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the time of the end. Amen».


I had the sons of My word intercede for you, for your resurrection, oh, Romania country, My wedding country, the country of the brightness prophesied by the prophet Daniel. I come to you as the word of the Holy Spirit, and I come to make a reconciliation agreement with you. I come from the Father and I have a manger in you, and I am being born as word and I feed you with My hidden mysteries, as you were the one under the cross, but I have loved you since your birth and I have lifted you up and I chose you as My country, and I gave you birth of Me and I gave you My name and I called you Christian, after My name, by the one sent to you (The St. apostle Andrew, r.n.) with a little garment of baptism, with water and with the Holy Spirit, and I called you Romanian, the people of My country. And I have watched over you in joy and sorrow and I have protected you to be and to have you, as Father gave you to Me at the same time with My birth, giving you birth of Me. Your story is beautiful in heaven, and here is what I do: I come as word on your land and I write your mystery to you, and I become book in you and I write with you My story and I announce you as Mine, so that every nation on the earth may hear that you are the fulfillment for My coming. (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.)


But you have a knot in you, oh My country, and I have come to removed it from you. I enter on a white horse as in Jerusalem and I become word upon you, and I work by My word and I break your binding that is on you. You have been brought under the law because of your iniquities, for the one who sins, is punished by the law. Seventy weeks of years are over you, since I have put the bond over you, for it is written: «If one of the citadel sins, the whole citadel suffers from this iniquity». And after four hundred and ninety years, as this is what it means about those written into the book of Daniel, about those seventy weeks, I have come to you and I declared upon you to untie the knot put over you for such a long time, and hearing you did not hear, but I have worked and I untied your knot. And now I come and I tell you what I have done for you, My country, My loved one under the cross. I have built a new stone, a new vine, a new branch. I gave you a little white stone, and I wrote on it with My own hand: «The Word of God», and no one understands what is written on it, «no one but the receiver», as it is written into the Scriptures; no one but the people of My word, into whose midst I have become a book for you, My country, to bless you and to lift you up from the dust little by little, as it is written that «I will rise many from the dust of the earth: some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment».


I gave birth from My word to a people in you, and I have chosen My bride from you, My country. I made a clean church in you, a church after My will, and not after the man’s will, as the lawlessness from the church has been pressing hard on Me, and I needed a church with holy and complete members, with a clean body, which is called My church. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) I raised a clean people in you for Me, a living church, so that I may have with what to work absolution on you. And now I have come into the midst of the multitudes from you and I announce you into the middle of the people of My word, and I announce you that I have come to lift you up. Get up, I say to you! Amen, amen, amen.


I am the One Who is and I stay into your midst with the sons of My word, sons anointed by Me, the Bishop of the Father Sabaoth, standing on the right side of the throne of the greatness in heavens, as I brought Myself as a sacrifice before My Father, as any bishop brings offering for his sins and for those of his people. And behold, I am with the sons of My word into your midst, My country, and here is what I speak with them:


Sons anointed, the four hundred and ninety years have passed; seventy weeks of years have passed since the bond was put over Romanian and over its church, as here I had a bishop in My image and after My likeness, who anathematized the lawlessness which he saw that it was made, and then he came to Me after he was banished from the seat of the church. It is written: «The one, who does not love God, let him be accursed». Oh, the lawlessness overran its margins, and the bishop Nifon[7] declared a word against it, and this bond has remained. And now I come to declare an awakening over My country to get it out from under this guilt.


Anointed sons, I want to work through you, as I am well pleased in you and I love you, as you also love Me by fulfilling My commandments, as it is written: «He, who keeps My commandments, that one loves Me». Lift up your hand into My name to the Father and say at the same time with Me, the Bishop of the heaven:


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, those that are bound over Romania are broken and loosened, and let them be loosened both in heaven and on earth. Amen.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the Romanian country is blessed with the blessings of the heaven, with the blessings of the air, with the blessing of the earth chosen by God, with the blessings of the everlasting heights, with the blessings of the bosoms of the heaven. Amen. I am the One Who is, and I bless by the word coming with the clouds:


The Romanian country is blessed, with the gift of the holy faith, and by faith let her be filled with My everlasting gifts, as I come with the new age, the endless one; I come with the heaven and with the new earth over the old ones, and let the lawlessness be thrown into the fire, and let the man rise to the blessed ones of the heavenly gifts. I am the One, Who reconciles the people to the Father. I am the One, Who reconciles the faithful man to the Father. I am the One Who is. Amen.


When Moses asked Me what he was to tell Israel when he went to take the Israelites out of Egypt by My strong hand, and when he asked Me: «Lord, who should I tell them that You are?», this is what I told him to tell them about Me: «I am He Who is». This is what I also tell you, sons of My word: I am the One Who is, I am the One Who send you, and you are My messengers, you are My gift over the people, who will believe in Me through you. Amen.         


I have come with the clouds and with the saints and I have My bishop with Me, the patriarch Nifon, for everybody. I am in him and he is in Me, and he declares from Me, the word from the word upon you, oh My country:


− Oh, Lord, the God of the living, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Oh, Lord, the God of the living of the Romanian people! I am written down in heaven as Romanian, as here I had the last calling, and You called me to become Romanian and to be named holy by the Romanian people and by the whole faithful world.


Oh, Lord, Bishop, Who stands on the right side of the throne of the greatness in heavens! There have passed over Romanian seventy weeks of years until the number of the years was fulfilled, and to the end of these years You had made a people pleased to You in Romania, and You became word upon it.


You came with the feast of the Palm Sunday in the ruling city of Romania, (Târgovişte[8], r.n.), Lord, and I am also with you among the tens of thousands of saints that You come with. Bless Romania and fulfill with it a new heaven and a new earth and a new word and a new Passover, as you have a people in it. The sons of Your word have prayed to You as the prophet Daniel also prayed for Jerusalem. I also bless the sons of Your word into Your name, so that the Romanian people may know that they are Your messengers for Romania. Help Romania and give her the gift of the holy faith, to be able to do Your will by faith and to fulfill Your last Scriptures, Lord, as You are fulfilled in her with Your coming, as You come coming, and You become word over her and you shine by the word, and she shines under the light of Your word, and those prophesied for her have come upon her.


(This word of absolution from the curse of the saint Nifon was read thoroughly at the gate of the city of Târgovişte before the multitudes, which were gathered together on this feast announced beforehand.)

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 20-04-1997 (On Slideshare)



The Lord is coming down into His garden. Amen. The Lord is coming down with a feast of new Passover and of new resurrection. Amen.


Sons of the garden, come to meet Me, as I came down to you in the garden to become a word of feasting of My resurrection from among the dead. I am the One Who rose from the dead two thousand years ago, after the priests and the bishops of the temple in Jerusalem got together with Herod and Pilate and killed Me before My passion. I come from heaven to you into the garden and I announce Myself welcoming you with the greeting of My resurrection: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Amen, amen, amen.


You need much food, sons, for you need to share the bread from heaven to the multitudes, My word by which many a soul, that take Me as word from you, are given birth and grow and live, for I come down to you, and you break Me and feed many souls. It is no greater gift among the gifts like the gift of those who have and give My word as food. The word from you comes out of My mouth, as I come down above you and I stand in the clouds of cherubim and seraphim speaking over to you and springing Myself up as word, and then I help you to make a course for My word upon the earth. And behold, this is how the Lord comes, and the people do not know what My coming down is, in order to value it and to rejoice over the coming of My word, which comes with Me

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