Nuskha-e-Shifa Qalb o Ruh by Dr. ZafferAllah Mohammad Iqbal Kraipak (best classic books .TXT) 📖

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Nuskha-e-Shifa Qalb o Ruh
Prevention and treatment of Physical and Spiritual ailments of Muslim Ummah in the Light of Glorious Quran and Sunnah in general, and in reference to Hajj in particular, and responsibilities of Muslim Scholars and especially Muslim Youth in Particular to save Muslim Ummah from these Calamities.
اَعُوْذُ بِا للہِ ِمِنَّ ا لشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْمِ بسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْم
Aaouzubillah hi minas Shaitaanir rajim, Bismaillah hir rahmaan nir rahim.
Thousands of Books have been written on Hajj and will be written henceforth. The main reason to write this book is due to a particular incident that happened during Hajj in Arafat. Almighty Allah has blessed me by calling in His Home several times and each time by incidents or otherwise Youm e Nahar was held on Friday. I offered Zohar prayers at Masjid Khaif, Imam 1st recited Khutba e Jummah then Khutba e Eid.
But this time in 2009 when I offered the Zohar prayer, Imam offered only 2 Rakats Salat ul Kasar. Neither Khutba e Jummah, nor Khutba e Eid was recited. And on enquiring from the Learnt I was told that the Shaitan has misled many people and they have started offering full prayers.
To stress upon the true way of Sunnah, this step has been taken. May Allah save Ummah from Shaitanic attacks. (Aameen)
Besides this I have tried to find out the root cause of downfall of Muslim Ummah World Wide. And the Prevention and treatment of Physical and Spiritual ailments of Muslim Ummah in the Light of Glorious Quran and Sunnah.
Dr. ZafferAllah Mohammad Iqbal Kraipak
Child Specialist, Doda City, Jammu & Kashmir, India.
Ph: +919419168582, e-mail:
CHAPTER 1:- Shaitanic Tricks that are defaming Hajj and Hajjis and the
remedies laid down in Quran and Hadith.
CHAPTER 2:- Treatment of Shaitanic Attacks.
CHAPTER 3:- Ways and Means of Safety against Physical Ailments.
CHAPTER 4:- Etiquette in Madina tul Munawra. And the need of Hour.
Shaitanic Tricks that are defaming Hajj and Hajjis and the Remedies laid down in Quran and Hadith
Verily, he (Shaitan)and Qabiluhu (his soldiers) see you from where you cannot see them (Al Quran, 7:27)
Beware, Beware, O Pilgrim,
Evil one’s on Your Watch,
From Minnah their Chief Satan
Guides them to waylay you
And thus taint Your Hajj.
So Beware, Beware, all the time.
Don’t take Shaitan and his army lightly at all. One must train himself for at least one year before proceeding to Hajj. Make invoking taawuz (Aaouzu billah hi minas shaitaa nir rajim) and tasmia (Bismillah hir rahmaanir rahim) before every act.
Know and Understand the tricks Saitan is to play on You.
Elders have compared Hajj to forty days of rigorous training which should ultimately result in four things:
1) Recognition of Allah
2) Knowledge of Stanic Tricks.
3) Control of self against evil.
4) All actions to be done to Please Allah.
A pilgrim must spent poise money on Hajj from His income on which Zakat has been paid. Allah is poise and accepts only pure things. A Pilgrim must settle all the claims of Claimants’, even Mehr of Wife should be paid before Proceeding. Those who suffered at your hands must have forgiven You, before You Proceed. If some of them are dead, the Pilgrim should make a Tawaf on their behalf, and ask for forgiveness from Almighty.
Show off, which has become a ritual should be avoided. While leaving for Pilgrimage on return, relative and friends often make a show off by garlanding, sloganeering etc. These acts bring in the Psyche of the Pilgrim a sense of Superiority and Pride. It thus open the gate of Satan’s entry. A Pilgrim must show Humbleness and defend oneself from Satan’s attacks by ZIKRULLAH and must keep giving Thanks to Allah who called Him to His House.
Long Journey Crowds of Men and Women often cause discomfiture to a Pilgrim, so he must remain Patient and exhort others to show Patience. Younger must be treated with Love and Elders with Due Regards. Be in Wadhu all the time and keep busy in Allah’s Praise.
When Our Prophet(S.W) was asked, whose Hajj is Superior, Prompt came reply, “who did Zikr most of the time”.
Quran ordains in Surah Baqrah, one who intend to go for hajj must keep away from Rafas(Sexual activities), Fisq(Sinfulness) and Jadal(Fighting and Quarrelling). Satan is most interested in our Fights and Quarrels.
