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to the Self. The body (pudgal-cosmic flux of input ( puran) and output (galan) also falls under ‘My’. In the relative world you have to say, “My,” or “This is mine.” But from within, your internal understanding should be, “It is not really mine.” When a person achieves this understanding, nothing bothers him. There is nothing wrong in speaking this way but from within one should decide what really belongs to him. If a policeman makes an inquiry at your house and asks whose house it is, you will have to say, “It is my house,” but from within you should have an understanding that it is not really yours. It is the inner understanding that makes the difference. The real ‘I’ has no possessions.


‘My’ is the ‘relative department’ and it is a temporary state, while ‘I’ is the ‘Real department’ and it is the permanent state. ‘I’ can never be temporary. Therefore, of the two, you need to pursue ‘I’.





If I tell you to separate ‘I’ and ‘My’ with a ‘separator’, would you be able to do so? Do you not think it is important to separate the ‘I’ and ‘My’? Sooner or later you will have to know this. Separate ‘I’ and ‘My’. Just as there is a method to separate curd and whey, there is a way to separate the ‘My’ from the ‘I’.


At the moment, do you identify with the ‘My’? Is the ‘I’ alone, or is it with ‘My’?


Questioner : ‘My’ is always there.


Dadashri : What are all the things that fall under ‘My’?


Questioner : My home and all the things inside my home.


Dadashri : Are all of those things yours? To whom does the wife belong?


Questioner : She is also mine.


Dadashri : And these children?


Questioner : They are also mine.


Dadashri : And this watch?


Questioner : That is also mine.


Dadashri : And these hands, whose hands are these?


Questioner : They are also mine.


Dadashri : Then you will say “My head, my body, my feet, my ears, my eyes.” All these parts of your body fall under ‘My’. But then who is the person that is saying this word “My”? Who is the one that says, “All these things are mine.”? Have you ever thought about that? When you say “My name is Chandulal,” and then you turn around and say, “I am Chandulal” do you not think there is a contradiction in this?


Questioner : Yes, I think so.


Dadashri : You are ‘Chandulal’ right now. In this ‘Chandulal’ there is both ‘I’ and ‘My’. They are like the two railway lines of ‘I’ and ‘My’; they always run together yet they are always separate. They are always parallel and never become one. Despite this you believe them to be one. This is due to the ignorance or unawareness of your true identity. Having understood this, separate the ‘My’. Keep all that comes under ‘My’ to one side. For example, “My heart,” keep your heart on one side. What other things do we need to separate from this body?


Questioner : The feet and all the sense organs.


Dadashri : Yes the five gnanendriyas (organs of perception) and five karmendriyas (organs of action) and everything else. Furthermore do you say, “My mind,” or “I am mind.”?


Questioner : We say, “My mind.”


Dadashri : Do you also not say, “My intelligence.”?


Questioner : Yes.


Dadashri : And “My chit (the component of inner vision and previous knowledge in the mind).”?


Questioner : Yes.


Dadashri : Then do you say, “My egoism,” or do you say, “I am egoism.”?


Questioner : My egoism.


Dadashri : So even egoism is not a part of you. By saying “My egoism,” you will be able to separate that too, but you are not aware of other components that fall under ‘my’ and that is why you are not able to make a complete separation. Your awareness has limitations. You are aware of only the sthool (gross) components, beyond which there are sookshma (subtle) components. The subtle components also need to be separated, after which there are two more levels of subtlety, sookshmatar (subtler) and sookshmatum (subtlest), which also need to be taken away. Only a Gnani Purush is able to achieve a separation at these intangible levels. Is it not possible to separate the two? If you keep on deducting ‘My’ from ‘I’, at every step and at every level, and put all the things that fall under ‘My’ on one side, then what will remain?


Questioner : The ‘I’.


Dadashri : That ‘I’, is precisely what you are. And that is the ‘I’ that you need to realize.


Questioner : After such a separation am I to understand that whatever is left over is who I really am? Is that the Real I?


Dadashri : Yes, whatever remains after the separation, is your Real Self. ‘I’ is the Real You. Should you not inquire about this? Is this method of separating the ‘I’ from ‘My,’ not simple?


Questioner : It appears to be simple, but how are we going to make the separation at the sookshmatar and sookshmatam levels? Without a Gnani, this is not possible, right?


