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Book online «Immortality or Resurrection by William West (dar e dil novel online reading txt) 📖». Author William West

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part that can never die the resurrection is denied and made not possible. The two are not compatible and both cannot be true. Satan has done his work well.
ETERNAL JUDGMENT Hebrews 6:2. The judgment will be in one "day" at the second coming of Christ and is not being judged forever without end; but a judgment in which the results will last for eternity. Eternal is not describing a judging that has no end. Eternal has reference to the result of the judgment, not to the act of judging. The judging will end, but its result will never end. The punishment is after the judging. Will it take God all eternity to do the judging? If so, He will never get to the punishment. Whether the punishment is, Hell or death will not matter if God never gets past the judging. It is the results of the judgment, an endlessly binding verdict that will never be changed that is eternal, not the judging.
ETERNAL REDEMPTION Hebrews 9:12, and ETERNAL SALVATION Hebrews 5:9. Not redemption or a saving that goes on without end, but saving once that will be for eternity. The time of salvation ends. God will not be savings those in Heaven for eternity. The redemption will not be going on forever, but the results of the redemption will be with out end. Those that are saved are forever saved, forever redeemed, not forever being redeemed; their salvation is without an end. Even those who believe in Hell believe those in Heaven are redeemed, not being eternally redeemed; and those they believe to be in Hell can never be redeemed.
ETERNAL SIN [Mark 3:29] is a sin, which will be committed in this lifetime, and not a sin that will be being committed without end in Hell after the judgment. It is a sin that the results [death: the wages of sin] is a death from which there will never be a resurrection.
ETERNAL FIRE [Jude 7] is not a fire that is still burning Sodom and Gomorrah and will be burning these cities from now on, but the results, the total destruction of them will have no end. These cities are not still burning, but the results of the fire were their eternal destruction. The fact that Sodom and Gomorrah suffered the vengeance of "eternal fire" shows that the results are eternal, not the fire was eternal and that it is still burning today and will burning these cities for eternity. The fire that destroyed Sodom has long since gone out but their destruction remains and will always remain, and their eternal destruction is set forth as an example of "eternal fire" that will eternally destroy the wicked just as it eternally completely destroyed these cities.
ETERNAL DESTRUCTION 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and ETERNAL PUNISHMENT Matthew 25:46. Is this a destruction that will be bit by bit, but will take forever? No. It is destruction that the results will be final and eternal; a destruction that never destroys would not be destruction for destruction would never take place if the destroying were never completed. An everlasting process of destroying would never be destruction. Death, the wages of sin, is eternal punishment, but not eternal punishing; the death will be a permanent death, not forever dying but never dead. Eternal destruction and eternal punishment are speaking of the permanent results of both, a destruction and a punishment that will last forever, and is not describing the duration of the destroying, that it will take forever; not describing a destruction that the destroying will go on forever but never be destroyed. There will never be a resurrection from the second death, it is eternal. Those who teach that a person has a soul that can never be destroyed make God be forever destroying but never able to completely destroy the lost. Unconditional immoralists believe God made them destruction proof, and even He cannot destroy them, but nevertheless He will be trying to destroy them by burning them for all eternity. It is the destruction that is eternal, not eternally destroying.
• Eternal judgment, not eternally judging
• Eternal redemption, not eternally redeeming
• Eternal salvation, not eternally saving
• Eternal sin, not eternally sinning
• Eternal destruction, not eternally destroying
• Eternal punishment, not eternally punishing
• Does anyone think the saving will go on forever?
• Does anyone think the redeeming will go on forever?
• Does anyone think the dying will go on forever but death will never come?
The Bible does not say the lost will receive eternal punishing, eternal destroying, eternal dying, eternal perishing, but eternal punishment is death, destruction.
None of the above is an endless processes that will go on forever, but rather they have a permanent result; the result of salvation is being eternally saved, not eternally being saved.
• Eternal judgment is a judgment that happens one time, but the verdict will never be changed.
• Eternal redemption and eternal salvation is not a saving will be going on for eternity; not a saving that the saving will never be finished.
• Eternal sin is a sin that happens in this lifetime, but the results will last for eternity.
• Eternal destruction and punishment is a destruction that the results will last for eternity.
