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and to see whether the vine flourished and the pomegranates budded. 12Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Amminadib.


Letter 92 Given by the LORD JESUS to Susan on March 19, 2011

Yes daughter you may write. I, JESUS have Words:

MY true love is MY bride. If you are not in ME then you are apart from ME. If you are apart from ME, you are not coming when I rescue MY bride. This is a simple reality. To be in ME, you must surrender completely and without full surrender, we are apart. You go your way, away from ME and I go MY Way, the Way you were meant to go, when I created you.

You travel away from ME to outer darkness. If you begin to drift out too far from ME to other worldly things, you will drift away for eternity. You will be away from MY Holy Pure Light Presence for all time. I will then leave you behind to face the worst if you drift away from ME before I return to save MY remnant Holy bride church. This church wears MY mantle of Holiness because I, JESUS cover MY bride with MY Precious Veil of Holiness.

MY bride is beautiful, filled with MY Light and Love, brimming with divine beauty from above, lovely, pure, covered with MY eternal purity and holiness. Without her LORD and MASTER, she would be lost. I cover her with this beauty. She is ready for marriage. She is ready to take her place for eternity along side her GROOM, her KING.

MY Love for her is great. MY Love is expansive, wide and full. She will never lack. She will always feel MY Presence, MY Holy Presence. I can give you this beauty also, MY Beauty. I am the KING of ultimate Love and Beauty. Love does not exist apart from ME, true, pure Love. Man thinks he knows love. His love is spoiled by sin and is not really like GOD’s love at all.

Men who separate themselves from ME, their GOD, never experience love again. This loss is immeasurable. It is impossible to calculate the incalculable. How can anyone fathom the unfathomable? It is not a few days apart from goodness and love and GOD. It is all time, never ending eternity, time without end. This is what MY created children step into when they turn their backs to ME.

MY children, I am your LORD. I am your MAKER. I created you. Why do you doubt WHO I am? Why do you doubt where you came from and how you came into being? That I, GOD am the force who put you into the time you exist in right now? I see you have tremendous doubt. Worse is that you won’t even consider that you have a beginning and I was there when you began and that I will be there when your life has closure—you will either be found in ME your CREATOR or apart from ME because you have chosen to reject ME, your CREATOR as your LORD and MASTER. Your choice will be final.

Let ME share with you the great sadness when one of MY children face ME and realize they have done the worst and devoted their life to pursuing worldly interests and not pursued the TRUTH and WAY and LIFE of their GOD, the one who has made them. They must turn away from ME and depart to hell and to torment with MY enemy. This can never be undone. What loss they experience at that moment. The sadness is not expressible. Many of MY children depart to this end—so many more than those who come with ME to MY Kingdom. The loss is incredible for each one, MY sadness is great for them but this is MY Truth. These are MY Words and I, GOD speak Truth.

Take time out of your busy schedule and SEEK MY TRUTH. I am coming very soon and MY Truth can save you. Time is running out. Spend your time very wisely now. There is very little time remaining to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. You are running out of time to be prepared to come to MY Salvation and to MY LORDSHIP. Your time is dwindling down.

WAKE UP! Listen to MY Words. The end of this grace period is almost over. MY Grace period will never be this easy again for MY children. Soon the choice to come to ME will be painful, difficult, and hard. You will face the worst. Many will succumb to the demands of the enemy because the choices will be most difficult. So many will not choose for ME, they will fall away.

Later that same day, I took down these words:

Yes, MY daughter I am ready to give you more words:

Soon—MY return is swift. I am spending time with these letters to you MY children, simply because I love you. MY Love for you is great. I have made these Words available to you because this generation needs extra encouragement, because the forces are in full force against you.

The enemy has put forth a good show to pull you away from truth. He has wined and dined you and made you believe that the worldly way is the best way, that man’s truth is GOD’s truth. Man’s truth changes every hour. GOD’s Truth is solid, unchanging, unrelenting, unmovable, undeniable, unshifting, constant, reliable Truth. Man has followed after MY enemy and the loss for man will be great and eternal and the outcome will be horror.

I am sad for mankind. What a sad time for MY creation that won’t come to its senses before it is too late. The hour of great and immense sadness is at hand. But I must see this through. I must do exactly what I have foretold and the earth will soon know and experience MY wrath.

