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country, My coming back to the people, Romania country, I have taken out of your midst a good announcer, a forerunner, but the world in you did not know him, and your rulers who judge the earth, blew into My light, which I was proclaiming Myself with by My forerunner, and he was crushed by the unbelief and its sons, as John was also crushed by the Jews. But I, like a God, made a manger in you for Me, and I am being born as word in it, and I circumcise with it the hearts and ears of those who come to drink of the water of My word, the river of life, which flows from the throne of My glory. I made a day of My welcome in you and I come to meet with those who do not believe until they hear and see. I entered the house of My father, the praying house on the earth, as I entered then, a twelve years old child, and I was speaking to the wise people and to the rulers over the multitudes of that time. (See the mystery of the three days of Jesus in the Temple, r.n.) I did and I do everything that is written to be done, as it is written: «Behold, I make them all new», and I make them again and again.


I made a baptismal font of you, My country given to Me by Father to come in you, as it is written into the Scriptures that I come for the second time on the earth. I have become the good news in you; I have become a day of birth in you, and I wanted to make the circumcision in heart and ears over you, the day of My welcome, to release you from the pressure of disbelief, My loved country. I have become a word of new preaching in you, and I made a baptismal font of you, so that all who will take the way of life without death may be baptized.


The man changed the boundary of the creation and the feasts, which come from the forefathers. I am the One Who made the times and the signs of the times, and the man changed the signs of the times from their place, and when he changed them, he forgot that the measure was the day, an evening and a morning, and the measure was called day. I am the One, Who made the moon for the times, and the sun, which knows its setting. I am the One, Who put the darkness, which became night for the beasts to come out and bellow and ask for food from Me. I am the One, Who makes the sun to rise and bring together the beasts into their couches, and the man gets out to his work and to his duty until evening. Oh, how much I have grown into My works, and the man forgot it and got up and changed the times and said that it was him. The man became God and he said that it was him, but My measure is the day, an evening and a morning, and these have not been changed from their place and they know their boundary. Only the man does not know My creation and the signs of the time, as I made the moon and the sun to set the times, so that the man may know the measure and not to move it from its place, and to celebrate My feasts at their place. (According to the Julian calendar – the old confession, r.n.). And then I made another sign of the time, for I rose on the first day of the week, and this day remained to its place, and I will mark down the signs of the moon on it, as I put the moon to set the times, and the son, which knows its setting. (Reference to the way of calculation of the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection – The Passover, r.n.).


Today is a day of feast, a day of Epiphany, a day, which have come down to us from the forefathers, the celebration, which knows its boundary. It is a day of Epiphany in you, Romania church, My last church, My house of guests, My house of My coming back. Father, the King comes with the wedding of His Son in you, as the Father is in Me when I come to you. Come to dinner, come! I have a little garden of sons into your midst, and I am flesh and word in it, as I am in My second coming. I have My body come down and the word into My little garden with sons, and I have always told them: „Take, eat; this is My Body and My Blood. Take and eat; this is My word, the Spirit of the Truth. Eat and grow up, as I am the One, Who grow in you. I am the One, Who is, and there are no other gods. I am with you and in you, to be and to give Me to the people for a day of birth and of baptism; a day of resurrection and of ascension and of everlasting supper with Me in heaven and on earth”. This is what I have told the sons of the garden of My word, who hear My voice, which comes with the clouds above the little garden of My word.


Oh, you, who believe, believe and come to the life without death, as My word has eternal life in it, as it is written into the Scriptures. And you, who are stiff-necked, who naturally stand against the Holy Spirit, Who becomes word of everlasting life over the nations, you, stiff-necked, deny of your own self, and receive God in you, faithful and truthful. Let the one, who believes in Me, deny of himself and take up his cross and follow Me, and let him take My life in him and follow Me. Amen. And the one, who does not believe in Me, the word that came with the clouds, let him get out from under judgment and believe, for I have power to make him believe; the one who does not believe. It is written: «Test Me and you will see that I am», the One, Who becomes word and comes with the clouds, as it is written into the Scriptures: «Behold, He comes with the clouds». Amen.


