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Book online «1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother by Lord Jesus (book series for 12 year olds TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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My word in them.


The people who pretend that know about God ask one another and say: „Why did we allow the man to take from the fruit of the knowledge if he did not have to take?”


Oh, sons, you too, sons of the people, I did not create the man to become slave, but to have freedom instead, as I want the man to love Me, and by his love to submit to God and not be forced by God. I want the man to be for Me like one of his gifts. I want that My gift from man to be the man himself. The gift is not out of obligation, and rather it is out of love. Giving is obligation, not the gift. I gave gifts to the man so that he may be able to see Me in him with them and that the man may love Me in him glorifying Me in him by My gifts in him. Oh, and the man took pride in it and reached out his hand and said that it is him. Look, sons, to the sons of the people and believe this truth: the man took pride in it and reached out his hand and said that it is him. He reached out his hand and took of the fruit of the knowledge and said that it is him, but I am the science, and the man threw Me down from My throne; he overthrew Me and sat himself on it; he sat on it through the sin of haughtiness. I made the man to be free, to give himself to Me as a gift and to have him; to have the work of My hands; to have My word and to rejoice over it and to rest in it. I told the man to love Me as his God, and he reached out his hand and took what is Mine and stole himself from Me; he pulled himself out of Me; he pulled himself out of his root. I was the root of the man, and the man became root for himself, and I came from the Father as root in the Virgin, to take the man back into the root, so that God may be the root of the man. The Father of mercy sent Me; He sent Me because of His compassion for man, to become root and to spring up into a new man and to take the man into My body, so that the man may grow up out of Me, into a new body and a new spirit. My Father sent Me as root in the Virgin.


Oh, mother Virgin, the root of your Son, I took root in you from the Father, so that I may have a root in man, to be the man’s root, a heavenly root from the Father, as I came as a root from the Father in you, mother Virgin, loved mother, My love, My mother, My loved Virgin, Virgin bride! Oh, how shall I sing you to put to shame those who did not listen to your word which said: «All the nations will bless me!»? You are celebrated in Israel. You are the man, who I took root in, to spring up from man; and this way I made man anew, and the man has no brains and does not know. You are the kingdom of God in man, and the man does not know what My kingdom in him and with him means. Neither the man of the church, who says that he knows God, knows anything, for the man became conceited and fell down reaching his hand to take what he was not supposed to take. He stole and fell while he was stealing and he remained within himself; he has remained master over himself and stays so until this day. And I came and told: the one who wants to come after Me and with Me should deny himself, take up his cross following Me; he should take up his denial of himself on his shoulders and be in Me following Me. Oh, the man does not know My kingdom in man. And neither the man of the church knows it, mother; he does not know it either.


            − Oh, he does not know, dear Son; the man does not know. Neither the man of the church knows what Your kingdom in man and upon man is. Oh, praise to You in me, for I was Your church which You came in when You came from the Father to the people. The man does not know what the church and kingdom of God in the church means. The priest who says while keeping the bread into his hand: „Blessed is the Lord in remembrance of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who as a guiltless Lamb brought Himself as a sacrifice”, does not know either, and take You out, a body from the bread and put You on the plate saying: „The Lamb of the Lord is sacrificed for the life of the world”, and thrusting on Your right side, takes then wine and water and pours out into the glass saying: „water and blood came out from the side of the Lord.” (During the Divine Liturgy, r.n.)

Oh, something else means the priest to know what he says. I say something else, Son, when I say this. I am always in the Mass of Your children from the garden. I am the bread which You are taken from, bread from bread, God from the Virgin Who the Son of God was born of, and You are put on the plate as in the manger which You were put it at Your birth, and the cross put upon Your body reminds of the star which announced You among the people, of the archangel who led the wise Magi in faith to proclaim into the world that You were born Man from the Father by a Virgin; and You are covered on the plate as I covered You with the swaddles; and You are censed the same way the Magi brought You incense and myrrh. And all these memories, which the hand and mouth of the one who brings You, makes and speaks, are the remembrance of Your crucifixion on the cross on Golgotha; Your side thrust, the shrouds on Your face and on Your body, the stone on the grave, Son. I am always with You when You share to Your sons from the garden; I am with the saints when Your are sharing Yourself not separating or growing less when giving Yourself as food to the sons. All the heaven enters when they say „May it be, Lord, that together with our entering to be the entering of Your saints angels who serve with us, glorifying You, the good One.”

