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storms of elements, large price increases, wars, famine, pestilence and many other disasters, and as I have already remarked earlier, faith will – accept for a very few – not be among the people, and will be frozen in the ice of the people’s haughtiness, and one nation will attack the other.

[16] The people will be warned through seers and special signs in the sky, of which only a few of Mine will take note of, while the worldly people will only regard this as effects of nature and spit on those who still believe in Me.

[17] Thereupon the greatest revelation through My repeated return to this earth will take place; but this revelation will already be preempted by the greatest and sharpest judgment and be followed by a general thinning of the worldly people through fire and its projectiles, so that I Myself can establish a completely different plant-school for true people on this earth, which then will last until the end of times of this earth.

[18] I now say this to you in advance, that you certainly should not be of the opinion, that after Me it will be perfect like in My heavens. Yes, very few will be equal to My angels, but many even a lot worse than are the people during these our times.

[19] Despite all this you should not become annoyed about this; because I already have told many times, that man without his free will, is not man at all, but only a human like animal.

[20] In the best case one could train such people like animals for a certain activity, but never place them on the level, that they recognize that such work for the true person and for the animal people are good and useful, so that they then decide for themselves to perform such useful work at the right time.

[21] Man who sins against the law, thereby also shows that he is a free man, just like the one who follows the law voluntarily. Therefore you should not judge and condemn any person, but only teach him with all patience and gentleness and show the lost the right way. If he wants to walk on it, it is indeed good for him; however, if he does not want to do it, you therefore should not coerce him in any way, but in the worst case ban him from a better and purer society, since a coerced believing person is ten times worse than an open unbeliever and apostate.

[22] Look at the Pharisees! They are all coerced believers for pretense; however in themselves they do not believe anything and do whatever they have a desire for.

[23] Therefore be careful if you in My name choose successors for you, that you firstly under no circumstances force someone and secondly do not accept someone, where you can see it already from a distance that he wants to step into your office only for a temporary interest.

[24] You will take care of such indeed; however, nonetheless countless will take your office, partially through outer compulsion and partly through the prospect to find a good and carefree life in your office. However, all these will be counted by Me to the regiment of the antichrist, and their works will cause a disgusting smell and look like a stinking cadaver before God.

[25] Verily, I say to you: all your successors who are not prepared by Me, but trained only by people in certain world schools to follow your office, will not be looked at by Me; since only the antichrist will qualify his disciples in this way.

[26] Those whom you will lay on your hands and baptize them in My name, will be filled with My spirit; it is them whom I Myself at all times will chose as your successors and will confirm them by the true granting of My spirit.

[27] However, during later times there will be only a few, because the antichrist will expand his regiment too much; but when he thinks to be the highest in the world, he will be brought down forever! Have you understood this well and clear?”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 6, chapter 150




[1] But I fully got up and walked around a little with the disciples. Because of the beautiful view several benches and other seats have been installed. I stopped and sat down. From here one had the best view of Jerusalem.

[2] The disciples looked at the beautiful city and John said in a somewhat wistful voice to Me: “Lord, You are my love, isn’t it forever a pity about this city, that it according to Your announcement will be wretchedly destroyed within the near future?”

[3] I said: “You, My dear John, has here for this point made quite a suitable remark and also see in My eyes tears. But what can one do more here to prevent it?! See, for the sake to maintain these walls to destroy all citizens by an angel of death, is surely not something very wise, but rather something very unfortunate; since there are still living several thousand within these walls, who in time still will believe in Me! And you see there the seventy and the many toll-collectors including the disguised Pharisees and scribes; they will still today believe in Me fully, and there are still many among the nation, who subsequently will also be converted. Therefore this place should be spared as long as possible from any kind of too great a judgment. However, when all the good little fish has been saved from this pond, and nothing else is left than adders and revolting frogs to swim around, then the time has come to ruin the wretched marsh by fire and earthquakes.

[4] O, look at this whole landscape! How did it look like ten times thousand times thousand years ago?! There existed only very little mainland and from these in abundance covered mountains and valleys no trace existed. Only by later subsequent for your mind unthinkable greatest and nearly over the whole earth generally raving fire eruptions lasting for thousands of years, did the earth over time developed to such this landscape.

