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believes in Him, and He told us this: «To those who believe I will give these signs: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new languages, they will take up serpents, and they will not hurt them, and they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover». (Mark 16:17, 18) Oh, people from the earth, the heavenly powers cannot work by those who love the glory of these powers for them!


Oh, man who lack humility, you lack repentance as well. Do no longer go wrong for behold, you cannot humble yourself, even for your forgiveness from God, lest that the heavenly powers may work through you for the people lost from God. Bow, therefore, and seek to thirst after God, for you are sinful and you need forgiveness and resurrection. To the one who thirsts, the Lord gives him freely to drink from the spring of the living water, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) and if he drinks and controls himself, he will be heir of the kingdom preached by us on the earth, for the Lord had sent us, and if He had sent us, He had also told us: «Go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who disbelieves will be condemned. (Mark 16:15-16) Amen.


Man, you condemn yourself to the fleeting glory if you do not want to believe and to embrace the work of humility, which is to help you understand the kingdom of the heavens, the Gospel of the Lord’s coming with the reward for any good deed. Those who do not wait for the Lord are condemned to taste the passing glory on the earth, of everything that withers away under the man’s eyes, which passes once with them. Behold, this is the condemnation of those that do not believe. However, we, the Lord’s messengers, bring on earth the spirit of the humility from above, the spirit, which gives the man power to believe and to know God on earth, and then to receive the heaven as his inheritance, as we had also received when we followed the Lord in our life in us, with our love in us. Oh, man, bow, and the Lord will exalt you, coming down to you to give to you and for you to be able to work for your salvation. Amen.


However, you, oh, country of the Lord, country of His coming again to the man, listen with more longing to His voice, which becomes the spring of the water of life, and which flows out from the throne of God, the Word, as it is written about His word of today and which is prophesied to be, and if you wake up, stay awake at His voice. Oh, do not submit to His wrath full of pain, for the man’s unbelief, but submit to His glory full of protection for those who bow to Him. Behold, the mourning still stands over you, and your sons are afraid of the voice of His wrath. You have a treasure from heaven into your midst, a spring of salvation for you. Bow down to learn from the Lord’s aura. Learn from heaven, for you are under the cross and you cannot work for your freedom if you do not want to be able to work.


Oh, country of the Lord’s coming, the Lord is with His disciples from heaven into your midst with a feast. You have to be cleansed, watered and weeded out, but you need to be broken fresh, oh, country of wedding. The Lord is Bridegroom in you, with a bride asked in marriage into your midst. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) Open your door and look! Open to Him! Open to Him! Learn from Him and become His work, His kingdom. He has got His shovel in His hand and He cleanses His threshing floor. Look and open to Him to understand His coming to you, His coming from the Father, and you will understand, for the heavenly powers will fulfill this. Amen.


Oh, Romanian sons who rule over this nation from the top! Be faithful, do not be unfaithful, and be Romanians! Pay attention to those things that are written in the Scriptures and which say that the city with all kinds of rulers over is torn down and it is like a city without a leader. Oh, this is how the face from above looks like, that from your helm, Romanian country, but we, the Lord’s disciples, His messengers on the earth, then and now, tell you for those who do not love justice and peace in you, and we tell you this: «Those who wander away on unjust ways, the Lord will take them into account with those without a law», as it is written. Amen.


Oh, the injustice that wants to rule over your head, country of the Lord’s coming, will be to fall away from your head, and the Lord will make you understand what justice is and what it does when it is, and it will brighten your face and the Lord will teach those that are righteous in you the work of justice, justice and its glory. Amen.


Oh, Lord, make the justice in the midst of the Romanian people and its victory come down on the stairway of the heavenly powers, and then become glory, and become glory and Tabor in Your country of coming down, for the Romanian land waits for Your victory from the end of the time in it, and it carries in it the way of Your coming from the Father to man. Lord, strengthen a governance with righteousness at the top of this nation, so that on the land of Your choice justice may dwell, as it is written, for Your promises are just and come down on the earth. Amen.


