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and just GOD as well. I cannot let this go on any longer. I have had it with you. AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN

Daughter you may sit down now as your responsibility to speak at this conference is over. You have been used to apply the rod of discipline to MY children. AMEN, go sit down.

In response to the Letter Donna received August 3, 2014 regarding the misuse of the LORD's HOLY NAME, her Letter from the LORD was prayed over by Susan Davis and this is what HE had to say through her August 19, 2014:

This problem of “loose lips” is deep and wide and far among church goers. They will live to regret it. The hour is coming. I will not allow this filthy church, this church that misuses MY Name to come unto ME. So many do not see the error of their way. MY Words hold no weight in their mind and heart. There is no value to what I am teaching them. They have completely given themselves over to the world that they have and embrace.

MY children you are witnessing an end of an era. This church age is about to end. I am about to call an end to it. I am about to bring out MY bride and leave the lukewarm church behind. She will then know she had blasphemed her GOD. She is MY church of ill repute. She wants to grab all MY glory and display it in all her own wicked ways.

They are not even mindful of MY Will. They walk all the way around MY Will seeking their own will. They rush to sin. They run to wickedness. They have their own filth. They fill their minds with such evil and corruption. I can no longer look upon this church. I am sickened and ill by this church that uses MY Name so coarsely. I am about to spew them out of MY mouth. I cannot take this abomination any longer.

I am a GIVER of life and death. I am HOLY, I walk HOLY. I am going to have MY Way with those who disregard ME. Their disregardful way will be met with destruction. Let this church tremble in fear. MY church must submit to ME, surrender their all and work out their salvation with fear and trembling. MY Words have not changed. They are the same today as yesterday. The church has changed but I have not changed. They have altered their ways to please themselves but I have not changed My Ways. I am still a GOD of purity and holiness and I demand respect from MY children, respect for MY Name, respect for MY Ways, respect for MY Truth. This is all in the Words I have spoken in MY book. You are a witness to MY Words. Where three are gathered together HE is in our midst. Put the Words out, make them known. I will continue to warn the harlot church.

Susan Davis prayed over this message with Donna McDonald on August 13, 2013. This is what the LORD had to say to her about the message that Donna just delivered regarding misuse of HIS HOLY NAME:

My ears burn when my children do this. It saddens and angers ME. They are so ill prepared to come into MY Glory. They must come into the light and become clean. They must clean their garments of this disgraceful filth, of this pollution of the mouth. Their words must be pleasing to ME and not offensive. MY Name must be revered, hallowed.

We asked if there are any Words Donna and I use that are displeasing to HIM. HE said: Try to refrain from even using phrases like, oh my goodness. It has a hint of using My Name... Soon after HE said this I heard 'expletive deletive' referring to these, 'oh my goodness' phrases'. The LORD is angry over this misuse of HIS Holy Name. Words given from the LORD to Susan Davis, August 13, 2014--



(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, September 10, 2014)

(I had read my Bible and was talking to the LORD, just spending time with HIM one morning recently and HE started telling me these things. I said this is remarkable and I asked HIM if I should journal these Words and HE said, “Yes,” and for me to get my journal. I got my journal and pen and HE started telling me what to write down. This is what HE gave me for you to hear):

Today, I want to address the change of the human during rapture into a perfect being, apart from the earthly state--the completion of the human into a state of being ready to come before GOD in HOLY Matrimony at the moment of rapture in the twinkling of an eye.

The person raptured changes. He takes on a new body. His body, a flesh body from the soil of the earth changes into a new body that comes from the soil of Heaven. This new body is fluid, it is able to change. It takes on a state of fluidity. It can change form from that of a person into light and back depending on the desires of GOD. The thoughts and desires of the person in MY Presence, living with ME are also MY Thoughts and Desires--WE are ONE in SPIRIT.

Presently, evil man's desires on earth are not MY desires--WE are not ONE. This is sin: men who are outside of MY Will walk in their own desires for their life. They are not submitted to MY Desires for their life, MY Will for their life. I am not their LORD and MASTER. This is the face of evil.

