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theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” The place was fenced, and it had equal sides. There were pools of water nearby, and there were things or objects like suspended on the air. There were moving machines or chariots of all kinds. The place was so peaceful and joyful. When I saw it, I said, “Wow, look at these roller coasters!” The children were truly happy, full of joy, and so busy enjoying themselves. I could hear many voices of children laughing, screaming, and enjoying the roller coaster rides: it was a happy scene.

I flew from that place at a tremendous speed. I began to see many things. I saw diverse coloring of greens (because of nature, trees), yellows (light that illuminate the skyline) as I am moving over into the inwards of Heaven, the side of the Throne of GOD before me I saw the tremendous Glory of The LORD, and the place was arrayed with golden lights: yellow lights, Heavenly colors, living colors. I began to see lightings and thundering from the Throne room—beautiful lights. It was like lines of light crossing one another, spread over the entire skyline. It was so real and magnificent and I began to say to myself, “I see gold light,” then another color. I will say: “I see this color.” I said, “LORD, please let me remember this when I come back, also let me come to YOUR Throne” I could see the billows of glory coming from the side of The FATHER’s Throne. I begged, “LORD, please let me come and worship YOU near the Throne.” But The LORD did not allow me to come to worship HIM near at the Crystal Sea near HIS Throne. I was just suspended in the air. After some moments, my spirit was sent to my body, and The LORD said, “GO and share with people on the earth.”

This is a real experience that happened to me today, with my eyes wide open. If you ever had a miscarriage, lost a child at tender age, had a still birth, or abortion, The LORD said I must tell you that, “Your baby is in Heaven, and he or she is waiting to see you.” If you repent and ask The LORD to be born again, profess your belief to others, live a holy life, then you shall be reunited with that baby one day. Your baby loves you and forgives you (for those who had an abortion). Accept CHRIST today, and you will spend eternity with your lost baby. One thing you must understand, trying to describe Heaven to you is very difficult, as most things I have never seen, and so there is not enough vocabulary to use to adequately explain it to you. So pardon my short, insufficient vocabulary, my unclear descriptions of the spiritual world. You need to see it yourself, and that is the best way to experience it.

This is a revelation report from Heaven today: your children, who have departed this life at an early age, are in Heaven, growing, and are being taught the things of GOD. They are enjoying themselves; they are waiting for you there.



My Visit to Heaven [Wednesday, February 05, 2014]


In my previous visit to Heaven, this week on Monday, as I was caught up in Heaven, I saw the Throne Room of GOD afar. There were tremendous glory, beautiful colors, golden lights in the skyline, lightings, thundering, it was so awesome, so I pleaded with the LORD to take me in, so that I can worship at the crystal sea, but the LORD did not allow me to, HE said rather to: “GO and share what I showed you with people on the earth.”

Today As I was busy doing my own things, doing some few things on Facebook, The HOLY SPIRIT told me that HE wants to show me something. Later HE told me HE will show me something in Heaven. HE kept speaking to me about this again and again. I began to burn all over my body with HIS Presence, the fire began to intensify greatly, and I was asking myself what is happening to me? In a vision, I was taken to Russia, and I just knew where I was. I saw a large flat, and many people of Russia on the streets, in buildings, the cars were moving…

I saw a teenage white girl, between 16-18-years-old. I saw her collapse, hit the wall, and she died. When many people gathered around her, I saw her soul began to rise and fly at a tremendous speed. My spirit flew right behind her, and we arrived at this large place. It looked like an auditorium with many apartments, and many people moving within it. The girl did not know what was happening to her, and she did not know that she had died on earth. Immediately, I heard the Voice of The LORD JESUS speaking to her, in a Loving and Tender Voice of The MASTER, but we did not see HIM, only heard HIM with our ears. We began to walk towards the west part of this building…

The next thing I remember, we were kneeling in the Throne Room of GOD. There were a couple of us, saints inside. Let me try to explain to you what it looked like: the place is large and looks like an enclosure. It looks like a huge building, and the floor is clear and pure like glass. When I looked before me, I saw large golden steps, then a Throne Chair in the middle of a golden platform. The Chair was huge, golden, and so beautiful. As I looked at it sides, it was just pure gold. I looked to see The ONE Seated on the Throne. I saw JESUS CHRIST, The KING of Kings, and The LORD of Lords. I looked at HIS Massive Robe, a Purest White Robe. I saw the Dazzling Light of HIS Presence from HIS Clothes, and there was this Beautiful White Light that was flowing from HIS Robe and Throne. HE looked huge, tall, and masculine. In admiration, I looked at HIS Golden Sandals, then HIS Robe, all the way up to HIS Head, in the midst of Light I saw HIS Face. HIS Face has a golden olive oil complexion, like it is gleaming with gold. HIS Eyes are Large, Round Eyes of Love and Compassion. They take on many colors, and they are the Most Lovely and Beautiful Eyes. When HE moved HIS Head I caught a glimpse of HIS Hair: Golden Hair on the ends of it that touches HIS Shoulders. HE was so majestic, real and I saw HIM like I will see you here on earth. It was an indescribable scene; you are just full with wonder, lost in HIS Presence: The DIADEM of Beauty; The ROSE of Sharon; The KING of Ages.

