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knows but he who receives it. And I will write on it My name the new name, the Word of God». And I said: «He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches». But you, false prophet, did not want to hear, for hearing you said that you do not hear. But I say to you: it is only I that I write the name of the New Jerusalem and no one knows but the one who receives it. Amen, amen, amen. And you are a thief and stole My word and I stand against the prophets who steal My word from one another. The place on which you say you want to write “The New Jerusalem”, is the place of Mammon, not of God’s; it is a Babylon, not a holy place. I will devastate it like Sodom and Gomorrah, for it is a place for debauchery of the whole earth; the place that the antichrist and his chickens made, as he says, as a roof for bad weather that is Babylon and Sodom. But I, the Lord, made Myself a book of judgment and have been written into it for three days in a row to overcome by storm and harshness the lying heads of the false prophet and to demolish his dwelling and roof.


That which calls itself the Orthodox Church is the one that I am speaking with, for why should I judge the one outside? (Catholics and other denominations reformed, r.n.) It is false and is not orthodox, and the false prophet, who destroyed My dwelling in man, sits in it, as the man looks at the minister of the church and does as he does not as I do and he is false because he does not serve Me but him. The one who serves Me is gentle and humble in his heart and brings fruit to Me and becomes My kingdom; he becomes a New Jerusalem by grace.


I will keep from destroying everything, for there is a remnant by grace, as it was two thousand years ago among the Jews. I hurry to wake up the spirit of those who wait for the salvation, as the false prophet has been oppressing the saints for seven thousand years. He has been eating from the tree of death and has been immoral for seven thousand years. Many will try to come close for repentance but all are finished as I spoke in good time and everyone has been crucifying My word, the word of the seventh angel, the word which made silence in heaven, for it is written: «When the Lamb opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven; and seven angels were standing to sound the trumpets; and the seventh angel sounded the trumpet and powerful voices were heard: “The kingdom of the world belongs to the Lord Jesus, the King forever!” Amen».


Here is why the Orthodox church, the one who bears My true name, the one which truly has Me by the saints and fathers. It committed adultery and trampled lustfully on all customs from her holy fathers and then it departed from Me, as the false prophet worked out his work during all her time, the false Christ, who goes before Me dressed in My garment and armed with My weapon.

Oh, you who call yourself a church, the Orthodox Church. You are full of proud heads who handle My weapons for the money. You are made out of false prophets and are no more, for the false man wrote on you a new name and set you at the same table with the pagans and fornicators and with the transgression over all the earth. (The Ecumenism, r.n.). You are full of mud and there is not one to shepherd you, for your heads are the people of the false prophet and they are not on My side. I took out of your middle those that are clean for Me and put them on My side and covered by My mantle to have a remnant by grace. You sold yourself for money to the false prophet and are subjected to him for he is shrewd and many worship him. I have been working among you all the time so that I may not remain without a clean church. There has always been a war in you, as the arrogant man has stood over you in My name and degraded your true name and killed the right one from you in order to take My name, a name of Christ in the church. But he is a false Christ, he is a devil; he has been an antichrist from son to son for as long as seven thousand years. His lying servants, calling the righteous sinful and wicked, have always sent them into prisons in order to lose them by the hand of the sinful man. This is what he had done with My trumpet during all the time of My work through her.


Oh, you lying servant, how comes that you could not give rest to those who were righteous in you, the ones who were serving Me and not you? The lying is coming to an end but the righteous man remains and wins from Me justice against you. How comes that you did not love the way of justice which the sinful stay hidden under? Now fear seized you and as a thief you want to fulfill the Scriptures of a new age upon the earth. But in the new age there will be a new heaven and a new earth which justice will dwell in. Whereabouts do you want to get into the new ones? You cannot jump over the gate. I am the gate, but I am in the gate of justice and this is for the righteous ones. Oh, you cannot accomplish anything good for you draw Me from the foundation of the church and laid the fence of My vineyard flat. You can do nothing by spoil, for you serve to the lie.