Dadashri : Yes. That is what the Gnani Purush does for you. That is why I say separate ‘I’ and ‘My’ with the ‘Gnani’s separator’. What do all the teachers of our scriptures call this separator?


They call it bhed Gnan. It is the Science (knowledge) of separation. How are you going to take away the ‘My’ without this Science? You do not have the precise knowledge of what comes under ‘I’ and what comes under ‘My’. Bhed Gnan means, “I am totally separate from everything that is mine.” It is only through meeting a Gnani Purush that one acquires this science of separation.


Is it not simple once this separation between the ‘I’ and the ‘My’ is made? Does the Science of Self-Realization not become simple this way? Otherwise, in this day and age, one can go on reading the scriptures to the point of exhaustion and still not attain Self-Realization.


Questioner : We need someone like you to help us understand all this, do we not?


Dadashri : Yes, it is necessary. Unfortunately meeting a Gnani Purush is very rare. In fact, it is indeed an extremely rare occasion when a Gnani Purush comes into existence. At such a time, you need to seize the opportunity and acquire Self-Realization from him. There is no charge for this. It does not cost you anything. Furthermore, you can attain this separation from the Gnani within one hour. Once you have acquired the knowledge of the Real ‘I’, everything has been achieved. This is the total essence of all scriptures.


If you want material things then you will have to keep the ‘My’ but if you want to become liberated then you will need to relinquish ownership or surrender (surrender by means of understanding only) everything that falls under the category of ‘My’. Surrender all that is ‘mine’ or ‘My’ to the Gnani Purush and you will be left with only the ‘I’. The realization of, “Who am I?” is associated with the loss of ‘My’. If ‘My’ becomes separate, then everything is separated. The state of belief of, “I am, and all this is mine,” is defined as jivatmadasha. A person with this belief (prior to Self-Realization) is a jivatma. The belief, “I Am, and all of this is not mine,” (an inherent understanding that comes about as a result of Self- Realization) is the state of Parmatmadasha. Everything associated with ‘My’ are obstacles on the path of liberation. Once ‘My’ becomes detached from the ‘I’, everything becomes clear. The realization of, “Who Am I?” is spontaneously associated with the loss or detachment of ‘My’.








Questioner : How is it possible to understand and realize the Real ‘I’ when we are living in this worldly life?

Dadashri : Where else are you going to realize the Real ‘I’? Is there any other place besides this world where one can live? Everyone in this world must live in it. It is here in this world that you can know your Real Self. This is the science of understanding, “Who am I?” Come to me and I will make you realize your true Self.


During the process of this realization, I am not asking you to do anything, because it is not within your capacity. That is why I am telling you that I will do everything for you. You do not have to worry about anything. First, we must be aware of who we really are and what is worth knowing. What is the Real Truth? What is this whole world about? What is all this? What or who is God?


Is there a God? Yes indeed there is God, and moreover, that God is with you. Why are you searching for him on the outside? When someone opens the door for you, you can receive His darshan (see him). However, the door has been shut so tightly, that it is impossible to open it on your own. Only a person who is Self-Realized (a Gnani Purush) can show you the path and open this door for you.





The Absolute ‘I’ within you is God. Beyond this there is no other God or superior above you. There is no almighty power to rule over you. You are completely independent. There is no one that can hurt you or hinder you. The only thing that can hurt or hinder you, are your own mistakes.


Not only do you not have a boss, but also no one else can bother you or interfere with you. There are innumerable life forms but none of them ever interfere with you. And those that do interfere do so because of your own mistakes. You yourself, had previously caused interferences and therefore, are now facing the consequences of your past actions. I see this in my Gnan vision and I am telling you this as I see it.


In the following two sentences I guarantee a man his liberation. These are:


“You do not have any boss in this world. Your bosses are your blunders and your mistakes. In the absence of these two, you are the Supreme Lord.”




“No one can ever interfere with you. This world is such that no living being is in a position where it can ever interfere with another.”


These two sentences will resolve all of your conflicts and bring you peace and harmony.








It is the ignorance of reality that has resulted in all this obscurity and confusion. So do you now wish to know about things that are already known or do you wish to know that which is not known?


What is this world all about? How did it come into existence? Who is the Creator? What is our role and relationship with everybody in this world? How should we deal with our relatives? How does business occur? Am I the ‘doer’ of anything or is there another ‘doer’? Is it not important to know all these answers?


Questioner : Yes.


Dadashri : Let us talk about what needs to be known first. Who

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