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Book online «1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother by Lord Jesus (book series for 12 year olds TXT) 📖». Author Lord Jesus

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you, and I would love you until you become like Me in everything, until you fall in love with Me as much as I am in love with you.


Oh, children and little children, I come again into Verginica’s book; I come with her. I come with My mother, through whom I came from the Father. I come with cherubim, as they are My will, and they are My coming from the Father to you and from you to the Father. Oh, children, and little children, get used to stay in the body, in one body, in My body and spirit, as you, who are, are one body and one bread. Get used to be, sons. And let the strong one also be from his strong place; and let the weak also be from his weak place, but let them be, as I came into the world as light to you, so that anyone who believes in Me may not remain in the darkness, as I do not speak from Me, but the One Who sends Me, the Father, He Himself commands Me what to say and what to speak, because the Father loves you, and He is in Me, and He is in love with you, and the lovers would never separate from each other. They feel how the eternity embraces them; they feel the joy embracing them. This is how the Father is in love with you, and I am the eternity and the joy of the Father; I am He Who embraces you making the Father rejoice in Me. From book to book I pass to you and after you; from cradle to cradle I swing with you between heaven and earth, and I tell you heavenly parables of saints and angels, as I tell fairy tales with Princes Charming and fairies to the little children. Behold, I am in love with you, and Father is in Me to keep you and to teach you in one single body with its members. Look how the members stay in the bodies and how they listen to their ruler, the soul, dear little sons. I am your soul, children of My body and My Spirit, and you are My body, My last church, My coming back house, My house of heavenly guests on the earth. No one among the people knows to sing the love to Me, to increase My love, as the people do not live My love; they live another love; they have other growth in them; they are of another dough and they have been looking for the good and love for seven thousand years and have not found it yet and have not known that it is, and they have not known what it is; the people do not know its root and fruit.


Oh, I want to make Prince Charming and fairies of you and to show you to the people as a true story, and I to be in your power, love and not a fairy story, but to be real in you, for I am as you believe. I am with you from cradle to cradle and I write Myself with you from book to book, so that the times may look at these times, and the last times to look and see, and the prophets, who proclaimed this time of Mine with you, to rejoice with you, for you are My small bouquet of flowers, what the prophets proclaimed about, that you will be and spring forth. And we will be loved by the countless multitudes if we know to love one another, loving sons, loved sons. You should have the Scripture which says: «Love one another as I loved you». I say again and again: one another not one with another or each with others, but each other as I loved all of you, who were at that time and are now with Me, loving each other. Love one another as I loved you, and if you do not know how, ask My love, My love which loves you all, and it will answer you loving you with its answer, and you will be carried at its bosom as a mother caresses her babies comforting them. This way you will be comforted in Jerusalem, in Me your Jerusalem, your place of joy. You in Me and I in you, a New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem from above on earth, a holy citadel, and countless multitudes will understand what the Scriptures which says: «And I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem coming down out from heaven, from God», for I said so: «I will prepare a place for you, as where I am you may be there also». And I went so that I may come back again from the Father a dwelling for you and for those of that time that I was spoken these words upon; to come as a holy citadel, to come and be as a New Jerusalem, so that where I am you may also be. That is why I have always said that I come to embody you in My holy body, in the dwelling which came down from the Father, as I said: «I go to My Father to prepare a place for you and to come back as a place from the Father for you». I said that in My Father’s house are many places, but I prepared a place for you to be together with Me. What kind of places has My Father among the many which I spoke about? Oh, there are many places of My Father’s house, of God’s making, dear sons, who stay under My wisdom. There are dwellings for thrones, principalities, rulers, beginners, powers, dwellings of the archangels, of angels, of seraphim, of cherubim; dwelling of ghosts who serve the word of God: rain, wind, blizzard, hail, dew, ice, snow, clouds, haze, fog, heat; wrath with its instruments, lightning, fire, brimstone; the dwellings of blessing: sun, moon, and light; the places of My Father’s house, which are many and countless, for He said and they came into being; He commanded and they were built and are being built at His command, and He set and is setting the forever and ever, and He gave and is giving them a law and they will not overlook it, and they will praise Him on earth and heaven. Oh, there are many places of My Father’s house, but I came from My Father and went to Him, so that I may come again, to come as a place for you, who are given to Me by My Father to be for you a dwelling into My Father’s house; you in Me and I in you; I with My saints and you with joy, as it is written: «Rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!» for the heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool, and this way the man was made. Amen. I prepared a place for you in Me, that where I am you shall also be, and everyone who is Mine to be with Me, and I with Mine, and all those of My Father’s places to serve God, to the word of God. (See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.)


Here is what I do Verginica. I would make the time stand still; I would always stay with My people and yours, and I would love it and comfort it, as I am so much in love with it, and Father is in Me; My Father is in His dwelling, Verginica, My Verginica, for I made tools of My word out of you and out of your people, My last church, as it is written into the Scriptures. I want to teach My love in it, your people, so that it may be love from Me, as I also am; for Me to be also love from it, as I also am, not otherwise, not as the man without mind, without God, understands, for this is what I told those of Mine: «Love one another as I also loved you», becoming everlasting love for you, the loved ones. Amen.


− But who else, Lord, knows what love is, Your love in the man, Lord, the love of Your saints, who sacrificed themselves for You to be with You, Lord, with You, the One Who is their everlastingness? Make Your people of today also know to be, loving You, as the saints before them also loved You, making many multitudes believe in You by their faith, by their love for You, by their testimony, Lord, the same as You also testify about Yourself upon the people with the sons of Your people of today, oh, Lord! Now it is otherwise, for it is You that testify about them, and not they testify about You, as Your time has come, the time of Your feast, the time of the love, Lord, Your time, and Your greatness is high, Your word is great, the time of Your love, Your time, Lord, as I would no longer want to tell you anything before my people when you are the sweet word, so sweet upon it. First, the man has to love and then to listen, as he cannot listen to You otherwise, for You become love in Your sons, to make them listen to you and to love You as the saints loved You testifying about You. But You become testimony in Your sons, and no one knows as well as You know the love that You give them and which will be on the earth a root from You, as You also were a root of love from mother Virgin.


− Oh, Verginica, I told my Son and I told your sons, mine and His, that I will come into your book with my Son and with you and I will also become word beside your word, so that my mystery and yours may be understood; the root of the sons then and now, yesterday and today, Verginica, my little sister, wooded by my Son, Who became love from you, word from you, as He became flesh from me, embodied love, Verginica, love from heaven embodied in man, as my Son came down from heaven and became flesh from the Holy Spirit in the Virgin and He became Man, the Man of the heavenly love on the earth for the man. I gave birth to my Son in the Bethlehem of Judea, so that the salvation may come from the Jews, and you gave Him birth as word in Romania, so that the Redeemer of the Jew may come from Romania; the Jew who did not accept the salvation coming out from his root, from his people, Verginica, and I took my Son and went into the world to hide him in Egypt, in the world, Verginica, to save the life of the world’s Savior. Behold, neither then, nor later and nor today, do the Jew and the Greek and the pagan see what salvation is, at the word of my Son, as the man has no mind, Verginica, and my Son has also hidden today in the world to call the world to Him. I could not hide in Israel with Him, as Israel wanted to take the life of the little Child that was written into the prophets about that He would be born on the earth. The priests and herods did not want the life of my little Child and rather they wanted His death. Behold, you also could not hide into the church with the little child that was being born giving birth and speaking over those who are born of the word.


The church liturgies remind and speak of everything the people did to my little Child, my Son, and the priests, who deliver the liturgy, persecute the little Child as then; they persecute my Son from the

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