not free. My apostle sought by all means to give laws against disorder over the churches, but he was saying: «Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be loosed. Are you loosed from a wife? Do not seek a wife». And he also said: «Let they who have wives be as though they had none, as the fashion of this world passes away». And he also said: «He that is unmarried, is anxious for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But he that is married, is anxious for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife and thus he is divided». And he also said: «The unmarried woman or the virgin is anxious for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy, both in body and in spirit. But she that is married, is anxious for the things of the world, how she may please her husband». And to all these he added: «I speak this for your own profit; not that I may cast a snare upon you, as I advise you for that which is comely and decency, and that you may attend upon the Lord without distraction; for I speak, not the Lord».


Amen, amen I say to you, sons which carry My word to the nations of the earth: I did not tell the man to get married. The marriage, which man set among the mysteries of the church, is not a mystery but a pain for Me, for the man gives his body up to incontinence by marriage.


«Meats are for the belly, and the belly for meats, and God will destroy it and them. The body is not for lewdness, but for the Lord; and the Lord is for the body». This is what My apostle said to those who wanted to follow Me; and he also told them: «Your bodies are the members of Christ. Do not make of your bodies and your members, the members of a harlot, for he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her, for as the Scriptures says, the two will be one flesh; and he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him». Amen. And also we went on telling them: «Flee lewdness. Every sin that a man does is without the body. But he that commits lewdness sins against his own body. Do not forget that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit Which is in you and Which you have from God, and you are not your own, for you are bought with a price. Your body and your spirit are God’s; they are a house of His glorifying». Amen.


Oh, sons joined unto Me, oh, it is hard for a teacher until he puts a whole teaching upon the man subjected to the teaching, upon the man who starts to learn from God. Behold how much the apostle Paul avoided it until he could tell the man to flee lewdness, which is sin inside the man’s body, in respect to other sins which are done without his body. I did not tell the man to get married and those who perceived it said: «Lord it is no use for a man to get married». And I answered them: «This is a word to be hidden, and is for those to whom it is given to perceive it». When I was at the wedding from Cana, I made the couple one spirit with Me for they joined onto Me and did not take the sin in them. Behold, I did not tell the man to get married, but on the contrary, I said: «My coming will be as in the time of Noah, when men were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day they incurred the flood from heaven». (See selection topic: „As in the days of Noah[18]”, r.n.) I explained to My apostles the work of a eunuch, a holy work in man’s body; I did not tell them about the sin; I did not tell them about marriage, rather I separated them from the wives and from the children and from all that they had, to be able to come after Me by self-denial, taking their cross and making disciples for the proclaiming of the kingdom of heavens upon the people.


Behold, the time has come to judge the man who distorted even from the man’s beginning God’s secret words upon the man. If I made male and female, I made them for Me not for debauchery. Where and when did I tell the man to get married and the man of the church to put marriage among My mysteries so that I may not have authority over the church? I said: «The body is

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