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was put into the thing made of dust.
[3]. A LIVING BEING Genesis 2:7
See "USE OF SOUL [NEHPHESH] IN THE OLD TESTAMENT" in the first part of this chapter, all living beings are a nehphesh. The argument of many seems to be that God made man out of the elements He had created, then super-added a living being to the man making him a dual being. It does not say God made a being living and then put another living being in the first one. It says God made the man and then put life into him. According to Plato's a soul was put into the prison house, the body at birth and freed from it at death; while in the prison house of man, the soul uses its eyes to see, its ears to hear, and uses all the body. If it were a living being that was put into the body, before it was put into the body, could it see, hear, etc., before without the eyes and ears of the body, and can it do so after the death of the body? If the “soul” was not capable of performing these functions without the body, how can it do so after the death of the body? The body God made became a living being when god breathed into it’s nostrils the breath of life and when the breath of life leaves the body, it becomes a lifeless body. It was life given to the body, not an immortal living being imprisoned in it that was better off without the body in which it was imprisoned.
[4]. "YOU SURELY SHALL NOT DIE" [Genesis 3]
WHERE DID THE IDEA OF AN IMMORTAL SOUL ORIGINATE? Not from the first lie as many believe. Adam and Eve were told, "YOU [not your soul] shall not eat of it; neither shall YOU [not your soul] touch it lest YOU [not your soul] die." Satan said, "YOU [not your soul] shall not surely die." They were not told their "souls" would die. THEY [Adam and Eve] not their "soul" were sent out of the Garden of Eden "lest HE [not his soul] put forth HIS [not his soul] hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, AND LIVE FOREVER." Not their "immaterial, invisible" undying soul eats and lives forever.
1. There is not one word about a soul in genesis chapter three, but this chapter is used to prove a person has an immortal soul that cannot die
2. There is not one word about "hell" in genesis chapter three, but this chapter is also used to prove an eternal life of torment in hell.
• God said, "In the day YOU eat it DYING YOU SHALL DIE."
• Eve said, "YOU shall not eat from it or touch it, LEST YOU DIE."
• Satan said, "YOU surely SHALL NOT DIE."
o Satan lie has been added to in today's preaching. It has been changed to be, "Your body shall die but your soul, which is the real you, shall surely not die."
o "And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died" [Genesis 5:5]. "Adam lived...and he died." Today's theology says not so, “Adam lived and he continued to live. Satan was right when he said, ‘you surely shall not die’”
The warning for eating of the tree was "YOU shall surely die.” God's sentence for eating of the tree was "to dust YOU shall return" [not your soul shall return to dust]. In God's statement to Adam, the personal pronouns "you" and "your" are used about fifteen times (it varies in different translations). "Then to Adam He said, 'Because YOU have listened to the voice of YOUR wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded YOU, saying, YOU shall not eat from it; cursed is the ground because of YOU; in toil YOU shall eat of it all the days of YOUR life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for YOU; and YOU shall eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of YOUR face YOU shall eat bread, till YOU return to the ground, because from it YOU were taken; for YOU are dust, and to dust YOU shall return" [New American Standard Version]. The "YOU" is Adam that had to work to live, would sweet, and would die, not just an immaterial, invisible part of Adam. Those who use this passage to teach a person has an immortal soul pick one of the many of the "YOU'S" and say only this one is an immortal part of Adam but say nothing of the others and hope you do not see the others for their immortal "immaterial, invisible part of man" cannot eat, will not return to the ground, does not sweat, etc.; the YOU that eat is the same YOU that died; there is nothing obscure or vague in this statement, language could not be more definite. This passage is used to teach the doctrine of an immortal soul [nehphesh] even though it says nothing of a soul [nehphesh] or immortality, and at the same time, death, which is in the passage, is removed and it is made not to exist. Why would an immortal, immaterial soul that cannot die have any need of the tree of life to live? Why do many think God would tell Adam he would die if God know Adam was immortal and could not die, and why would God take the tree of life from him “lest he ear and live forever” if God know Adam had an “immortal soul” that was the only part of him that would live forever, and his “immortal soul” would live forever without the tree of life?