I remember asking myself, “Why do I see one Throne Chair, where is The FATHER’s Throne?” Because I saw only one Throne Seat on the platform, by revelation The HOLY SPIRIT made me know, that I am taken into the Throne Room of JESUS CHRIST. As we were kneeling, The LORD JESUS was Speaking to us. Most of what I can’t recall, but I heard HIM with my ears, and The LORD said, “I am The KING and I AM The ONE in control of The Universe.”

As I was back on earth, just meditating, The LORD JESUS said to me, “What you just saw was MY Throne Room in Heaven. Tell MY people that I AM REAL, that MY Throne Room is real. Tell them MY Coming is VERY NEAR. Only the saints will see ME when I come to take MY bride.”

Ever since my first visit to Heaven in March 2010, The LORD has been taking me to Heaven, and recently HE showed me the “seer” anointing, where I will just walk in and out of the Heavenly places. This is a tremendous responsibility. HE expects me to live a “separated life.” The attacks I receive from the kingdom of darkness are also intense. The LORD JESUS told me clearly that, “Persecution, criticism, tests await me like any other of HIS chosen vessels, but HE is with me.”



My Visit to Heaven [Monday, February 10, 2014]


As I was in my room, my spirit eyes were opened and I began to observe the room in the spirit realm. Then, I saw white cloths hanging on the air. Then I lifted my spirit body hand, it was a bit transparent, see through, I was observing my fingers.

As I was in my bed, I felt presence of evil entering my room, and then I felt this attack from the devil, it will come and go, over and over again. But I made a decree, “I bind any demon sent to harass me in The Name of JESUS, The SON of GOD.” I then laid my head to rest, and when the demon came, I was in the spirit realm. I began to feel the fire coming from every part of my body, my mouth, feet, back, etc… It went to and burned the demon, before it gave up and left.

I saw a large bright moon on the northern skies, then a huge forest, and my spirit quickly left my body. It was traveling at a tremendous speed perpendicular to the ground. I began to ask myself questions as to where I was going. And then I was lifted up, catapulted towards the skies at an unbelievable speed, in a few seconds. I was no more on the earth but engulfed by vast endless space. I saw stars, and I was moving in between them. I saw many lights and stars passing me. It was a long journey, and I began to wonder if I will at all arrive. Then I saw some beautiful white stairs before me, and they came from beneath into the celestial realm. When I saw them I was back in my body.

The next thing I saw was a mega-church, with many believers. I began to see many satanists in that church, and they appeared as beautiful young ladies. Some were white in complexion, and they began to seduce brothers in the house of GOD. Without spiritual discernment you could not notice that they actually served satan and were there to destroy churches.

In another vision, I saw terrible darkness, then a place that was old rusted, hell fire.

I came into a place on earth. I was handed over a Book, and it had chronicles and deeds on how GOD has revealed HIMSELF to HIS servants. I saw shallow rain began to fall, and I was observing the skies. I saw a dark cloud of rain arising on the western hemisphere. I heard GOD speak to my spirit: “It will rain.” As I opened the book, the water from the rain was dripping all over me, but I did not give it much thought, and I continued reading. Then we were given certain gifts by The LORD in that vision, and some people they simply requested them and they were given. I saw that some people were using the gifts for their own benefits, profits, when JESUS appeared. Then I saw them start fleeing in terror from before The Presence of The LORD. They went to hide in houses, under shelters, and then I saw that the houses, the things they used to hide started burning. There was great fire that covered them and they started to collapse. Then JESUS CHRIST was standing on my left. As we were observing the place burning with holy fire, I saw that The LORD was displeased by the unfaithful servants. I heard HIM say in an angry tone, “These things will not happen in Heaven.” One day, The LORD will come and judge our works, how faithful and obedient we have been to HIM.


1 Corinthians 3:11-15: For other foundation can no man lay than that is

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