The celebration of Your kingdom with Your sons, the body and word with Your sons that you chose from the world to be their king from heaven, is great, and they take me from the bread and place me beside You saying: „The Empress is sitting on your right. Amen.”


Dear Son, bless Your word in my word upon the sons.


− Oh, empress, Virgin, your name means empress. Oh, sweet mother, may the food of word be food on the sons and may the blessing be over them! Amen.


− People of my Son, my celebration with you is beautiful, as you are beautiful, child from Israel. May the beauties of the heaven embellish you and may you be the Lord’s heaven, your rest with God and the Lord’s with you, beautiful child. Your mystery is beautiful, as my mystery on the earth was beautiful. Mystery means what is not seen, what cannot be understood, what cannot enter the man’s mind. Oh, the mysteries of God are beautiful in man, in the man’s mind, sons of my Son! Receive learning of kingdom of my Son in the man; receive and give to Israel, so that every son of the Lord’s people may know well; to know well what is God’s kingdom with the people and among the people, the memorial and remembrance of my Son, Who always wants to be with sons, every day with sons, forever with its sons. Amen. I want to sit in counsel with you, to teach you exhortation of everlasting life, and I will come with my Son in Verginica’s book and I will also become word near her word, so that you may understand my mystery in her mystery.


You, dear Son, you pass from book to book and make out your books written in the Scriptures about. Israel is in my feast with You. Israel is beautiful, a beautiful child Son. Give to Israel everlasting love; give to the one who loves You, give him forgiveness of his sins, give him joy, give eternity to the one who proclaims You, the everlasting One. Give also to the sons of people; give them also to drink and to thirst for everlasting life, and let us make perfect the feast of Your coming and of the country of Your choice, as I pray in You for Romania.


Oh, daughter Romania, I am protection over you from the Father and from the Son and from the Holy Spirit, and I want you to be a pure virgin in your spirit, body and faith. Let you be born of my Son’s body, of my Son’s word, daughter Romania, as I let my help over you for the fulfilling of my Son’s kingdom in you, daughter Romania! You have a heavenly supper in you; you have heavenly bread in you, warm bread. My Son becomes bread in you. His word is bread, daughter Romania. Receive and be born and be a newborn church at the word of my Son, warm and pure manger for the One Who comes from heaven to be with you.


And You, Son, Emmanuel, You should be with her, to be with Romania, to fulfill upon her Your kingdom, which You come with! Amen.


− I am with Romania, mother. I have been glorified within her for forty years. I have been preparing for seventy years My mystery that is in her. My people is My mystery in her. I wanted to give birth to it in her. I gave it birth during bad weather; I gave it birth during the time of her birth, to have it as the people of My coming. May your love be blessed mother, as My people blesses you, and from it everybody that did not bless you yet will bless you.


Israel, My little people, you are My mystery; you are My feast on the earth; you are the white horse that My word sits on, as I also sit on cherubim. Oh, with whom shall I speak on the earth such a word, well Israel? And behold, the man does not understand. The people have names of wise men, philosophers, poets, scientists, theologians. The people have names, and they do not understand My name. Those who gave themselves a name do not understand your mystery with Me, My mystery with you. The people are without mind; they are without God in their living and in their mind. Give My grace to the people; give My word to the people. Whether they want it or not, whether they believe it or not, this is God’s word on the earth. The sower seeds Himself to take root in the people, so that the man may have root in God. Amen.


I give My peace to the people who want My peace. And you, peace to you, sons of Israel! Peace to you!


You should know, Israel, that I am your peace. Amen, amen, amen.




Oh, children and little children of My Spirit and body! I would stay with you forever. I would turn the night into day; I would make the weather stand still; I would always stay with you as I love

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