In “YOU shall surely DIE,” die is from mooth, Strong’s world 4191, and it is used repeatedly through out the Old Testament with reference to the death of mankind, animals, fish, etc., but never means eternal life with torment. It is “YOU” Adam that would “DIE” just as animals and fish die, not some part of Adam that could not die that would LIVE some place separated from God.
It was a real tree with a real earthly fruit that a real person with a real earthly hand that was told HE would die if HE eats, and a real earthly person that was put out of a real garden lest HE [not his soul] put forth HIS hand [not his soul's hand], and take also of the real tree of life by eating the fruit HE would have had in the same hand HE put forth [not his soul eating], and live forever. To what did living depend on eating of the tree of life, to Adam, or to an "immaterial, invisible" immortal part of Adam that could not die even if it did not eat? Would it not be a contradiction to say Adam had an immortal soul that could not die and must live forever, but it depended on eating of the tree of life to live, or that the soul that could not die would die if it did not eat of the tree of life? Yet, we are told that all, even Adam, have an immortal soul that will live forever, and this deathless soul has no need of the tree of life, and that this deathless part of a person is the only part of a person that will ever live forever; therefore, what could the tree of life give to Adam's deathless soul that it did not already have? Nothing. According to this doctrine, Adam’s deathless soul did not lose it’s deathless when Adam eat of the tree. This doctrine makes the flaming sword useless to keep Adam from the tree of life so that he may eat and live forever, for it makes Adam live forever if he eats or if he does not eat.
1. God placed Adam in the garden and gave him access to the tree of life to sustain his life; his life was dependent on his having access to this tree, not on his being created with unconditional immortality and not subject to death.
2. Adam was removed from the tree of life “lest he eat and live forever”; his life depended on his eating of the tree before he sinned. He was not remade, not recreated with a different body; he had the same body before and after he was put out of the garden, just did not have access to the tree of life.
It was Adam that God said would die if he ate, not an immortal soul that cannot die. It was Satan that told Adam he would not die if he did eat. Nothing is said by God about Adam having an immortal deathless soul that could not die. "You shall surely die" is far from saying, "When you die, a part of you will live and suffer eternal torment" but many read this into it. Was Adam created mortal or immoral? If immortal, how could he be threatened with death when he could not die? If he were immortal, he would be death-proof; therefore, God's sentence of death if he eats would have been a lie.
"It is appointed unto man to die, and after this comes the judgment" [Hebrews 9:27]. Not just part of a person, not only the body of the man. This is changed to read only your outer shell, and not the real YOU shall die. "In the day YOU eat thereof YOU shall surely die" is not, "After the death of your body, your soul, a part of you, shall be eternity alive in Hell and tormented by God" but this is what many read into it. Some say this is not physical death but a spiritual death. Then where did physical death come from? What death was passed unto ALL men [Romans 5:12]? Is it appointed for a man to die, or changed to be it is appointed for only a part of a man to die?
"The first man is of the earth, earthy" [1 Corinthians 15:47; Ecclesiastes 3:20].
• The death sentence: God: "YOU shall surely die" [Genesis 2:17] versus Satan: "YOU shall not surely die" [Genesis 3:4].
• The death sentence repeated: "Dust YOU are, and unto dust YOU shall return" [Genesis 2:19]. The YOU that shall die is the same YOU that shall return to dust. These words do not point to a continuation of life but to the end of it.
• The death sentence passed to all: "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned" [Romans 5:12]. As a results of Adam’s sin took him away from the tree of life and brought death which passed on to all for all are born mortal and do not have access to the tree of life, all return to dust.
• The remedy for the death that came through Adam's sin. "For the hour is coming, in which all that are in the tombs shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and those that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgment" [John 5:28-29].
Was this sentence of death given to an immortal soul that cannot die? If it is immortal how could any kind of death sentence be given to it, how could it not live forever? It could not be subject to death. It would not matter if Adam ate or did not eat for his immaterial invisible immortal soul could not die. In the fall of Adam and his sentence,
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