            Come to justice too, country of the coming of God’s Son to you, come to believe and by your faith everything will become new. You should be a new heaven and a new earth, as the Lord has meant it for you, oh dear country of His coming. Amen.


You, little and tiny people in the midst of the Romanian people, sheltered by the Lord on a mountain of new Zion, get together at the Lord’s bosom and stick to Him, for the time of the Lord’s coming is with wrath over those who do not believe in His coming. Oh, do not be afraid, but strengthen your love and voice to God and ask Him the entire glory of His coming on the Romanian land. Learn the work for the disciples and work as the Lord has taught you. Fill your mouths with the work of the Holy Spirit upon you, to be watered and to bear fruit, and learn what it means to stay under guidance, sons. Be careful so that you may not understand this in a wrong way. As long as you stay under guidance it is well with the Lord and with you, and the Lord works miracles with you over the earth and on man. Be wise, for the Lord has got upon you sons full of grace and full of mercy for you, full of the wisdom that brings you His victory and peace. From all the people, which sprang and spring from the Lord’s word, the Lord made them big, for they were small, like David among his brothers and young in the house of his father. His brothers were good and big, but the Lord was pleased with the one who was small among them and He anointed him with the oil of His anointment and he came to lead the people.


Oh, stay under guidance, people of God, the Word, and learn what it means to live like that, and become fruit in the vine, for the lack of fruit will be removed, as it is written. Amen.


Oh, Lord, teach them to be, for You are the Lord, the Teacher of those who are the disciples of Your coming. Peace to You! Wipe out Your tear, for You come down from heaven in tears, and in tears You strengthen Yourself in the gates so that You may be able to work for Your coming, in tears, Lord, in tears. Amen.


– Oh, dear disciples who have come with Me as word on the earth! I release those who carry Us for a moment from the power of My coming, for My coming is hard for Me too, let alone for them. In tears I strengthen My path on which I come down and in tears I come down after man to comfort My pain, for I am aggrieved and I am still very much aggrieved from the man. Amen, amen, amen.




There is still a little while of My word, for My longing is too great to be able to quench now, but I pour it out little by little, to make it known by the man and to find comfort from man somehow, for only the man can quench My flame for seven thousand years, since, crying as a true God, I have remained without house, without rest, without any beding for My pain, after I lost My joy. The man was My joy, but the joy left Me. And because I lost My joy, the father lost it too, even if I, His son, was for Him house, joy, obedience and rest, but I was crushed with pain, after I lost the man, and I have stayed in this way and this is how I have dwelt in the Father, and I still dwell in tears and full of longing, and the Father is in Me.


            Oh, people from the earth, I want to knead your faith and your feeling again. I come as word full of longing on the earth. When I ascended to the Father, after My resurrection from the dead, I told to My disciples that I would be with them to the end of the time, but a cloud covered Me from their face, to remain with them mysteriously, and after that the cloud rose in the air, and since then I have remained covered from the face of man, but I have remained to the end with those who believe, loving Me and receiving Me to be with them. I am both with the Father and with the man, and I am without an end everywhere, for this is God, the One Who made the heaven, the heaven and man. Amen.


Oh, people on the earth, do not live without God on the earth, oh, do not live like that, for it is hard on the earth and the man does not know, poor of him, that it is hard without God on earth. As long as I lived on the earth with My disciples, I protected them from every evil, from every hardship, and then I left them and settled within a mystery, and I went to be in the Father, and since then I have lived mysteriously with the man, and then My disciples had taken after Me on earth, they had suffered like Me and were in My image and after My likeness, for when We sat in council, I and My Father, when it was about to make man, We said to make him in Our image and after Our likeness. He who comes to be Mine and then he does not want to be in Our image and after Our likeness, Mine and My Father’s, that is the one who does not see Me, for it is written about those who see Me: «They will be like Him, for they will see Him as He is». (1 John 3:2)


Oh, behold, man, how much

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