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My nation elected again. And why did I choose this land? Oh, I did not choose. It was a chosen land and I established a chosen people, born at the same time with Me, beginning at My word, for I sent My anointed one to put My sign on this earth, the chosen earth with a mark on it and a man born of Me, My people, born of My word, born of a Christian, spirit and body, a man christened by the Christian, by My anointed, by My apostle first called.


It is a feast of a saint Andrew in your midst, Jerusalem, people of the feasting of the heaven on the earth, for I am with the saints in My coming to you. Andrew, My apostle blesses upon Romania. My apostle blesses from Me:


− From You, Lord, Jerusalem from above, for in You all Your saints rest, Lord. And if You are with the kingdom of Your word in Romania, Your saints are with You, and they come together at Your feast, at Your word, Lord, and the saints speak from You and testify about You from Romania, a chosen people on a chosen earth, chosen from the beginning, Lord, sealed from the beginning to be chosen to the making out of the fullness of the times, so that all may be in You again, those from the heavens and those on the earth, all in You.


May You, Lord, be blessed, You Who are, Who was and Who come, for You chosen Romanian people before the creation of the world, arranging it in Your love, to be Your Son, according to the counsel of Your will, to the praise of Your greatness, Lord, so that all may be in You, those from heavens with those from the earth, all in You, for in Your queen country You brought together those from the heavens with those from the earth, the heaven held together in Romania, Your queen country, Your bride country, a country with a King, oh, a King with a Queen! No one knows sufficiently the mystery of the chosen land in which You came as a word in the end, You Who are the Alpha and the Omega. The man does not understand the work of Your word in Romania, Your new creation, Your work of creation, Your word, Lord. I was Your messenger to put Your name and Your life upon the Romanian people, and I did not know then what this land was, but now, I bow down to You in it and kiss it, for then I did not know; I did not know its mystery from the beginning. It was Your mystery, Your coming, Your word, Your manger in which You become the word in the end as You were in the beginning. I bow down and kiss this land as You have always been kissing it with the sweetest word, for when You worked the word for creation of the heaven and of the earth, You said this: «Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters», and it was so, according to Your word. And the expanse of the heaven was made and it divided the waters which were under the expanse and above the expanse and he called the expanse sky. And You said that the waters from under the sky gather together to one place and the dry land appear, and it was so, and You called it earth. And when the earth appeared from the water, the first dry land was the Romanian land, the first to appear from the water, and you took clay from it when You created the man. And You built for him a garden facing the east and put him into it, and you called that garden happiness; You called it the happiness of the man, the garden of happiness, the same way as the man has a house and a garden. When Noah sent forth a dove from him to bring the sign of the reconciliation, the olive branch, it was the same way. This land was the first dry land which appeared out of the water, after the flood of water passed, the first green oasis, and the dove broke the green branch from it and flew to Noah with it.

And you said to gather together the waters from under the sky to one place and the land to appear, and it appeared and you called it earth. And when the land appeared from the water, the first dry land was Romanian land, the first to get out from the water, and you took clay from it when you made the man. And you built for him a garden facing the east and put him into it, and you called that garden happiness; you called it the happiness of the man, the garden of happiness, the same way as the man has a house and a garden. When Noah sent forth a dove from him to bring the sign of the reconciliation, the olive branch, it was the same way. This land was the first dry land which appeared out of the water, after the flood of water passed, the first green oasis, and the dove broke the green branch from it and flew to Noah with it.


Oh, Lord, You became the word on the land of the reconciliation, and You reconciled the man to You. Your word worked out the reconciliation, for it is working and You have to make the new man, born of Your word, for You are the Word. Romania is the land in which the new man is born, the man from the heaven, for You are being born from You as the word into Romania, and from Your word a new man is being born, a man born from above, for You are from above. Oh, Lord, when this land received on it all the nation which is today on it, the Father blessed his nation from the beginning and said to be His son, Your Son to be, the son of Your Word, in the beginning and in the end of Your work with him. The Father sent Melchizedek and blessed him in You, Lord, the Son of the Father. The father blessed this earth according to the order of Melchizedek, and then I came as Your messenger, Your witness, and I gave You to the Romanian people, and I made it Your kindred by bread and vine, by Your Body and Blood, which You left to Your children, and Israel’s remnant became relative to every Romanian people, and we all are one people. Your people is that one which believes in You, a man kneaded in the end, for You are the beginning and the end.


I pray in You to the Father, I pray for the Romanian people: good Father, the Romanian people is Your Son’s people, Your people, good Father, for when You made the heaven and the earth, You made them by Your Son. I pray to You in Your Son in Whom You rest with Your work. Forgive all that You have to forgive to the Romanian people; forgive the smallest one, and redeem through him the human kind and make it anew; make it a Christian people to live forever, good Father, a people of a new and green vine, and raise a holy and clean priesthood out of it, a people earned by Your work, by Your toil in Your Son. Let Your Son rest into the man, and make from it the Romanian Christian people, the true worshipper in spirit and in truth. Let Your Son be spirit and truth in the Romanian man; let it be the word and the body into the Romanian people, on the Romanian people, on the Romanian land, the chosen land, the land of brightness of Your word, as it is written in the prophets about the country of the brightness on the earth.

The word of God at the feast of St. Andrew, the apostle, on 13-12-1996.



I glorify Myself with the feast of the saints, and you spread My table, to sit at it and for us to feed on the glory of My word, for I sit and feed Myself too; I sit with the heaven at the table with you, My people. Oh, who else receives Me with the feast of the word at his table? Which man knows Me alive, with a living speech and true on the earth anymore? Oh, My people, no one makes room for Me to be alive and true on the earth. Every man says that he has faith in Me, but he does not know what faith in Me is. No one looks well anymore to the life of My saints with whom I spoke and worked on the earth. The common man says that I ascended to the Father and I am no longer on the earth. Israel, Israel, where does the man really say that I and the Father are? Where does the man imagine that God is? Nowhere else does God like more than in the man, near the man and with man. But where does the man say that I and the Father are? Where did the man of this age establish the heaven, the throne and God’s dwelling? Really, where? How and from where should I speak upon the man anymore, so that the man may see that I am with the faithful ones, from the everlasting and until My coming with the endless age, which I made in the beginning once with the man’s creation, and of all the things created for the man? The first heaven and earth are to appear and take the place of those that are humanly and of those that are spoiled by the man, which were made to be eternal as the man was and was born eternal, as I was born, the One eternally alive. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the St. Gheorghe, (George) the martyr, on 06-05-1997



Amen, amen I say to you My people: he who believes in Me has eternal life and does not die, and he who dies, does not believe in Me. He who believes in Me arises to life and is alive and believes, and he who does no longer believe is no longer alive. I told the first man, I told Adam: «If you do not listen, if you take what I told you not to take, you shall die on that day», as he who does not believe that I tell him, is no longer alive, and no one understands what the end of the world means, no one, My people. He, who does not believe in Me, is no longer alive. This word that I have been coming on the earth for forty years, even for forty-five years, as it is written in the Scriptures and in the prophets, this word is the judgment of the unbelief, for the people do not know what the end of the world means, and the disbelief spreads upon the people up to all the margins of the earth, but My word also flies like an arrow which stops suddenly on the place it falls, and the end of the world means disbelief in God.

Excerpt from the Word of the God, on the sixth Sunday after the Passover, of the blind, on 01-06-1997



It is My peace in celebration with you, Jerusalem. It is My kingdom with you and in you, Israel, little child, for you are the tiny Israel, who I put My kingdom in. In the Israel from the beginning I could not come with My kingdom for it had its kingdom even if it said that it was My people.

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