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Makkah’s Climate. One needs not to worry on this. It is better to avoid rice and curds for some days, and take Sulaimani tea, and lots of fruits and fluids.

Hajj Provides a unique chance to give up Smoking. Avoid Smoking when ever You are in Ahraam.
On sighting Kaaba One cannot hold one’s wits and as a result keep making Tawaf tirelessly. This often cause Weakness and Sickness in some Pilgrims and it could result in missing of any Hajj Obligations. One should make Tawaf as per his physical energy.
In the end we must take care that One should spend most of the time in Harmainshareefain, and avoid purchases in the market which are filled with the most beautiful things of the world before Hajj. These things can be done after the Hajj too.

One should keep watch on the weight of baggage allowed by the government, otherwise Shaitan will put you in trouble in this route also.




Allah says in Quran, Keep Your Voice Lower then the Prophets Voice, less your good actions get lost and you may not know anything about it. Keep this Warning of Allah always in your mind. Keep your Wadhu intact always. Watch your conduct. Keep your eyes lowered, Speak Low, and Recite Darud as much as possible. Behave nicely with the people and if some thing undesirable happens bear it with Patience.
When you enter the Holy Mosque, Masjid-e-Nabvi, after praying two rakats of Tahtul Masjid walk towards the Roza-e-Mubarak and offer your Salam. For Kashmiris it is better to offer Salam from Avrad-e-Fateha. Different people of the world offer their Salam in groups, one should also join them. You maybe awarded for your humble bearing. Don’t peep through the network or try to kiss it. Now turn towards Kaba and ask Allah for what You Desire. Here it is better to remember verse 43 to 45 of Surah Nissa, which says, “Those who harmed themselves by their doings and then ask forgiveness from Allah, and Prophet also intercessed on their behalf, they ll surely find Allah forgiving them.

Here you ll find that one side of the Roza-e-Mubarak is blocked, So that it may not take the shape of tawaf, which is only and only Permitted for Kabba. This is the most important lesson Hajjis learn that when we don’t make Tawaf of Roza-e-Mubarak of Prophet (S.W) and we ask help from Allah and not from our Prophet directly, this is the message which we must spread throughout the Islamic world, because of the fact our ignorant brothers and sisters under the influence of greedy so called Holy men, make tawaf of the graves of the Awliyaas and ask for Help directly from them. I believe that Muslim Ummah’s sad straight of affairs throughout the world is the result of this ill practice. Quran time and again forbade us from Shirk. Shirk is giving Allah’s status to others and Allah has warned in Quran that Shirk is Zulm-e-Azim and He ll never forgive this Sin.

All most all of the Islamic organizations that do Dawah have stopped visiting these Ziyarats. So there is nobody to guide our innocent Brothers and Sisters properly. Infect people involved in Dawah have interpreted Tawheed and worshiping graves in such a way that our youngsters who are involved with these organizations have developed hatred for AwliIkraam itself, the result of which we have seen in neighbouring countries that the suicide attacks were carried in the Mazar of Data Darbar and Baba Farid, and a saint was taken out of his grave and disrespected. One thing we must remember that our masses are uneducated, So our educated youth, graduates and Post Graduates and Knowledgeable people living in the vicinity of these Ziyarats should highlight the Life and Work of these Holy Men who have dedicated their whole life for the cause of Islam. The Educated Youth of the attendants of Ziyarat, should be involved in this poise deed. In India Non-Muslims have great respect for our Awliyaas, but we could not do them any good and instead we adopted their way of Prostration and started worshiping the graves. Our Awliyas have spread the Islam by their Wisdom and many Mazars prescribe Kawalis to attract Non Muslims who are found of Singing and dancing. But latter on we made it a custom and lost the real sprit behind it. Some years back, our many Historical Places were destroyed in the name of Tawheed in Saudi Arabia. In those days a great Scholar, Anwar Shah kashmiri was alive, He went to the Saudi Arabia met the King and the Ulmaas and convinced them in reference of Quran and Hadith that Some remains of Aal e Musa and Aal e Haroom are in the custody of Angels which carries solace for Bani Israil, so the remains of Our Prophet and His Aal and companions must also carries Solace for Muslims, so they accepted his submissions and there was no further destruction of the Holy monuments. Our muslim nation as a whole is a very egoish nation, if you criticize from outside You ll never be able to stop them from wrong doings, Even if this wrong doing leads them to hell. To make a change we must enter the system. In Surah Anfaal, Almighty Allah warn Muslims that you save yourselves and your people which ll not involve those who have committed crime, but all of you ll be punished. Ibn e Kathir writes in its interpretation, He swears by the name of Allah that when you stop doing “amr bil maaruf wa nahi ani munkar” Allah ll punish You and ll give you under the custody of Zalims. This is what is happening to us through out the world. In Surah e Luqmaan, Allah says, Don’t show your back towards people, continue preaching the good and forbade the wrong doings, and have patience in all this, these are the actual great works.
Unless all the Educated People especially those that are involved with the Dawah, act on this commandment of Allah this problem will never be over. In this time Muslims are divided into different sects, and one sect doesn’t tolerate the other. It reminds me of the editorial written by a newspaper “The Hindu”, during Gujarat riots, “I have seen a strange thing that different groups of Muslims were sitting on a table to discuss about how to save themselves till yesterday they were not seeing eye to eye with each other.”