In whole of Holy Quran, three verses deal with good conduct and all verses end with the instructions to ask Allah’s refugee from Satan and Stanic Acts. (Ibn e Kathir).
In Surah Aaraf, Allah says, “Forgive and Forget and preach virtuous things, keep away from uncivilized and if Satan instigates, ask for Allah’s refuge.”
In Sura Mumnoon , Allah says, “Remove and ruboff vice by virtue and Pray to Allah that Shaitan may not come near You.”
In Surran Haa mim, Allah says, “Vice (Badi) and Virtue (Neki) are not same. Ruboff Vice by Virtue then one can see How Your Foes become Your Friends. Only People with Patience and good luck reach this stage.”
Forgive and Forget those who angers you and reply Evil with good and at such times Prophet has advised invocation of Taawuz. Hadith says, that ummah shall get divided into 73 sects and only one sect will get deliverance. Allah says in Quran, those people who have divided themselves into groups have no relation with their Prophet (S.W) (Surah Anam). The order of Allah is worth DEEP CONCENTRATION, that the people who divided into groups have no relation with the Prophet, and we believe that it will be the intersession of the Prophet that ll deliver us from Hell.
How we define a group, a group is defined as per Surah Asr:
وَالْعَصْرِۙ اِنَّ الْاِنْسَانَ لَفِیْ خُسْرٍۙ اِلَّا الَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا وَعَمِلُوا الصّٰلِحٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ۰ۥۙ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ
“I swear by the time, Most surely man is in loss, Except those who believe and do good, and enjoin on each other truth, and enjoin on each other patience”
It is grouping which is the choicest aggression of Saitan for Muslims. Remember when Shaitan attacks from the side of Faith it is very difficult to defend oneself unless You have full knowledge of Quran and Sunnah.
Hajj is such worship where one can see People of Different Schools of thought offer Prayer after a single Imam e Kaaba. But here also for some last years Satan has spread his tentacles in an inconspicuous manner. If knowledgeable People do not rise against it, it ll be difficult to contain this divisive disaster. In Arfaat and Minna during Hajj one group of People instead of offering Prayers as Kasr after Imam in Masjid Khaif, preach to offer Full Prayers in their tents. A Madrasa in Maakkah openly preaches offering full prayers in their tents and many ignorant pilgrims have fallen pray of their Teachings.[Scanned copy of the Madrasa is attached at the end, ] Muslim Scholars must identify the mischief mongers.
So what is the right path as per the Hadith at the time of Hajjul Widdah, Prophet said, “Learn the conduct of Hajj from Me and follow the same strictly”. In minna and Arfat, Prophet offered only two rakat. During the Khilfat of Abu bakar and Umar, 2 rakats were offered. But during Usman’s Khilafat, He offered 2 rakat during early periods of Khilafat, and latter offered 4 rakats. A Prophets companion Abdullah bin Masood, said Innalillah hi wa inna ilauhi rajioun and prayed to God Almighty that He should count it as only 2 rakats which he used to offer after Prophet (S.W) [Sahi Bukhari]
When Imam Malik was asked to clear this point, He said during Umar’s Khilafat, He came to perform Hajj, He(Umar) told to the people in Makkah that He and his followers from Madina were in journey, so local need to offer full prayers. He then said nothing in Minna and Arfat.(Mouta Imam Malik).
In Minna and Afat, Locals offer only 2 rakat, whereas many people from the sub continent offer 4 rakats. When asked the reason for this thing, some of them quote the order of Kasr. In this regard one must understand that this is the Kasr of Hajj and has no concern with the ordinary Kasr, even if their assertion is understood to be correct then why they do not join the Salah after the Imam e Kabba, they can complete their Sallah there as well if they Like, These are the people who cause division in the rank and file of Muslims. These are the enemy agents and are Satanic mischief. Arfat is the main Piller of Hajj offering daytime prayers Zohar and Asr in Masjid Namrah is the spirit of Hajj after the Salah wakoof at Jabl e Noor is Supreme. Considering Long gatherings all can not accommodate in Majid Namrah or Jabl e Noor so praying in one’s own tent and wokef in tent or nearby hills is justified. But again remember Zohar and Asr must be said at the same time and doing Kasr is the correct way.
In Arfat when You do Waqoof Sincerely You can feel the Allah’s Grace and these experiences can not be pen downed. At sunset You start moving towards Muzdalfa from Arfat, this night is like Shab e Qadr for Pilgrims. Your Prayers which remained unanswered in Arfar will be answered and accepted in Muzdalfa. Be very careful here about Shatanic tricks, because Shatan is
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