I have My trumpet before Me which I sounded on earth in the last days. Oh, how oppressed she was for My name by the false prophet! (See The Life of Saint Virginia[15], r.n.). What a mourning came up to Me for her afflictions by the lying man who even today has been blaspheming My work from the last days; for the lying man has many heads and he has names of blasphemy on them.


Oh, My pain is breaking Me but the Scriptures make haste of their fulfillments by their word. All have come to an end! The book with seven seals stays open in the hand of the Lamb. The heaven has stood aside like a book, like a roll, and the kings of the earth and the nobles and chiefs, the rich and powerful, the slaves and free all have hidden in caves and rocks, so that they may not hear the wrath of God. Behold, I come as a thief and come to him to take him by surprise, for the one that is not waiting this way is taken away.


… And you watchmen from the garden take this book and lift it above your heads for you are My anointed for the last Scriptures. Then lower it down to the fire altar and seal it by My Holy Spirit that I send you from heavens. Take it and send it from here to all the margins of the earth, to all the heads of the earth and to the proud ones. Let all shepherds of souls and bodies bend down, for I bend them down to hear the book of the false prophet judgment. All are finished! His lie is finished for I uncovered it and put it before him. Amen, amen, amen.

At the beginning of this book I say: “Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! I am who I am, sons. I say peace to those who serve My commandments, and to those who trample them I declare war!” Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feasting of Holy Virginia, on 14-12-1998.



It is a celebration day in heaven. It is a celebration on earth too for those that are My church on earth. Amen. I come down from heaven to the earth in the garden of My word and I come with a feast of a bishop. The prayers of the saints are like sweet-smelling incense for heaven. Hierarch Nicholas is praying for My church on the earth to strengthen it with power so that it may overcome for the saints.


Oh, My church on the earth is very small, as its way is narrow and it leads to life, and few are those that walk on it. Oh, the way from heaven to the earth is long for the unfaithful man, for the one who thinks and lives earthly on the earth. But here is how easily I come! I come as the lightning; when I come, I come suddenly as it is possible with God and it is possible with those that are faithful, with those that are familiar with My heavenly mysteries among them, because this is what I said: «I am with those that are Mine until the end of ages». Amen.


If the man searched My words that I spoke for the church two thousand years ago, the unfaithful man would also understand and then believe, but the carelessness towards those from heaven upon the earth made a thick peel upon the mind and heart of the man, and the man does not seek its release, but on the contrary, he prepares his destruction and torment, due to his sins, as this the human kind has been working at: the torment.

Hierarch Nicholas is praying for the saints, for he is a great hierarch in power, as he showed his power on the earth by miracles, for it is written: «Not only by word, but also by power, Holy Spirit and faith».  The saints have worked sustaining miracles by Holy Spirit and faith, and those with a clean heart turned from pagans into Christians, and entered My work for church. No powerful saints get up today on earth, as all the servants who made a church from people are sinful and careless of the life of their church. But the saints who served on earth with My power in them, lifted up other saints, and the saints lifted up each other and were a church for Me, as church means nothing else. The church needs to be taught; it needs to be brought up and cultivated, and it needs a holy sacrifice in it; a humble spirit, a sacrifice please to me.


You sons anointed in the garden, I need a church with power in it to be able to work in it with sustaining miracles among the unbelievers, among the careless ones who live but always sinning. I need sons to fulfill the last Scripture. Strengthen My church in the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. You know what a church and a humble spirit in the church means. Build a holy and living church in its work for Me, for everything have come to an end, and the desolation of abomination has been establishing everywhere in churches, through the man lying to Me, the antichrist with many heads. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[16]”, r.n.) There is no other overcoming work like the work of My church. Strengthen My church in the Holy Spirit. Teach the sons of My church. Bring them up as I am, not like the lying man who says that he sits as a teacher over the man. Take care of the spirit of the church as I do, so that I may have a house with strong

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