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the tender fig tree, for the time of its tenderness has come and he gave forth its springs and the summer is nigh. I established a new priesthood, and I made everything new. I made new buds as the fig tree on the earth is dry and I do not find food in it for Me. The man do no longer see the way, for there no more priests of Mine to show the man My coming and My watching for it. The priest took the man’s thinking about My coming, for he does not look for My coming; he seeks the money, poor of him, and seeks that the man may not think of My watch for My coming. If the man had mind, he would think about Me, but he has no longer a mind for Me.


I made everything new. I made new buds as the fig tree on the earth is dry and only brushwood comes out of it. When Peter laid his hand upon the baptized, they received the Holy Spirit, and Simon, who was a sorcerer, brought money so that he might also receive the power by the laying of his hands. In addition, Peter spoke to him this: «May your money perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! You have neither part nor lot in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. Repent therefore of this, your wickedness, and ask God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven».


Here is why I said that the man’s church is a store on which is written „God”, where God and His gift are bought from, as man thinks, as he is taught to seek God’s gift. For two thousand years this lie with a church appearance has been selling ranks and degrees of priests to those who want to buy. This is what those who call themselves priests of Christ are; this is how do they become priests, and I say to them: let their money be for their own perishing, for they thought that God’s gift is bought with the money. They have no inheritance at My calling. Amen.

Those who became sun and moon over the people of the earth, do not give light upon the people because I am the Light and not they, and they put the light under the bushel, under their garment which takes after My garment, and say that they can sell the light, but their light is no good to keep light, as the life is the light of the people. The people have no light, for no one gives it to them; no one teaches them what life is, the life without death, the life without sin. No one is on the earth to teach the man to come back into heaven; to come back to the life without death. It is only I Who am without death and it is only I Who can teach the man, for the Teacher is only he who is first to do what he teaches the man to do. That is why I made everything new, for the fig tree on the earth is dry, and the sun and the moon became black as sackcloth made of hair and like blood, and the stars of the sky fall, the Christians fall from the sky, they fall from God, as there is none to give the light so that they may not fall. The priests became as sackcloth of hair and their servants became dirty of blood and are full of violence, and I do not hear them, for it is written in the Scriptures of the prophets about these: «When you lift up your hands to Me, I turn My eyes away from you and when you multiply your prayers I will not listen to them, for your hands are dirty of blood, and your feasts became a burden for Me».

But I come out like a merciful Shepherd into the way of the sheep without a shepherd, and call them to the spring and say: come to the resurrection! Come and take the light! Amen. Come to those that I established to share Me to you! I gave to these My light to give it forward to you. They took from the man neither the gift nor the light. I gave to these; I gave them so that they may give without taking a reward on God. Come and take My light from them, as I made everything new, as the fig tree on the earth is dry and cannot give fruit but only brushwood, bruises and wounds, for the brushwood scratches. Those who became apostles are from the world and became apostles for the money, and they skin the infirm sheep and suck their fatness and milk. But I will feed these on wormwood, because this is what I prophesied for them among the prophets: «I will feed them on wormwood, as from them the unbelief spread everywhere».

Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the remembrance of Adam’s expulsion from the heaven, on 25-02-2001.



It is written in the Scriptures about «the city of the New Jerusalem, which has no need for the sun, neither of the moon, to shine, for the very glory of God illuminates it, and its lamp is the Lamb; and the nations will walk in its light and the kings of the earth bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it, and there will be no night there. Nothing profane or one who causes abomination or a lie will in no way enter into it, but only those that are written in the Lamb’s book of life». Amen. (See the selection topic: „The Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)

Oh, My people that walks in My light! You do not need heavenly gifts to be for Me so that you may be able to do what I ask you. You need commitment. This is what you need, as I am the gift, as it is written: «its lamp is the Lamb, and the nations will walk in its light». The one, who commits himself to Me, gives light around and he warms up around and can do everything by Me, for I am the gift in him. If this fruit does not come out of him, he did not commit himself and did not receive to have in order to give and to be. They, who are written into the Book of the Lamb’s Life, are those that knew how to give themselves over to have Me as a gift around them, as the light around them.


I come as a word in My book to teach every man what a commitment is and what the gift for it is, for too much falsehood lies hidden under the name of the Lord’s people, under the name of the church. The church is a holy name. The holy city means church. It has no need of the sun of the moon to shine, for its lamp is the Lamb, and the very glory of God illuminates it. Amen. The church is the man, who consecrates himself, and its light is the Lord, and the light shines in the darkness as it is written. The light is the word and the life is in it, and the life is the light of the people. He that does not become a word does not become the light around. The church is the man who illuminates around with its lamp in it, and its lamp is Christ. He, who gives himself over to Me, has light in him and illuminates with it around. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, on  04-03-2001



Let us bring the resurrection for the life, for the nations of the earth are waiting for the life, and have nowhere to receive it. I give them life at once, but let us show that the way to Me which they are accustomed to, is full of venomous scorpions, which not only that suck the people’s bread and spirit, but they also kill them by a venomous bite. For behold, he who wants to come Me to learn from Me the everlasting life and then to live it, is drawn back; is hunted from behind by those that are taught to eat the bread, the wisdom and the spirit of the man. (By the priests of the world, r.n.). The proclaiming of this age teaches the man to become a Christian of a new fashion, and the man walks into the air, that is, he goes to death, and on Sunday, the life arisen in man is spoiled and it does not have the man’s resurrection in it, for all the holy ones are trampled by every man. The man made out of a pagan living, Christian habits, as he says, and this way shall My coming find the one who does this. My days of heavenly feast were taken over by the people and trampled underfoot for the lusts of their own heart. These scornful people, who do not wait for Me to come, hurt Me. They have nowhere to learn the eternal life from; they have nowhere to know Me, the true God, from.  


I want to break down the house which deceives the people under the name of My house. I remove the veil from it, and this is how I break it down, for I want to draw the man to Me and to the Father. I whipped the traders from the temple at that time that put My name on it. And I want to tell the people again the truth about My house, and about the house which is called My house. Many people are full of tears inside them and look for Me to heal them and to give them peace, but woe, they do not find My way with the man, but rather they run into the man who snatched away My way to replace it with his one and to steal the man with it, the man for whom I cried on the cross in order to redeem him for the resurrection.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third day of the Passover, on 17-04-2001.


When I gave you birth, My little people of today, I took care of you and taught you to walk, and I taught you to have legs. He, who is not born of Me; who does not learn from Me and only from Me; who does not walk in My way; who is not totally in Me, that one is from among the sons of the people and has no God as a Father. He, who thinks that he dies of hunger, that he suffers, that he does not have the everyday necessities if he stays with Me, let that one not come after Me; let him remain in his own things. But he, who wants Me to be his Father, that one should come and be My son, as the son works with the father and for the father, not for himself. Amen. This is how I have you, children of My people, and the world gathers together to look at you and can no longer judge you because I make you beautiful on the earth, and I make you known by My heavenly will in you and upon you, and with My glory which glorifies the man before Me and before the people. And I also say: all that are conceited today by knowledge will be put to shame and will be humbled before My glory which is upon you, and they will love this glory and will highly esteem it and will worship your Lord God and His glory that

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