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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@26938@26938-h@26938-h-1.htm.html#Page_63" tag="{}a">63
"  in the Gospels; 45
"  in Egypt; 131
"  in relation to Myth; 157
"  Lesser; ix., 1, 22
"  "  and Prayer; 280
"  "  as to Bodies; 237
"  "  Teaching of; 251
"  Names in Christianity; 47
"  of Bacchus; 21, 27
"  of Chaldæa, Egypt, Eleusis, Mithras, Orpheus, Samothrace,
Scythia; 21
"  of God; 57
"  of Jesus; 1, 42, 94
"  of the Early Church; 69 et seq.
"  of Magic, quoted; 157
"  praised by Learned Greeks; 21
"  Pseudo, and Sun-God Story; 167
"  source of Mystic Learning; 108
"  The; 171, 178
"  taught, Post-mortem Existence; 21
"  The True; 179
"  The Christ of the; 184
"  Theory of the; 22
"  withdrawn; 108

Mystic Christ, The; 170
"  "  Twofold; 178
"  Vesture, The; 138

Mythic Christ, The; 145

Myth, Meaning of; 152, 153
"  Solar; 156

Mythology Comparative; 147

Natural and Spiritual Bodies; 232
"  Body—of St. Paul; 237

Natural Body, The; 235 et seq.

Need for Graded Religion; 14

Neoplatonists; 29, 112

Newman, Cardinal, quoted; 103 et seq.
"  Recognises a Secret Tradition; 104

New Testament Proofs of Esotericism; 42 et seq.

Nicene Creed; 181

Nicolas of Basel; 114

Noachian Deluge; 19

Nous Demiurgos of Plato; 255

Numbers, Book of, quoted; 270

Object of all Religions; 3

Occult Experts; 127
"  Knowledge, Danger of; 16
"  Records; 18
"  "  and the Gospels; 129
"  side of Nature; 279
"  use of Sounds;  334

Old Testament Allegories; 121

One Existence, The; 253

One, The, Three aspects of; 262
"  "  Manifest; 261

Origen Against Celsus; 88 et seq.
"  "  ";  95
"  on the Need of Wisdom; 99
"  "  Mysteries;  89
"  "  Scriptures; 372
"  "  Tower of Babel; 97
"  referred to;  44
"  Shining Light of Learning; 87

Orpheus, Mead's, quoted; 28, 29, 30, 114

Owen on Atonement; 197

Pantænus; 73, 74

Paracelsus; 115

Paradise; 242

Path of Discipleship; 174

Philippians, Epistle to, quoted; 62

Physical Ailments final expression of Karma; 310

Physical Body, Changes in; 243
"  Material in Sacraments; 340

Pilgrimages, Rationale of; 382

Pistis Sophia, quoted; 46, 138, 139, 302 et seq.,
319 et seq., 340
"  "  referred to; 137

Plato's Cave; 153

Plato initiated in Egypt; 21

Platonists of Cambridge; 116

Plotinus, Dying Words of; 31
"  referred to; 23
"  Mead's, quoted; 31

Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna; 70

Popular Christianity, Mistake of; vii.
"  Denial of Esoteric Christianity; 1

Porphyry, quoted; 27, 54

Prayer; 276
"  Answers to; 277
"  as Will; 285
"  Class B—general principle; 292
"  Failure of; 287
"  for Spiritual Enlightenment; 291
"  for the Student of Lesser Mysteries; 296
"  Highest form of; 293
"  Puzzling Facts as to; 277

Prayers classified; 278

Probationary Path, The; 247

"Proclaim upon the houses"—Mystical meaning; 79

Proclus, Teaching of; 26, 29, 51

Psalms, quoted; 5, 299

Pseudo-Mysteries and Sun-God Drama; 167

Pupils of the Apostles; 70

Purgatory; 242

Purification; 244

Pythagoras, referred to; 28
"  in India; 31

Pythagorean School, Discipline of; 29, 30

Qualifications of Disciple; 175

Quietists, The; 116

Regions of the Invisible Worlds; 239

Re-incarnation; 239

Religion, Need for graded; 14

Religion of Ancient Persians, quoted; 347

Religions, Common origin of; 7
"  Custodians of Sacred Books; 369
"  Essentials of; 4
"  fitted for Stages of Growth; 13
"  Object of all; 3
"  Source of all; 7

Religious Founders; 10
"  Scriptures; 10
"  Teachers; 9

Resurrection and Solar Myth; 231, 250
"  Body; 240
"  of the Christ; 249
"  of the Dead; 62
"  The—Part of Lesser Mysteries; 231

Revelation; 369
"  Fragments of in Sacred Books; 370
"  in Cypher; 370
"  of Deity in Kosmos; 375

Revelations, Book of, quoted; 50, 63, 66, 249, 263,
292, 322, 331

Revolt against Dogma; 38

Roman Empire dying; 107

Romans, Epistle to, quoted; 82, 363

Rosenkreutz Christian; 117

Ruling Angel of Jews; 96, 98

Ruysbroeck; 115

Sacrament, a kind of crucible; 326
"  a Pictorial Allegory; 325
"  Change in substance at; 343
"  link between Visible and Invisible; 326, 327
"  of Baptism; 347
"  of Eucharist; 347
"  of Marriage; 347, 364
"  of Penance; 340

Sacraments; 324
"  Angels connected with; 343
"  defined in Church Catechism; 329

Sacraments, Gestures used in; 338
"  in all Religions; 324
"  Lost at Reformation; 327
"  Mantrams in; 338
"  of Christian Church; 327
"  Peculiar Characteristics; 324
"  Seven, of Christianity; 327, 346
"  Signs, Seals, or Sigils in; 339
"  "Substance" and "Accidents" of; 361
"  Twofold Nature of; 324 et seq.
"  Two, In Protestant Communities; 328, 346

Sacred Places and Objects; 380

Sacred Quaternery, The; 261

Sacrifice as Joy; 210 et seq.
"  Law of; 201
"  "  Four Stages in; 212
"  Lessons in; 212 et seq.
"  of Jesus; 133

Saint Bonaventura; 112
"  Elizabeth; 113
"  Francois de Sales; 116
"  John of the Cross; 116
John's Gospel, quoted; x., 46, 52, 53, 54, 56, 103, 132, 133,
134, 137, 177, 180, 216, 240, 246, 250, 262, 270, 273, 292, 382
"  Paul, quoted; 55 et seq., 124, 184
"  Paul an Initiate; 61
"  "  and Mysteries; 57
"  "  and Timothy; 59, 69
"  "  on Allegory; 66
"  Peter, quoted; 194
"  Teresa; 116
"  Timothy, referred to; 59

Samuel, Book of, quoted; 33

Savage Deities; 11

Savages as Descendants of Civilisation; 12

Saviour, The True; 219 et seq.

Sayings of Jesus; 53, 54, 301

Scientific Analysis of Vehicles; 237

Search for God, The; 5

Secret Teachings of Jesus; 90
"  Tradition recognised by Newman; 104

Second Birth; 185, 247

Sepher Yetzirah, quoted; 34

Sharpe's Egyptian Mythology, quoted; 259

Shvetâshvataropanishat, quoted; 32

"Sign of Power"; 339

Society of Friends;


Solar Gods; 160
"  Myth, Root of; 178

Sopater, quoted; 21

Sophia—The Wisdom; 138

Soul—Dual; 233

Sound and Form in the Invisible Worlds; 333

Sound, Occult use of; 334

Source of Religions; 7

Spirit and Matter; 367

Spirit threefold; 233
"  manifested as triple Self; 330

Spiritual Body, Divisions

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