Peace to you, My country, peace to you, and birth and baptism to you, and a day of resurrection to you, the first on the earth! I am the One Who is. I am the One Who comes to you, My love, My country, as I love you, My love. It is a day of Epiphany. I am with you with a day of holy feast of Epiphany, My love, My country, My Romanian people, My chosen people, the first on the earth, My holy mountain, My country, My love. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-1997  (06-01-1997 Old style / after the Julian calendar[5]) (On Slideshare)



(The absolution of the curse of St. Nifon, in the city of Târgovişte. The prophet Daniel sees the fulfillment of his prophecy about the seventy weeks of years (490 years: 1507-1997; Daniel, chapter 9/24[6]). The Patriarch Nifon declares from heaven the absolution of the curse pronounced by him in 1507 over the city of Târgovişte, as a result of the iniquities committed in the city with the will of the lord of the country, the woivode Radu.)


I am, and I am called the Word of God, as it is written: «He comes with the clouds and with the tens of thousands of saints, and His name is called the Word of God». (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.) Amen.


I am the One Who is. I come from heaven on earth and I become word and Bridegroom, as the Lamb’s wedding came, and His bride is ready. Blessed are those who are called to the Lamb’s wedding supper.


I am the Great Bishop, Who passed through the heavens and suffered among the people and with the people, being tempted in every way possible like the people, yet without sin. I did not take this honor alone, but My Father gave it to Me, as it is written: «You are My Son; Today I have begotten You. You are Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek».


I am the One Who is, but the people, which I came through from My Father, did not receive Me as My Father’s messenger, and as a result, I went to the gentiles of the earth, and My Father gave Romania to Me since My birth, to be the country of My coming back with the clouds, the country of the glory of the last days, for as I ascended to My Father, the same way I will come; I come with the clouds and with the tens of thousands of saints, and I come, coming. Amen. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.)


I come to you, the country of My wedding, as I have you from My Father to be the country for My coming back among the people. Receive Me! I come as word to you, as I have the people of My word into your midst, a warm manger in which the Word of God is being born from above, and Which comes with the clouds, like the bird which makes its nest at the eaves of a house, where it lays down its chickens to breed and to feed them, crossing the air and coming, flying up and down, flying down and up and then coming down again to feed her chickens, to grow and teach them to fly up into the sky. I am the One Who is. I come with the clouds to you, My country of wedding: «I come with the saints on the white horse, and hosts from heaven come after Me riding on white horses, and the word comes out of My mouth, and on My thighs; and on My coat I have a written name: „The king of Kings and the Lord of the Lords”», as it is written into the Scriptures that I come. (See the selection topic: „The white apocalyptic horse”, r.n.)


When I had to lift up Jerusalem again, which was ruined because of its sins, I heard a calling from the earth, to come and save Israel oppressed by the reward of its iniquities. I heard Daniel, who reminded Me of My promises for Israel, confessing before Me the sins of his people, and humiliating himself for Israel, and I came down to him and declared: «Seventy weeks are decreed on Jerusalem until the lawlessness will overcome its limitations, until the Holy One of the Saints comes to suffer for the man, and He will throw the city down and it will be hard until the end. But I will come in the end and I will make a covenant with many in one week, and many of those, who sleep in the dust of the earth, will rise and the wise people will give light». And Daniel was praying, saying: «Master, when?». But I answered him: «Daniel, all these words are sealed until the end, and in the end many will be cleansed, whitened and cleared, and no one among those without law will understand My words, but only the wise people will understand, for the wise people keep aside from the way of the lawlessness and they stay only with the Holy Spirit, the Counselor of the wise people. And you, Daniel, you will get up and you will receive your inheritance in

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