Heaven and the New Jerusalem, the dwelling place of MY bride is not like this. MY bride, fully submitted to ME on earth, operates fully in MY Desires for their life and so they are within the Kingdom of GOD, even while on the earth. This is the significance of full submission to GOD, surrendered fully to CHRIST, willfully submitted to the Will of the FATHER, possessing the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT by humble submission moving into HOLINESS, separating from the desires of evil men, pulling away from that that is evil. This is loving your GOD with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and loving those around you as yourself.

You can move in the Kingdom of GOD while on the earth by surrendering your all--your earthly desires, your desires to sin apart from GOD's Desires for your life, submitted to HIS Perfect Will. Then, at the time of rapture, your human body will change instantly into an eternal body able to come into the Presence of GOD and to dwell with HIM forever.

Make this exchange of your evil plans for Kingdom plans. Turn from your sin--your evil desires apart from GOD's Desires: HOLINESS, PURITY, WHOLENESS, LOVE. This is what I want for you: to be set apart, HOLY and PURE, focused on ME, your LORD and MASTER: running in MY Ways, in MY Truths, understanding the things I value: caring about the lost, the weak, the needy, living PURE in an evil world.

Make ready for MY return, wash yourself in MY Word, come clean in MY Truth. Surrender your desires over to MY Desires. Walk in PEACE with ME, your GOD, your MAKER. All will be well between us. Without this surrender you are outside MY Eternal Kingdom, outside of MY Will, fully enslaved to MY enemy, doing his will, performing evil, working against MY Kingdom. Come and lay down your life to ME before it is too late for you to make this choice and you be cast away from MY Presence for eternity. You decide what kingdom you belong to.

This is your CREATOR

I AM The HIGHLY EXALTED KING of the Universe

Coordinating Scripture:

(The LORD gave me these specific scriptures for this letter)

Psalm 29:11: The LORD will bless HIS people with peace.

Isaiah 55:12: Ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace.


The Following Letter Was Given by the LORD to Donna McDonald September 12, 2014:

I love you so. When I died on the cross for you at Calvary it was the greatest act of love that a human or GOD could ever do for you. I was both Human and GOD at that moment in time.

I felt every pain and every suffering that the Roman soldiers meted out to me. I knew their every thought and saw them spat on ME and I knew what hatred they had in their heart for ME. It was all of creation--those whom I created that crucified ME. The Roman soldiers were merely pawns, puzzle pieces depicting all of human kind. They were evil, yes, but so are the hearts of all men until they meet with their GOD: ONE on one in an intimate relationship--having received ME first then submitting to ME and pursuing ME in a FULL SUBMISSION. These are the ways of salvation then pursue the HOLY SPIRIT in a full submission having prayed to be filled with HIM. HE is the “dunamis” and the power behind every victorious Christian young or old, male or female. HE is the LIGHT that LIGHTS up the world and the Heavens through ME.

When you come into Heaven you will be illuminated by LIGHT and you will be a very fluid being changing and altering to meet MY needs for you. We will have a supernatural relationship ONE on one that will go on for eternity. I will be able to know and feel your every thought and emotion as well and you will be tapped into ME supernaturally as well. This is a very beautiful thing that MY FATHER has set up and created for you in Heaven.

You will be dazzled by the display of HIS creation and the life and the beauty in Heaven. This is the amazing place and beyond your wildest and most creative imagination. Do not hither and do not tarry. Get right with ME today or you will be right with the enemy. Accept ME as your LORD and SAVIOR. Give ME a full submission including giving over all your hopes, plans and dreams and interests and relationships. I will take over your life when you are completely submitted to ME and make you into the person you were created to be. This is a true statement. Then accept the HOLY SPIRIT in HIS complete filling and this will provide the “dunamis” you need to overcome sin.

This is a complete and lasting relationship for eternity. It is only an arm's length away. Reach out your arm and take MY Hand and I will lead you to the greatest possibilities you could ever imagine and more for I am your KING and EVERLASTING LORD. ALLELUIA, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN.

I am told I am to include with this message from the LORD to Donna McDonald, September 10, 2014:

Children, listen, there is a darkness coming over the earth, it is called ISIS. It is evil in the nth degree. It is evil multiplied. It is from the enemy, straight from the mouth of hell. My

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