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will restore everything. This world will be completely renewed. A new heaven and a new earth, as MY WORD says. Now the enemy still has dominion over this planet and the universe, but soon also he will receive his eternal judgment. Therefore wake up and let yourselves no longer drag you along by his ingenious tactics to keep you away from your GOD. READ MY WORD, come to ME, your GOD, with a repentant heart, so I can fill it with MY GRACE.

MY GRACE is big, but your hearts are small to receive this. Open your hearts for ME and give your GOD a chance to reveal HIMSELF. I give everyone a chance. But everyone has also a free choice. Unfortunately many, very many, choose not for their GOD and MAKER, but for the idolatry that this world is full of.

There is only ONE WAY to eternal salvation and that WAY is JESUS CHRIST. MY Sacrifice was so perfect, you do not have to look for perfection anymore, for IN ME you are perfect. Stop walking the byways of this world and come onto that ONE road that will lead you to eternal life with ME.

I GOD have spoken,

JEHOVAH RAPHA WHOSE Throne is in Heaven.

Jude 1:7. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Ecclesiastes 1:13. And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.

John 5:29. And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.

Revelation 6:15-16. 15And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

Isaiah 65:17. For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

Hebrews 10:14. For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.


Letter 94. Given by the LORD JESUS to Susan on Friday, March 25, 2011.

Yes daughter I can give you Words. MY daughter, this is your LORD:

Today, I have Words. Today is the beginning of the end of this phase. I am moving into a new phase. I am bringing MY people into a new phase. MY people you need to realize that you are running out of time to prepare for MY sudden return. I will come some day and many will be caught unawares. The loss will be great when you are caught facing the worst.

MY children, you are so deceived and complacent. You want to believe so badly that all is fine, all is normal. IT IS NOT. The world is starting to come apart. You are seeing a world that has rejected GOD, coming apart, because I am raising MY Hand. I am removing MY powerful right Hand from the earth. I am beginning to allow mankind to truly have his desire to be free of attachments to GOD. Now I WILL PROTECT MY TRUE BRIDE, but I will leave evil men and the lukewarm church to face what’s coming without MY protective Hand and watchful Eye.

This world is set on having its way apart from its CREATOR—SO BE IT! I will not force MY Love on a world that is disinterested. Whoa to this world that thinks happiness, contentment, peace, and love exists in man’s ways apart from their GOD.

Children, you are given free choice to choose for ME or my enemy. There is no third choice. MY children, you were created for relationship with ME, your LORD and GOD. I am the ONE you were created for. This is why you exist, try though you may to believe otherwise. This is the meaning of your existence. Now what does this truth mean to you? How do you choose to liv your life knowing why you were created? Will you rebel against ME, your CREATOR and lead your life completely apart from ME, your GOD and show ME a half-way attempt toward a relationship with ME?

Your weak attempts to worship ME are noted. I see where you stand in your heart toward ME. if you are sacrificing time to be with ME and enthusiastic when you are in MY Presence, I know how you feel about ME, but if you doubt I exist and show ME no preference or give ME your best time, I know where you stand with ME. I know who I am taking out of the world when I come to rescue MY bride. MY people, MY children who show ME their true hearts and love and devotion are the ones who will be relieved from the great hour of tribulation coming on the earth.

If you are away from ME, your rescue will not exist. I will lose many of you completely, eternally to MY enemy to unending hell, and the Lake of Fire, as promised in MY Book. This is the destination of those I created for MY Friendship who reject ME to follow other false gods, false ways of truth, false existences. What seems good and right to you now, if you worship any pagan god that is not JESUS CHRIST or if you worship the world’s way: pursuing wealth, entertainment, and make no time to get to know ME, your GOD, you will stand before ME at some point very soon and all the explaining will not save you apart from the blood covering I offer to protect and save you from the judgment of your past sins and evil life. This is your only hope, MY BLOOD BOUGHT SALVATION covering your sins before the HOLY GOD WHO brought you into existence for the single purpose of FRIENDSHIP, RELATIONSHIP, COMPANIONSHIP.