MY children please wake! WAKE NOW!

Do not doubt these words. Look around you. Trouble is all around you. Don’t be deceived by the past life you lived, that the future looks like the past. Life as man has come to know is about to change, there is no going back. Your GOD will be removed from all life and I will remove MY Hand of protection and the world will then know MY Wrath.

Children wake! Wake to Truth. This is truth. Read MY Book.

Surrender your life over to ME and I will show you truth: these moments are critical. Soon there will be no time to make your peace with ME and to give me your life. The hour is shortening. DO NOT REJECT THESE WARNINGS! I do them only for your own good. I do not take kindly to your rejection of MY messages. Warnings have been given. Soon you will be without excuse when you face ME if you read these messages and reject MY truth in favor of my enemy.

Your decision making time is almost up. Choose wisely.

This is JESUS.

The Son of GOD.

Father of mankind.

Make no mistake.



PART 52: This letter has young Ethan's vision and testimony of how damaged JESUS' face was at HIS crucifixion,...

...also two important end time letters where JESUS speaks HIS heart to HIS children in choosing for HIM before it is too late!


Dear Friends of Christ:

There are two important letters from our LORD JESUS for you to read. Also included is an important message from our young 10- year-old daughter of New Guinea Missionaries, Philipa.

MY, Susan’s, son Ethan, who is 14-years-old, was recently given a vision from JESUS of JESUS’ face at the time of His crucifixion. This was a unique vision—not only because it was of JESUS’ face at His death, but because this vision my son received, he can bring up in his mind "at will" unlike other visions that appear only briefly. So Ethan can see this image anytime he chooses for as long as he needs to see it. The LORD JESUS gave Ethan this ability because JESUS told Ethan He wanted Ethan to make a sketch of the vision Ethan is being shown by JESUS of how JESUS appeared at the time of CHRIST’S death on the cross. So many pictures show JESUS' face in a pristine and unmarred condition—but JESUS wanted His story told about what He endured on the cross and He has asked Ethan to draw what he was shown to him by the LORD. We have included the descriptions above his drawing of what Ethan sees, for clarification of his depiction.

Ethan's, age 14, Drawing of the Vision given to him by the LORD JESUS of JESUS' Actual Appearance at the Time of His Death on the Cross.

What Ethan sees in his vision of the LORD and describes: Hair ripped off scalp. Red slash wounds/marks across the face from a whip. Ears beaten to stubs. Eyes swollen shut. Nose beaten off. Skin completely ripped off face or loose on the face. Beard ripped off the chin. Lip partially ripped off and hanging below  


Shout His NAME on the rooftops!

Your friends in Christ, Susan & Sabrina.


Letter received March 26, 2011. Given by our LORD JESUS to Sabrina.

I AM a very loving GOD. I give you Word after Word through all MY children and prophets. MY HOLY WORD should suffice, but this you do not take to heart. You would rather fill your hearts and head with mundane reading which only leads to perdition and has nothing meaningful to offer.

I want you to know that I, GOD am a very loving GOD. Those who know and have met ME, know this. They have experienced MY Love. Do not think I condemn you to an eternal fire. This choice you make yourself MY children.

I call you MY children, for you are all MY creation, MY creation, so unique. It saddens ME therefore that I will not be able to let many of you in MY Kingdom of Heaven. MY Kingdom of Heaven is pure, chaste, clean, disinfected of all evil. Therefore, I cannot let souls in who are infected by the evil of this world. Do you realize this MY children? Only a little leaven already leaveneth the whole lump.

It is therefore important to heed MY warnings. I do not want one person to be lost. Many are already lost and this is tearing MY Heart, because it is unnecessary, since I was the perfect sacrifice for them.

MY sacrifice is still valid. MY sacrifice is an eternal sacrifice, but once comes the day I must judge then there is no more place or time for grace. The time of grace is now gradually coming to an end. The era is now gradually closing.

Many believe that everything will continue as normal. Everything is not normal anymore. This world is in chaos and disorder as I, God shake the world. The intention is to shake her awake, but still MY people do not realize this. Once the day comes, and this is now very soon, that people will flee before MY Face. They will not know where to hide, since even the mountains will refuse to fall on them. Then they will realize who their GOD and MAKER is.


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