These are our weaknesses and Shaitan enters our ranks through these holes. Conspiracies against the Muslim Ummah are taking place throughout the world. Shia and Sunni and other infighting are the results of this conspiracy. Jewish and Christian Missionaries have entered our ranks in the form of Imams and Preachers. British News Papers give open challenge to the Muslims to counter this, if they can. So our educated Youth should accept this challenge. Shia Sunni Youth should put their head together. Hadth says, Guarding the Islamic boundaries in one night at the time of danger is better then 100 years of Worship which has fasting during days and praying during nights. You can also get this great Sawab by guarding the Islam with your PEN provided you attain the proper knowledge of Quran and Hadith along with Science and technology and give befitting replies to the enemies, identify them and counter them.

The need of the hour is that our Islamic Universities like Avantipura and Rajouri, should establish chairs in honour of their Awliyas as there is Nurud din Noorani Chair in Kashmir University. Many seminars are held every year, but the new generation in college and universities know almost nothing about this. Any body who ll do this job ll do a great job to this Nation. Because it is the new generation in colleges and universities who must accept the challenge faced by the Ummah throughout the world and counter it through every means they have got including the internet. In Europe and America thousands of Books are being written against Islam with only one motive to distance their educated Youth from Islam because most of their Educated youth want to know the right path and when they see the uncivilized acts of their religious leaders they get inclined towards Islam. Recently Pope Paul made apology to Christians all over the word for the bad acts of their religious leaders. In America and Europe there Right of Speech , our educated youth should take benefit from this as has done by our Dawah groups in Spain, where Muslims ruled for 800 years and when they were deviated from their Deen they were eliminated by Almighty.
But today there are Lakhs of Converts in Spain. The Dawah groups working there pledge to bring whole of the Spain into the folds of Islam again. May Allah help them Aameen. In year 2010 the Eid day was called as a National Holiday in Spain. This is the lesson our youth should take from them. In the 1st step Shia and Sunni Youth should cooperate with each other and try to remove all unislamic practices put in practice by the Shaitanic Influences. They should concentrate on Surah Furqan’s Verse no.72, that when ever you are told about any order of Allah from Quran and Sunnnah don’t fell on it Blindly, understand it properly and then act on it. What ever clashes with the quran and Sunnah Leave it. There is a page on facebook for the very same cause, here is the link below:
Please join it and change your religious views from Shia/Sunni to Muslims. May Allah grant such people more Knowledge of Deen along with the Science and technology and accept them to spread this message throughout the world. AAMEEN

Instead of all the sects we have and the differences among the Muslim Ummah that Saitan has created hatred among the sects, every one believes in ONE GOD, ONE PROPHET, ONE QURAN, and ONE QIBLA. Today World is a global village, when the moon is sighted in Makkah the whole world should follow that calendar only from that day, and start fast and hajj on that calendar only. One most important thing we must think and ask our respective Ulmaas and Muftis that if we spend whole year in Arfat and remain abset on 9th Zil Hajj, you ll miss the Hajj ccompletely. Last time when there was 11th Zil hajj in Saudi, we in J&K were celebrating 9th Zil Hajj. These acts of ours and differences of our religious leaders has only pleased Shaitan. All these problems can only be solved when we establish the old Khilafat system. During Hajj we see with our own eyes the benefits of the Islamic system of governance in Saudi Arabia, the crime rate is almost Zero. People leave their shops open during prayers and nobody complaints of any theft. Saudi

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