[10]. 1 Peter 4:5 "Ready to judge the living and the dead"
Christ will be ready to judge those who are living at the time of His coming, and those who have died before He comes. Nothing is said about a spirit or soul in this verse. Nothing is said about any of the dead being alive and having immortality before the resurrection. Before the resurrection the dead will be dead, not more alive than when they were alive.
This doctrine, "That man cannot die," made it necessity for evil people to have an endless existence, and this existence has been made into endless torment in a place that has been given the name Hell; but where did this doctrine or this name came from? The Bible says, "This mortal must put on immortality" 1 Corinthians 15:53. How can we put on that which we now have on? Can a person be both mortal and immortal at the same time?
[1]. MADE IN GOD'S IMAGE Genesis 1:27
Most probably the #1 proof text for immortality at birth. The argument is that God is immortal. A man is in God's image. Therefore, a man must also be immortal. This argument would make:
• God is immortal. A man is in God's image. Therefore, a man must also be immortal.
• God is omniscient [almighty]. A man is in God's image. Therefore, a man must also be almighty.
• God is omnipotent [all knowing]. A man is in God's image. Therefore, a man must also be all knowing.
When God made a man, He did not give him all His characteristics. God is omnipotent [almighty] and omniscient [all knowing]. A man is not almighty or all knowing although he is in God's image, but God is both; it does not prove that a person is immortal anymore than it proves a person is almighty. Animals are "living souls" [Genesis 1:20, 21, 24, 30, 2:19] just as persons are "living souls," but animals were not created in the image of God; it is not the "living soul" that makes a person be in the image of God. It is obvious that immortality, not subject to death, is not the way man is in "image of God," and it is only assumed to be even when the Bible specifically says otherwise. We now seek immortality [Romans 2:7] and will put on immortality at the resurrection [1 Corinthians 15:53-54], but we are not now immortal; nor do we now have an immaterial invisible part of us that has no substance which is now as immortal as it will ever be. This argument gives the impression that the person making it thinks God has only one attribute, therefore, if a person is in the image of God, that person must also be just as immortal as God is.
A man is to rule (have authority) over all that God has put under him just as God rules over all. It maybe that man's authority over all the earth, which none of the other created being of the earth have, is the way man is in the image of God. The two are without any doubt spoken of in the same context. Mankind rules over all created beings on earth in a finite way as God does in an infinite way. Christians "have put on the new man that is being renewed unto knowledge after the image of him that created him" [Colossians 3:10, See Romans 3:29; 1 Corinthians 15:49; Ephesians 4:24].
[2]. THE BREATH OF LIFE [Genesis 2]
The breath of life is used to prove God breathed into a person an immortal soul, which He did not give to lower animals. They overlook the fact that the same writer applies the same expression to both a person and animals, also to fish and birds. "So they went into the ark to Noah, by twos of all flesh in which was the breath of life...And all flesh that moved on the earth perished, birds and cattle and beasts and every swarming that the swarms upon the earth, and all mankind; of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, died" [Genesis 7:15-22 New American Standard Bible, also Ecclesiastes 3:19-20].
• "Jehovah God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul" Genesis 2:7
• "Two of all flesh wherein is the breath of life" Genesis 7:15
• The reverse of Genesis 2:7 "His breath goes forth, he returns to his earth" Psalms 146:4
"Stop regarding man, whose breath of life is in his nostrils" [Isaiah 2:22]. I find it difficult to understand how anyone can find an immortal soul in this. It is the body that has breath, and that breath is in its nostrils. Do they think the immortal soul is nothing but breath in the nostrils of man? As long as the "breath of life" is in his nostrils, a person has "life." When the "breath of life" is no longer in his nostrils, he no longer has "life." Instead of saying mankind is immortal and therefore, cannot be destroyed, this is speaking of the frail and perishable nature of a person that their life depends on the breath in the nostrils.
It is even more difficult to understand how anyone can find an immortal soul that cannot die in this when it plainly says, "And all mankind; of all that was on the dry land, all in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, DIED." Beasts and man both have the breath of life, and both died. Did souls that cannot die, die? The breath of life is not a living, thinking, conscious entity that survives death and lives without the body. "Then the Lord God formed man of the dust from the ground [the body without breath was a lifeless person that could not think, see, speak, or feel] and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life [lives, plural in the Hebrew] and man [the thing that was made of dust] became a living being [nehphesh]." Not "A living being"
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