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I, Sabrina, wrote Philipa back that same day and the Lord had another personal word for her to encourage her to share these words with her parents, church, friends, and family. I had communicated with her mother before and she shared that they are preparing for the rapture and are missionaries in the Frenchspeaking country Guinea with 92% muslims.

Philipa has asked me to pray for her, so that God will use her for His work as He has started. May I ask all of you to pray for this little girl and her family, who is so open and willing for the Lord and truly an example for me.

November 22: Another vision given to Philipa:


Acts 2:17: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of MY Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:


PART 19: In the letter to Susan the LORD talks about the people being far away from HIM.

HE also talks about the way the people profane HIS Holy name in this letter. Primarily this letter addresses the trivial way the people use GOD's name and HE will avenge the use of His name.


November 25th, 2010.

These messages were dictated to us and other people as well. If you take a minute to read this message, you will see the urgency in the tone and the great sadness of the times we live in and the incredible way the world has turned its back to its LORD and MAKER, JESUS.

If each person who reads this message felt so compelled to forward it to just one person then the warning would go out to alert the people everywhere. I hope the Christians will start paying attention to the lateness of the hour and seek the LORD. If they do not, they are putting out the wrong message to those around them that all is well and therefore putting people into a dangerous condition of unpreparedness. GOD bless and love to you all.


Letter 43. November 24, 2010. Dictated by the LORD JESUS to Susan.

Yes, Susan, I am ready to give you words.

The season is changing. Swiftly comes the change. The people sleep. Soon they will wake, but not in time to be taken. Many, many will be left behind. What a sorrowful moment. I truly regret that so many do not seek ME. I am sorry for their loss. I cannot change their minds if they refuse to pay attention to MY warnings in MY Book and the warnings of the times. Everything coordinates. Just as I said it would.

I foretold these events as they are coming to pass, yet the people refuse to pay attention. They are not looking, watching. Their eyes are captivated by the things of the world and not on ME. I have warned them to keep their eyes fixed on ME and to be watching for ME. But things are as they have always been just as their fathers before them they say and they care not to pursue ME, their LORD and MAKER, MASTER, LOVER. I am not even in the forefront of their minds. They have given heed to the wanderings of their human minds and the teachings of demons. This is the direction they move in. GOD is not even on their radar. I do not hold a place in their hearts. I am far away from their minds, their thoughts. Anything but GOD they make time for, anything but ME their CREATOR.

Why is there such a large gap between us? I did not do this. MY Arms are opened wide. The people have chosen to separate themselves from ME. They put space between us. They choose to be far away. I am not on their minds. So be it. These people want ME away. They create all sorts of excuses for themselves to stand apart from ME. They embrace all forms of evil and I am not included in their daily lives. Not a thought comes to mind as they traverse through their days. I don’t enter their minds at all. GOD is a distant memory to most. The people think I am a fable, a great made up tale.

Soon, the world will know MY Name. Soon the world will remember I exist. I have a place in the world. I made the world. I am Divine. I am GOD. Who are these people fooling? MY Name enters their mouths as a curse word. This is how I am remembered. I give them life and I am nothing more to them than merely a word to use in vain to curse someone. Well I, GOD, am sickened by their hostility toward ME.

Stand before ME and repent for your foul treatment of MY HOLY NAME. I did not create you to take MY Name in vain, to trample on it with your ugly, disrespectful use of it.

This generation is lost. It is profane, abusive, foul, a stench under MY HOLY Nostrils. I cannot take it any longer. I bless and bless the people with life, with wholeness. I died. I suffered. I gave all. I bled out. I gave MY back to scourging. Oh the torture I endured. Oh the suffering. The beatings. The foul language. The spitting. The horror of it all. This was MY gift to mankind, to save a peoples lost in sin and degradation. I did this from MY heart. MY love poured out on the ground and now the people turn their backs and put ME to shame all over again. They have no respect, no awe, no adoration for who I am, for what I have done, for the sacrifice I made. MY Name is down-trodden in the mud, foul language. MY Name is used in crass ways, for crass purposes.

I am an angry, powerful GOD and I will stand for this no more. You have trampled on MY good Name too much and MY patience is about to end. Your disrespect sickens ME. You are a foul people run amok in your sin and degradation, your evil, and MY Name has been defiled and defamed enough. Do you really believe I will allow this to carry on much longer? I cannot. It is a full-scale attack on MY HOLINESS, MY BEAUTY. Disrespect has risen to MY throne, MY very throne. And, I, GOD cannot tolerate this ill treatment of MY HOLY, PRECIOUS, ILLUSTRIOUS NAME any longer.

I am a humble, loving GOD Who stepped down from beauty to ugliness at its height and gave all there was to give. MY sacrifice was complete. I had nothing else to give that day on the cross. But MY patience is ending with this generation of foul-mouthed evil and sinful, disregardful people. I have seen and heard enough and if you think other wise, if you think this can continue on, then you too have lost sight of what a HOLY GOD represents and what I have already endured.

Your love of this world sickens ME. You don’t watch for MY coming because your eyes are too tightly glued to your wooden idols. You can’t move away long enough to grope in the dark to look for your CREATOR to find ME. You need ME, you need ME desperately. But you are so lost in your lust for this life and this ugly, evil world that you cling to it and it is obscene to ME.

I know how you feel toward ME. I know how little I enter your mind. When things go awry you cry out to ME, but then when things are normal again, you forget quickly who I am. Your lackluster commitment to ME is noted and when you stand before ME unless you repent of your lukewarm commitment now, I will not recognize you and your loss will be great. If you knew how great, you would stand up now and pay attention.

Why do you think you were created? Do you think I created you to worship wooden idols? Is that what you think? You were created to worship ME. You were created to get to know ME. I gave you MY Book and I gave you a brain to seek ME and to find ME. I wanted relationship with MY creation. You scatter in all directions to all kinds of lesser gods, but to your one true LOVE.

I am waiting only briefly for you to come to your senses. Lay down your life in front of ME. Repent for your evil. Seek MY FACE, MY GLORIOUS FACE. Do this and I will save you in this evil hour that is at hand. Reject MY offer and I will allow you to face the world you so embrace. It will not be pleasant. The enemy has all sorts of torment and torture planned for those who reject ME, their GOD. He will not play fair. He will not be nice. He will destroy, rape, pillage, plunder. No one will escape it. If you take his mark, you will be tortured and tormented forever.

Think this through carefully. Escape this madness, avoid hell on earth. I will be holding out MY Arms a little longer, but make no mistake, the evil world is about to take hold and I will allow it.

I am sad about the people, but MY patience has been pushed too far and your disregard of ME, your GOD, is about to end. Why do these people, even MY people believe I can tolerate this much longer? MY Name is Holy and I will avenge MY Name. I will punish those who trifle with MY Name, these who use it so commonly as if it is any other word in the language. What a sad, disrespectful generation that has completely abandoned holiness and GOD’s beauty embracing every foul thing the enemy puts out. The people have abandoned themselves to the gross and profane. Humanity has lost itself. Soon the world will find out what happens when you get what you want and it is hell and horror. Horror glamorized will soon be horror reality. It won’t be pretend horror. It will be real life horror. GOD will be tending to HIS beautiful bride as the world engages in its brand of evil.

These are MY warnings. Those who have ears hear and those who have eyes see. All looks well on the surface. But underneath dwells an enemy that is so ruthless and blood-thirsty, if I, GOD did not come back to end the madness no one would be left standing.

You lack discernment MY people. You look around and see what your neighbors do and you make no changes. Quit running with the crowd. I told you the path is narrow and few find it. Broad is the road to

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