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is clear to the other brothers but not to you, who always knew to boast the most with your mind, go to your brothers and they will explain to you what you did not understand! However, humility always understands anything quicker than the stubborn, willful arrogance, which, if you still any longer remains with it, will become your devil, your judge and your death. What is it that you have above all the others which makes you think that you are better than they are?! Humble yourself, so that you can escape from the snares of Satan!”

[19] Here Judas turned around and went to Nathanael, with whom he still harmonized in the best manner, and asked him about this and that which he did not understand, and Nathanael explained it to him. And when also this disciple was more or less in the clear about the things which I earlier have prophesied to the disciples, he calmed down again and did not asked anything further.

[20] One of the Jew-Greeks who were also with Me, said that it perhaps would not cause any harm, if one also told some of it to the other Jews.

[21] I said: “What is necessary they will learn at the right time; however, they certainly have not to know everything. – But there is our Lazarus. We will wait for him! He has spoken a lot with the disguised clerics and we will see what he will tell us.”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 6, chapter 207




[1] Thus, let everyone be full of meekness and humility. By that you will give each other the greatest and most true human honor, and live and have dealings with each other in peace and quietness.

[2] However, thirst for honor and pride will awaken resentment, offence, contempt, grudge, anger and finally vengeance, war and its evil consequences. The one who is proud and is thirsty for honor is also always full of self-interest and greed, and the sad consequence for the fact that he only wants to acquire everything for himself to increase his worldly honor, is that hundreds and thousands of people around him have nothing and must live in the greatest poverty and need, as it was the case during the time of Noah, and will be the case even more during the last time of the new paganism.

[3] But this evil and complete hellish condition among the people will be the judgment that they will cause themselves. The enormous number of poor and oppressed people will finally rise against their extremely proud oppressors and will make a short work with them, and this will be a second flood by the fire of the finally too badly and too heavily oppressed poor people.

[4] But during that time, also a natural fire will destroy many places, for because of a too highly inflated pursuit of earthly gain during that time, the people will penetrate like malicious worms into the depths of the Earth, will search therein all kinds of treasures and will also find them. However, once they will have reached the mighty layers of buried ancient forests of the Earth and will use them for the glowing and melting of metals and still for many other things, then also, the latest judgment which they will prepare for themselves, will be at the door.

[5] Yet, the people who will then live in the great cities of the kings and the mighty of the Earth of that time will have to suffer the most.

[6] Therefore, always stay meek and humble, and by that in true neighborly love, then no judgment will be called over you, because where during that time the people will live according to My order, there will be no last judgment. I have told you this now beforehand with the purpose that you will also tell and proclaim it to the people, so that finally no one can bring forward the excuse that he had not been warned for the danger.”

[7] All of them said: “Lord and Master, with Your help, we truly will not lack the zeal for the good and true cause. But there are many people on the Earth, which is big and vast, and we will not be able to come to every place, and so, the evil will continue to be rampant between that which is good and true, and we probably will not be able to limit it completely.”

[8] I said: “You certainly will not be accountable for that, just like every truly good person in My name. For it is sufficient that the truth is proclaimed to the people. If they will live and act according to it, is completely their concern. Whoever will live and act according to it, will not come into the judgment, but will receive eternal life and be blessed.”

From THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN - BOOK 8, chapter 51






[1] Then the innkeeper, the father of Kado, stood up and said: “O Lord and Master, then how will it look like in the time of which You have said that the people will then be purified by fire before Your return, and what kind of fire will it then be?”

[2] I said: “Yes, friend, that fire will be: great and general need, distress, misery and sadness, of a greater magnitude than the Earth has ever seen. Faith will extinguish and love will cool of, and all poor races will lament and languish, but still, the great and mighty and the kings of this world will not help the supplicants because of their great pride and by that also because of a too great hardness of their heart.

[3] So also, one people will rise up against another and will attack them with weapons of fire. Because of that, the rulers will come into great debts that cannot be paid off and will afflict their citizens with unaffordable high taxes. Because of that, there will be an excessive high cost of living, famine, many malicious diseases and epidemics and pestilence among the people, the animals, and even the plants.

