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know how to read. And in order to read it and to understand it, you have to come down from heaven, Christian; you have to ascend into heaven and you did not give your hand to come to Me and to see and to understand and to believe. I came with the heaven to you, My people, but you do not see, for your eyes are prevented from seeing; they are prevented by unbelief and you do not know Me in the breaking of the bread as those from Emmaus knew Me after My resurrection. But now I am also after the resurrection, and I am with you on the way and speak with you from the Scriptures, but your eyes do not let go to see, and I come to ask you to buy oil from Me and to anoint your eyes to see, to take My gold and My garment on you, for behold, I stand and knock at your door. Open to Me, open, to see! And if you did not see, it means that you will not open for Me, but if I love you, I will reprimand you with justice so that you may come and repent, My people from the end, for you are a stranger, people from the end, and do not look at your beginning.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the St. Archangel Michael and Gabriel, on 21-11-1993


Oh, the people with a holy name, I had so much patience with you! I fed you with so much patience and I patiently taught you, to know the lesson of the kingdom of the heavens, son, and to start with you the visible kingdom of the heavens, My kingdom in your spirit and body, a people with a holy name and with a heavenly election, because I remember again: it was not you that chose me, but I chose you, the children of My people; and I chose you so that you may get used to having a godly nature, as the nature of My body was. It is because of this that I came from My Father and became flesh to show the man what the godly nature is to speak into the man. I took upon Me the entire human nature so that I may be able to scatter the men’s sins condemning them into My body, and so that the men may condemn them afterwards in their bodies too, but the people still remained united to their sins as My people did not take from Me the image of the godly nature.


Oh, what lessons of the godly nature I let to the people, but the people did not use this miracle, for I was God’s incarnated miracle in man, and then I became the way of the people to the My kingdom, Who testified about Me from heaven, as His Son in the time of My baptism by John did.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the celebration of the first martyr and Archdeacon Stephen, on 09-01-1994


I have always exhorted you not to take care at your body anymore, and to take care of the body for the Holy Spirit, for it is written that your body, Christian, is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And it is also written in the Scriptures that you, My Christian, are not yours and that your bodies which you stay in, have to be the dwellings of the Holy Spirit. Even if you want to say that Abraham or Elijah or David or the apostles ate milk and meat and butter, you should no longer say so from now on, and rather think well what you say and search well what you mean for them, for the heaven and for the age to come now, which is being prepared by you, Israel of the last obedience. With you it is something else. You should fulfill what they did not fulfill, what it remained to be fulfilled for the returning to Eden, where the death shall be cast out and when all the unfulfillment of those by you shall be forgiven through you, for you fulfill what remained to be fulfilled. Do not be led astray with the Holy Scriptures that you keep into your front, and be careful that the Holy Scripture is the Holy Spirit; it is not flesh and nature, even if urges are found in it for those without the order of the holiness, without the power of the God’s love. It is in it the law for the people, so that the people may be led up to the holiness condition, but God’s sons raise above the law, so that they may pass to the holy condition from the beginning. (See selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?[7]”, r.n.)           


In the time of the apostles, a time that left us with orders and work upon the church in the Scripture; take a good look that the disobedient church of that time received the order by the apostles, after the condition of the church, but this does not mean that you should do the same, you who are obedient, as those who did not listen and for whom there were written orders by the apostles. What are you doing when you read the book about young widows that Paul exhorted to marry? And why did the apostle Paul want these to get married after their husbands’ death? Because he did not want them to commit fornication without law, Christian, for they did not choose the clean life in Christ, and they had to remain under the law, as on that time, neither the Jews and nor the apostles, understood enough that the law could not have the man for Christ. The apostles understood it, but they could not sufficiently perceive with the new ones upon the old ones, so suddenly, for there was callousness; and the Jews that came to become Christian and who were used to the law, could not understand it. But you, Israel of today, you should understand that My labor is coming to an end and I need to have a people like the holy heaven. This way, and do not stagger for I ask you to be like the holy heaven, as the Jerusalem from above is, the Jerusalem through the grace, and which won by grace the Jerusalem from above, as it was proclaimed the promise upon Abraham.


Listen to My voice, Israel; listen to My counsel, Israel, for you are chosen for holiness; you are not after the flesh; you are chosen for those which are to be above the flesh, son. Do not take after those in My people who did not want to fulfill those that were prophesied even from the time of Verginica’s body. I told you today that it was the most beautiful and holiest Passover and the holiest day of the resurrection in your life with Me, Israel. I speak of those which did not give up those that are established for this time being, from now on and until My coming in the clouds, Christian. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.). Now it remains to see what I should do with those that spat on the requested establishment for the time which we reached at with the ages of the heavens. I, the Lord, will remember of those who have the name declared by the heaven by this prophecy, and I will search into the flesh and stone, and I will shake up every house of the Christians which have the witness of this prophecy, and I will put the question: „Why did you leave the Lord, you house of Israel, in order to worship the idols of your body and of the evil age?” (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.). I will turn with their faces to Me, those who heard from the Lord and spat on the words brought by Me to be fulfilled, for I brought them to be lived in you, children of this prophecy.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s resurrection, on 01-05-1994



Peace to you, My people Israel! I am upon you and I accompany by the word, as I accompanied Israel by a pillar of fire and in the cloud to the land of the promise, but I accompany you with My glory by the word and I call you, the Israel from the end. Behold, Israel, I come into your way with My word, declared for you above the manger of My word. Israel means a faithful people. Be faithful Israel, as it was the remnant of Israel, which I remained with after Israel forsook Me, for I made out of the faithful Israel the salting which I salted the earth with, sons. And who were those from the Israel’s remnant? There were Peter, Paul, James, John and all My apostles, who proclaimed My name and the kingdom of the heavens to all the margins of the earth. Well, My people of today, I made from this remnant of Israel a host of apostles, prophets and saints and I salted all the earth with the salt of My word, which was flowing from the mouth and the spirit of those heavenly servants into the world. I salted the world with My word by them, and I told them after My ascension: «Go and preach that the kingdom of God has come near. Go the ends of the earth and baptize those who will believe into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen».        


And behold, My people, you are My people of today that God is speaking to on the earth, for after I arose from the dead I remained alive and I remained for the man, but the man did not understand what I told in the time of My ascension into the heaven, for I said this: «Behold, I will be with you to the end of the age». But how shall the unfaithful or the one who is hard to believe have faith? How, Israel, shall the unfaithful believe that I speak from heaven upon you? That is why I want to come with you before the world, so that the world may understand that you are My messenger into the world, as I sent My apostles at that time. And you, like them, go now and speak again what they said. They said that the kingdom of the heaven had come near. And what is the kingdom of the heavens, you Israel of today? Really, did My apostles Peter and Paul lie, they who were the first of My apostles? Did they lie when they spoke that the kingdom of the heavens came near? They were speaking two thousand years ago, and you should also speak this today, son. But what is the kingdom of heavens? But what the kingdom of heavens is not? Oh, well sons, the kingdom of the heavens is not eating and drinking; it is not marrying and giving into marriage. The kingdom of heaven is the food of the word of God; it is holiness, cleanness and the word of the Holy Spirit. The sons of this age are marrying and giving in marriage, but those who are worthy to be the sons of the kingdom of heavens, live an angelic life into their bodies; they do not marry and are not given in marriage and live as the angels in heaven do, (See the selection topic: „The mystery of the man and woman”, r.n.) and the heavenly Father, who is their Father, takes care of them. The kingdom of heavens is with you; My people

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