Reject MY Companionship and Salvation and depart from ME and MY Presence for eternity. You will go from ME, enter a dark eternity away from life, MY Eternal Abundant Life. It is not what you think.hell. You think it isn’t so bad, “I will be okay.” NO, you will be tormented and this will go on for all time. Reject MY warning now and when you face ME without a true, sold-out relationship with ME then we will part company for eternity, never to meet again.

These are sad Words, but they must be spoken because the world has rejected ME and I must allow the world to have its ways. If you think this is not truth, read and study MY Book and see that MY Words are all true. If you understand MY Words and saw what the world embraces, really saw, you would admit that the world is completely rejecting its GOD. You do not want to face this truth, because you are too enamored with the world. THIS WORLD IS AN ENMITY TO ME.

Love your life here, in this world, embrace the world, and all its iniquity and lose you’re your eternal life with ME, your loving, caring GOD. These are MY Words of Truth you must consider carefully as dark clouds are forming of evil over this earth. Soon I will reserve the bride and leave you to your choice.

These are MY Words.

This is MY Truth.

These are MY Ways.

You either love ME, and follow ME or you do not—you must decide.

I bring the choice before you.

What will it be?

This is your LORD JESUS.

And I am waiting for your decision.

Don’t wait too long.



Background on our friend Philipa: November 19, a young girl contacted me Sabrina through email. Her name is Philipa and she is 10-years-old and though she is still young, she is very smart and loves JESUS so much. Philipa’s parents are Christian missionaries in New Guinea. Philipa said she was open for any advice or words. I wrote her back that same day and to my surprise the Lord had a beautiful word for her. I will share the last sentence:

“I long to hear your voice MY beautiful child, so come, come! I will surprise you with MY presence and you will hear MY Voice. I love you deeply, Your Father and friend forever, Jesus.”

Letter from Philipa:

Hello Sis Sabrina,

Please how are you? I hope you're fine. Please, just another Vision from the LORD for the next "I AM COMING": Today, 26th March 2011, the Lord showed me this. Whilst praying at home, the Lord sent me to hell. When we went, I saw a lady named Cecilia. She was someone who used to drink and smoke. I know this because, the Lord showed me her behavior that she put up while on earth. So the demons were putting stones, worms, and snakes in her mouth.

I also saw a man who had just entered hell. His name was Johnson. He said something while he fell into hell, and the Lord gave me the knowledge to understand what the man said, though it was in Spanish. The man shouted, calling a lady named Maria. This lady had once preached to him about Christ. But he did not take it. After knowing how real hell is, he started calling on her to preach to him about Christ, but it was too late.

After, the Lord told me that we were going to HEAVEN. MY HEAVENLY horse with my name on it came to pick up the Lord and I. When we reached the HEAVENLY GATES, I saw something wonderful! The HEAVENLY GATES had been redecorated with more beautiful gems. The gems were violet and silver, which changed into several colors. It was so shiny. I loved it! And on the GATES, were the big engravings:


It was so amazing and magnificent! Words cannot explain. Now, even the GATES, are ready and waiting for us! It was superb! That was my vision.

Best Regards, Philipa.


These urgent prophetic messages are recorded at the website:

Sabrina's email is:


Susan's email is: 


Publication Date: 04-02-2016

All Rights Reserved

DEDICATION We dedicate this book to the Trinity: GOD THE LORD JESUS, GOD THE FATHER and GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. NOTE FROM THE AUTHORS These books were not to be created for the generation of profit but for the purpose of reaching more people through this particular medium. But certainly not to raise money through the use of these prophetic Words of the LORD. The list price of this book was set to cover only printing costs and the royalty that goes to the authors is near zero. (There may be a few cents per book due to fluctuating printing costs. Any remainder over zero is used to buy books

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