[4] There will also be heavy storms on the mainland and on sea, and earthquakes, and the sea will flood its shores in many places, and then the people will come into great fear and anguish because of the expectation of the things which will then come over the Earth.

[5] All this will be allowed in order to turn the people away from their pride and their selfishness and their great laziness. The great and those who think of themselves to be mighty will be chastised with boredom and will by that be forced to come into action to free themselves from this torment.

[6] And look, this is the first kind of fire by which the people will be purified for My return.

[7] And in that same time, also the natural fire will play an extremely important role. The fire will drive on the ships over all the seas with the speed greater than that of the wind. Also, men will make with their sharp intellect iron cars and roads, and instead of pack animals they will harness fire to the cars, and with its great power they will drive off far over the Earth, faster than an arrow that has been shot off.

[8] In this manner they also will be able to control the lightning[3] and make it the fastest transmitter of their wishes and will from one extreme of the Earth to the other. And if they – the proud and greedy kings – will war against each other, the fire will render a great and decisive service, for by its great power, iron masses in the form of a sphere with a heavy weight will be flung with the speed of lightning to the enemy, the cities and strongholds and cause great destructions.

[9] With these weapons the inventive people will come to the point when soon no nation will be able to start a war against the other, for when two nations should attack each other with such weapons then they easily and quickly will exterminate each other up to the last person, which would certainly not give a true victory and gain for neither one of them. Those kings and their generals will soon realize that, and that is why they will rather tolerate each other in peace and good friendship. And if somewhere a very proud and ambitious disturber of the peace should rise and would attack his neighbor, then the peaceful ones will unite themselves and chastise him. And in this way the ancient peace will be set for the people on Earth and will be established durably.

[10] If one will count, from this My actual presence, 1800 and almost 90 years, there will hardly be any more war on Earth, and more or less in that time, also My personal coming on this Earth will take place, and the greatest cleansing of men will begin.

[11] Although there still will be wars among the more primitive peoples of the Earth, but these will also soon become impossible among them. I will drive them together with the help of My righteous and mighty kings and generals and let them pour out My light among them, and then they also will be changed into peaceful nations dedicated to the light.

[12] Look, this is the 2nd kind of fire by which the people will be purified.”


                        THE 3RD AND 4TH FIRE OF PURIFICATION


[1] A 3rd kind of fire will consist in the fact that I will awake already a few 100 years earlier ever clearer enlightened seers, prophets and helpers who will in My name, just as clear and truthful, teach the peoples everywhere about everything and will thus free them from all kinds of lies and deceit, which through false prophets and priests, even in My name, will clear the way for their downfall, and with that they will start, in a not too distant future, their evil beginning, and here and there they already have started it in My present time.

[2] They will, just like the other pagan priests, perform false signs and wonders and will deceive many people by which they will provide themselves with great earthly treasures, riches, might and great prestige, but by the 3rd fire and its most bright light they will lose everything and go completely to ruin. And the kings and princes who want to help them will by that lose all their might, their wealth and their thrones, for I will awaken My kings and generals against them and will give them the victory, and so the ancient night of Hell and its messengers among the people on Earth will come to an end.

[3] As this night now consists in the pagan, blind and useless ceremony, which they call divine service, it will also exist in those times, but by the 3rd kind of fire from the Heavens it will be entirely devastated and annihilated because the lie will not be able to stand victorious in the battle with the light of the truth from the Heavens, as less as the natural night can stand before the risen sun. It must flee in its most dark holes and depths, and those who stand in the light will search no more for the night.

[4] I have shown you now the 3rd kind of fire that has an extremely destroying effect on the darkness of men, and so I also will show you a 4th kind of fire by which the Earth, the people and all creatures will have to be purified by My 2nd coming. This kind of fire will consist of all kinds of great natural upheavals of the Earth, more precisely on those places of the Earth where men have built too big and beautiful cities in which the greatest pride, lack of love, bad morals, false administration of

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