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mourning and followed Me longingly, and I was giving them. But when the paid shepherds, who were laying in ambush for Me and for My sheep, found this, got up and raveled all My sheep and made them cry to Pilate to put Me on the cross, so that they may not lose their sheep that they were sucking from. The same is today too. I shepherd with a heavenly pasture and water the sheep with a sweet fountain, and the cunning shepherds got upset with Me and laughed at the sheep that I gathered in My arms to give them life from My life. But they cut themselves and will cut into the sword that they took against My coming and against My pure flock, which is cleansed by Me to be, and so that My church between the heaven and the earth may no perish. The church, which stays built by the man on the heights, is no church. That is a store on which is written „God” and the man goes to get Me from there and he pays Me. There is no man to have room in that church if he has no money. All its servants say that the money is for the church, and the man does not know what his ruler says, when he takes his money and spends on fleshly, earthly and passing away pleasures. Behold, the money, which the man gives to this business is not for the church. The church means the sheep, not the walls; it does not mean anything else. The lean sheep is of no interest in the temple of the man; the barren sheep even less. But the fat sheep has room, for it has milk, wool and lambs. Not the priest is the one to handle the money if it is a need for the life of the church, but rather the economists who have in their charge the necessities of the sheep. A sheep helps another sheep by the upright economists, who share innocently, as the Scripture says. And the priest should shepherd; he needs to feed, bandage and tend My sheep, and he should have no sheep, since he is established as a shepherd of My sheep; and I do not ask anything from the sheep, rather it is I that give them from My life. Amen.


I complain with My word. All people are blind and I can no longer get rid of the slavery for the man of the lying wrote Me on his house to live as a result of My name, but I did not tell him to do so. I did not give Myself to anyone to be sold but to Judas, so that the Scriptures may be fulfilled with Me, the Shepherd sold by the man.

Behold, this has always been with the shepherds of the lie. The poor widow borrowed so that she may have enough share from the sheep to give to the shepherds. When I saw her giving, I took pity on her. No one asked her if she had enough, but only if she gave. She had very little to give and still she did not think of her life, rather she borrowed and here is how much she gave. Oh, why do the shepherds not proceed the same way? Why do they not lay down their lives for the sheep, as the sheep do for them?


Oh, poor little sheep, I have much mercy on you. I came after you to take you out from bondage. The shepherds over you suck your blood and waste your time. You work for foreign masters to keep your life, and the shepherds over you eat your milk, and you do no longer know how to give birth and bring up lambs for Me. You should know that the shepherds over you are nor from Me, but they are My traitors. They wrote Me on their store and hired men and tax collectors and sold Me to you, as they say, and they buy you with My name which is written on their store. Behold, selling and buying, and where this is there is an antichrist work, a false seal. No one can sell God and no one can buy sheep unless he has this secret name written on him: „antichrist”, the man of lawlessness, who has been laying in ambush in a coat of the saint since two thousand years. My church is not this way, and where it is, it is not selling and buying, it is not a paid shepherd, who gives the sheep to the wolf if the wolf is coming; it is not a sold God or a bought sheep that the shepherd may hire for; rather, it is love and a holy sacrifice, as I revealed Myself to the sheep, as I worked before the sheep so that the sheep My take a church teaching from Me. However, this kind of church has never found its place among the people, for the people are blind and do not seek to find the Spirit of the Truth so that they may see through it afterwards.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saints, three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, on 12-02-2001



I still hear the man saying the he does need another Scripture; that the one from two thousand years ago is enough and that it has everything. It has, man, but you have nothing of it. Do no longer oppose when I come to reveal the one of that time by this one now. Do no longer justify yourselves as you have nothing to justify with, since you do not walk in the footsteps of My Gospel of that time, for look, My book of that time has had no room on the earth; My word, creating the new man, has had no room over your life, as I wanted to make the man by My Gospel of that time. And I come now and remind you that you did not walk in My footsteps. And if this word of today shows you the judgment of your deeds against My teaching, you rise to put My book of today under the lie and say that you do not need it and that you have the one of that time. Oh, where do you have it? Do you have it on paper? If you have it this way, that one is the book of your judgment. You are judged because you did not work according to it. At least humble yourself. But no; you cannot because you are after your own wills and you cannot submit them to you. You submit Mine to you and say: „I do no longer need them”. This is how you say to My word of today and to My word of two thousand years ago. You do not need either one. Oh, if you do not need, why do you still live on its account? Why do you make a profit on account of My Gospel of two thousand years ago? I said that it will win over souls and bodies for the kingdom of heavens, and you make money beside My work of that time and do your own will with it.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s meeting, on 15-02-2001.



Oh, My little ones, My work with you is really hard. The time of the man presses on upon My coming to choke it, but I have you and force My way and come to bring together all who come to the spring, and I take from this spring and share. Let the man open the Scripture and see what is written on it about this spring which flows from the throne of God; the Word that waters the earth. Let the man read My word of two thousand years ago, as it is said in it this: «Watch, for you do not know the day or the hour when the Son of man, the Bridegroom of the wedding is coming».  Blessed is the man, whose Bridegroom I am, for that one waits for Me this way, for the joy of the wedding is great, and the love between the Bridegroom and the bride is the greatest joy of the soul. If the man had Me as Bridegroom, he would wait for Me to come and bring the joy of the everlasting wedding, and the delight of My eternal good things with it. But the man does not know Who I am, for My light is put under a bushel, as it is written into My book of two thousand years ago: «The sun and the moon will grow dark and will no longer give forth their light, and the stars will fall down from the heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken». Those, who established sun and moon[24] upon the people, do not give the light forth upon the people, because I am the light and not they. Oh, the man do not know Who God is, for the light is put under a bushel; it is put under the garment, and My garment has turned into a lie because of the lying man who takes on My garment, (Of the shepherd, r.n.), a light that does not keep light. The man walks in this darkness and does no longer see the way, poor of him. How could I have not come now when the man does not give more than a light which cannot keep the light? If this was written into My Scriptures, this was what I did. I came and I found written that I should come, and this is what I found written: «There will arise false christs and try, if possible, to deceive the very elect that wait for Me to come. And soon after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heaven shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man, and all the nations of the earth will cry and see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and he will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heaven to the other». Amen. This is what I said by the Scriptures two thousand years ago: «Learn from the fig tree. When its branch is yet tender and gives forth leaves, you know that the summer is nigh. Likewise you, when you shall see these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Watch and be ready, is such an hour as you think not, the Son of man comes». Amen.


I read the Scriptures together with the man, for it is the hour when the man does no longer thing, does no longer read; he does no longer hear My coming and My Gospel, and when the false man, dressed in My garment, says: „No one knows when the Lord’s coming is; the angels do not know either, nor the Son, how the man then shall know it!”  And when the man hears this, he does no longer think at My coming. Only that I said then: «The Lord is coming when you do not even think of it», and this is what I said about My work of today: «When the branch of the fig tree is tender and gives forth its leaves the summer is nigh, right at the doors. Learn from the fig tree this parable». Amen.


Who is the fig tree? I am, and the fig tree on the earth is without fruit. I am

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