[5] And see, just as the natural formation of the earth progresses, also the spiritual development of man will go forward! At this point in time the souls of people are still full of raging storms and eruptions of the wildest fires. The wildest passions free themselves and destroy everything in and above themselves. But leave it at that, since their will come a time, when all such passions will transform into a calm and fertile ground, and only then it will become truly bright and joyful among the people! However, the truly good and pure people will always be rare in numbers, compared to those who more or less will still be ruled by their world passions.

[6] Such a better time will last for a thousand and some several years and will similar to the current form of this earth, which now, only plagued by a few storms, is in a certain calm and order full of lush and fruit rich regions, but nevertheless has alongside it by far more unfertile and very stormy regions than calm and fertile regions, apart from the great world sea.

[7] However, after such more than a thousand years of time, the earth will again have to endure a great fire trial. During such time the mountains on this earth will turn into level and fertile lands, and the sea will have to give up manifold the dead land which still lies buried in its deep, and the better people will take ownership of it and turn it into Eden. Afterwards, until the total dissolving of the whole earth, true peace will rule and death will never again have its right.

[8] But just as the mountains of the earth will become equal to the level land, also the people will have to completely down their haughtiness through hard trials, otherwise it can never come to a true, inner peace among the people of this earth. Since war is only born by haughtiness; if haughtiness ends, also envy, jealousy, stinginess, hatred, strife and with it all quarrels, arguments, struggles and wars end.

[9] And as such this now so famous and nearly oldest city, of which already the great king of Salem has laid the foundation for its walls, will now, as a mountain of haughtiness, morally and physically be degraded and made equal to the level land, and it will happen with it like with an old, very high cedar tree, which, since it became dry, rotten and dead, will be broken off at its rotten roots by a storm, then the loggers will saw it up and chop it up with an ax after which it will be burnt in the fire.

[10] With the tree it was caused by its nature, with the people however it is caused by their evil will, which does not want to submit to even the wisest laws, just as once the Hanochites through their unrestrained disobedience, brought the Deluge over themselves, in which they all badly perished. How many thousand times were they warned by Me through many seers, to leave the mountains alone! Only, nobody of them paid any attention to it. They ate, drank, indulged and sinned in all possible manner, they flirted and held large wedding banquets, until the flood surrounded them from all sides and drowned all of them. The same will take place here.

 [11] This exceedingly haughty snake brood will in time in their blindness and their power-mania raise above the Romans to drive them out of this country. And this will be the end. The general and later on also emperor is already born, which will destroy this city and its people.

[12] And at the end of this worldly people period – however, not the end of this earth – it will happen as follows: Humans will during that same time, rather not level mountains to the base like the gold and gemstone searching Hanochites did, (See also the “Household of God”, by J. Lorber) they will also not be able to antagonize the Romans anymore, however, they will by means of all kinds of machines driven by fire power, begin to drive unbelievable deep shafts and holes into the inner of the earth, whereby the highly flammable gasses push in great masses onto the surface of the earth. And once the atmospheric air is too much saturated with such gasses, it will start to ignite almost around the whole earth and burn everything to ashes. Only a few people will stay alive. However, those who will survive, will be people of the best kind. They will truly inhabit a totally new earth, and you and many who will come and be awakened after you in My name, will be their teachers and leaders.

[13] Only from then on will My kingdom on this earth be fully spread out, and the people of the sun will with the children of this new earth, step into a full and equal relationship and grow up in the love of My true children.

[14] This, what I now have told you, keep for yourself; since in this time it would be not useful to anybody’s salvation, if he knew about it in all clarity. At the right time I Myself will explain this to the people in detail if they can endure deeper knowledge. – Did you all understood this well?”

[15] Said John: “Lord, You my only love, I have understood this well; since now You have expressed Yourself very clearly, and therefore I could understand it very easily from You! If the other brothers also have understood all this so well, they of course will know it best for themselves!”

[16] They all said, except Judas, that also they had understood everything well.

[17] Only this disciple said (Judas): “To me, Lord, not everything is clear!”

[18] I said: “If it

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