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us. As a parent, myself, Susan, I have to imagine that you would want to do everything in your power to warn your children of impending disaster and you would do anything to keep them from being separated from you for eternity. This is what I hear in the LORD’s voice, LOVE and a longing to save HIS children before it is too late. I hear HIS great disappointment in the way the people have rejected HIM outright. This should make us all sad and give us a desire to share HIS heart with our lost friends and family all around us. We are not the only ones receiving the messages from the LORD that the hour is short and who also see the Bible coming to life before our very eyes. It is most encouraging to hear that people’s lives are being changed by the LORD’s amazing Words. Praise the LORD!


Letter 47. December 2, 2010. Letter dictated by LORD JESUS to Susan.

Yes Susan, I have these Words for you.

Yes the hour is waning. I am coming soon. The people would be amazed if they knew how close it all is. I, the LORD have spoken. MY servants take down MY Words.

Soon the world will know I am GOD. I am saddened by the world’s disregard for ME, their CREATOR. It is incredible the way the people look the other way when something about ME is presented. This hurts ME to the core. They cannot imagine the pain I experience from their rejection. I took special care to create each person. I select their hair color and eye color. I know each person individually in detail. I know their characteristics. I know all about them. I know what makes them laugh or cry. I know their goals, dreams, sadness’, and frustrations.

I am such a remote far off GOD to them. All other things take precedence in their lives. The people have put objects and each other before their CREATOR. They do not even care to get to know ME, to read MY Words. I am such a willing CREATOR to engage in the lives of MY creation.

I wanted fellowship and to get to know MY people. I want to share in their lives, their daily comings and goings, but they will have no part of ME. They put ME away, out of their minds. I am nothing more to them than a foul word. I do not exist.

Even those who call themselves Christians are distant to ME. I am not an object of their affections. They hope MY name will not come up in their conversations because I embarrass them. Do they know I was not too embarrassed to hang on a cross for them? I was in front of a maddening crowd and was disfigured before their taunting to save MY lost people. I was not embarrassed, I was determined to save them. This I did for MY own lost creation. I assumed the role of the creation and I bared MY soul to MY people. They did not even realize who I really was when they beat ME and crucified ME. I was their GOD and their CREATOR and yet I suffered immeasurably that day. It was humiliating and humbling, but MY Love is so great for MY lost people. I would have done it again, but MY sacrifice is complete and now you can come to ME and MY FATHER and be part of our Kingdom when I come to retrieve MY bride.

I have all these wonderful things for you in store. There is a world of beauty awaiting you, one that makes this world pale by comparison. Soon I must leave and take MY children. You know it is close if you are watching. You know. I cannot be swayed in this deciding hour.  

MY FATHER will give the word and I will come to collect the bride. She is ready also. I can keep her at arm’s length no longer. I am ready for this hour.

The world has you under its spell. You think all is well. You think MY coming is far off in the future. Who told you this? It was not ME, your GOD. I have made MY signs clear for all to see and study. But most don’t care to learn about such things. It is a child’s story they think: I am greater than these old stories. I do not need this GOD. I have a life to lead. I can run MY own show. But MY bride is ready and she will see ME in all MY GLORY and we will rise up, join together, and leave. The world will never be the same again as the bride will have left the planet. This will be a sad, but true reality for those who are left.

I am waiting on you MY people. It will be soon. I cannot placate you any further. The event will take place and the world will know the truth in MY Book. Many will seek to read then. Read NOW! See what I have for you now. All the information is there. Why must you put yourself through this? MY Words are stronger than a two-edged blade and these Words will stand. These are MY Words. MY people heed them.


Susan, write it down.

The time is drawing near. I am providing MY people with an opportunity to think through very carefully the choice they need to make. I want them to have every opportunity to make the right choice. The world knows who the SAVIOR is but they run still to every made up religion that mankind can conjure up. They believe every strange fire that blows smoke their way. They are duped by every crazy thought that can be conceived by men and demons. It is repugnant to ME, a foul repugnant smell. I can’t take it. MY people worship every strange god and belief under the sun. They worship all sorts of nonsense and throw themselves at all kinds of hairbrained beliefs. But they refuse to pick up the one true Book that has all the answers they could or would ever need. The creature follows the creature about looking for answers to their lives that I have outlined with great care if they would take time to study and read. MY Book would prevent the people from so much hardship and sadness. But now the hour is closing in and the time is running out and the people need to seek ME and seek answers to make their final escape. I offer one solution and one escape route and now is the deciding moment. Soon the time will be up and the people will all know that they have to face the worst and the answers then won’t be easy. To be sure, they can pray and seek ME, but I will have to leave them to the decisions they made in this final hour. The fire is what the people will have to endure if they want to come to MY Kingdom. The enemy will be a tyrant and the people will be in shock when they discover the evil they are forced to face.

Their lives of luxury and worry-free living will fade away. All their wooden idols will stare back blankly and offer them no relief. If they plan to refuse the enemy’s plan and mark, they will die. Hiding will not be an option. There will be no where to hide. Come to ME NOW and you can be saved from the coming madness. I had hoped you would find ME by now, but you grope in the dark and your loss will be devastating. I am GOD. I do not take pleasure in your rejection of ME. I have saved you with MY blood before and I plan to save you again by taking you out to safety. But you don’t think you need to be saved. You can’t see the lateness of the hour. The clock is winding down. I cannot replace the time you are losing.

Friends and dear ones, there are many in hell who would pay any amount of money or do anything to undo the disaster they are facing of eternal hell. Oh the regret, oh the loss, oh the shear sadness. Nothing can pull them out of unending torment. There is nothing that can be done. It is final. Their loss is final and eternal. What they wouldn’t do to turn back the clock and rethink their choices. Many have regrets about their unforgiveness and anger toward others. Now is the time to think carefully how the very choices and decisions you make now will decide the outcomes of where you will be next. Will you be enjoying wedded bliss with ME in MY Glorious Kingdom or will you be facing the worst the enemy has to offer?

I know this seems highly unlikely to you, but if you read MY Book, you would come to see that I am telling you the truth. And one way or the other, your future is going to change: bright light or horrible darkness. Please warn your families to read and to believe these words. Soon your lack of choice will lead you to sad circumstances I know you do not want to be in.

I am coming swiftly to retrieve MY bride. You may come. Get right with ME NOW. I am waiting only for a short time more.

Your Messiah, JESUS.

Proverbs 29:1. He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.

Jeremiah 5:3. O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

PART 23: Now, I (Susan) want to share a testimony about the 2nd letter here below that I received from the LORD on Dec. 5.

In this LETTER, our LORD JESUS makes mention of the "leaders over HIS flocks" and of the "false prophets of old" in the same section. After the LORD had finished reciting the letter to me, I asked HIM for a Scripture verse. He told me right away, "Jeremiah 23" which I immediately looked up and to MY amazement this section of Scripture is all about the very same topic HE mentions in the letter regarding the "leaders over HIS flocks" and the "false prophets of old." It was an amazing confirmation because although I knew this was mentioned in the Old Testament, I sure did not know the location was Jeremiah 23 as the LORD gave me. The first part talks about not making your own plans but following JESUS' plans. He warns the lukewarm and those who lead their flocks astray.


December 7th, 2010.

The first letter below was told by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina and the second letter likewise to Susan.

Now, I, Susan, want to share a testimony about the 2nd letter here below that I received from the LORD on Dec. 5. In this LETTER, our LORD JESUS makes mention of the “leaders over HIS flocks” and of the “false prophets of old” in the same section.

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