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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell by Othusitse Mmusi (ebooks that read to you .TXT) 📖». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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white light that began to take many forms and shapes—three-dimensional shapes: rectangles, cubes, and some little balls of light. Then in the next second it changed into another shape. The light would move, and sway sideways. It condensed and compressed to form circles, while the outer light formed other shapes and cubes. The light could form a perfect structure: a rectangular shape with circles within. The thing looked like a house shaped out of Light. The LORD said to me, “I can do ANYTHING!” I now know how GOD created some houses and mansions out of nothing but Light. That light can form anything: a light with substance in a matter of seconds. The mansions can change their shapes, forms, backyards or their structures with ease. When you walk into that kind of house, the floor is made up of light. The ceiling, the walls, things within it, and it is a light with substance. The houses actually sparkle and at times you notice the outlines of walls only as the rest of the house looks transparent. Then as you walk outside of the house, you can see the equipment inside the house. You can see through the house. I have never experienced anything like that in my life. It was a great experience observing how GOD creates things, like a house structure in Heaven. I am overwhelmed!



My Visit to Heaven [Thursday, November 22, 2013]


As I went to bed last night, I was complaining to The LORD. I did not even take time for prayer. I felt I wanted to leave the Facebook ministry, and I was telling The LORD we need more “grace.” A lot of things for HIS work to go out, plus some other personal issues, truthfully I felt a bit discouraged, that whole week and I did not even spend enough time with HIM as I should, I woke up in the morning, went outside the room then came back.

A spectacular revelation was the least of my expectations, but I remember JESUS came to take me to Heaven. I saw that JESUS was tall, and HE put on a pure, soft white robe that reaches to HIS Feet, with a red sash across HIS Chest. It hung on HIM elegantly. HE walks authoritatively and “kingly.” You can easily know that it is The LORD. WE arrived at the first sets of gates, and I saw angels in their military uniforms. WE greeted the angels, and they allowed us to enter, WE walked on an open road and came to a different set of gates. At that time, I noticed a long queue of Christians. JESUS entered first, some saints entered, then me, and other saint were still outside. JESUS turned around and looked at us and called our names and beckoned to us to greet the angel in charge of that gate. As we did, we entered and then after a number or group of us entered, I saw JESUS go back to the gate. Some saints entered as we entered I noticed the celestial realm we were at. It was an open way and you could see the beauty radiating out of Heaven: it was very peaceful, still and quiet. WE were in the outer environs of Heaven. There were more angels at that juncture where there were two roads, and I remember walking on that long queue of people. I did not see JESUS anywhere, instead the angels were directing people which way to go. I saw a person come to stand before the angel, and I heard the angel say, “LEFT,” in a loud voice, the angel would point to that direction, the person immediately departed to the left. Another came, and I heard “LEFT.” The person will depart to the left without even any question whatsoever. People in the queue were trembling, not knowing what they were going to hear from the angel.

I myself was trembling and shaking, wondering what the angel will tell me, it seemed that many people were directed to the left: many Christians and only a few—one there…one here…were told to go to the right. The road to the left led to the outer perimeter of Heaven, the one on the right led to into the ‘inwards’ of Heaven, and the angel told me to depart to the “left.”

Sheepishly, I walked few steps, but then I raised such a racket there, I said, “No, No, How can it be?” But my spirit witnessed and confirmed it. I saw JESUS come to the angels, and then HE took me along with HIM. WE walked on that right road, and as HE was holding my hand, HE told me, “In the state that you are in right now, if the Rapture had happened, you could have been Raptured into the outer environs/perimeter of Heaven,” HE said, “You will not enter into the inwards of Heaven.” I stood still, and I said, “LORD, I cannot accept this, why? LORD, I did this, LORD I did that.” I reminded HIM of all the good things I did for HIM, and I continued, “Also what about last minute converts, who repented on their deathbeds, but also entered Heaven? I began to quote testimonies I knew of and I told HIM about a lady who was a Christian, but never took her salvation serious until she laid on deathbed. When she died she arrived in Paradise. She was wearing the garment of salvation only, but not the robe of righteousness. And she was met by Joshua, who led her to be prepared for the Holy City. Why did she get a chance to enter?”

I was upset; The LORD was rebuking my lack of commitment to studying HIS Word and effective prayerfulness. Also note, you can be “Rapture-ready” today then tomorrow you are NOT. By the revelation I received apparently: “After the Rapture, many of that Raptured will not enter into Heaven, but will be redirected to the outer perimeter of Heaven, and not all raptured Christians will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, ONLY the pure-hearted, obedient, and the faithful ones.” Anyway as we walked on that way, I began to wonder in my heart: “Maybe the outer environs of Heaven are not that bad, after all is it not better than going to hell-fire?” I wondered to myself, but quickly dismissed the thought. WE continued walking, the road was passing through Paradise, and it looked like an open space. I could notice the beautiful landscape of Paradise, beautiful grass, trees, slopes, and colors. I then turned my attention to JESUS, WHO was walking on my right side. I asked HIM about other people’s revelations and other supernatural experiences, The LORD said, “There are testimonies you should be careful of, some are not from ME.” I decided to ask HIM, about Jesse Duplantis: Close encounters of the GOD kind video, I said, “LORD, are you the one who gave Jesse that vision of Heaven?” The LORD was just studying my face for a while, and I decided to ask HIM some more, “LORD, did you ever take Jesse to Heaven? I want to know,” I asked. The LORD replied me and said, “Yes, I took Jesse to Heaven, I am The ONE WHO gave HIM that visit to Heaven, the message, and the DVD has been successful, it has served its purpose.” The LORD was happy with that, many people around the world got to hear that Heaven is real and JESUS is coming quickly through that testimony. I became very happy to hear that, and I began to think in my mind about how Jesse saw JESUS in Heaven, he fell on his face, and he saw the Apostle Paul, his own mansion, GOD’s Throne, etc… I wanted to ask JESUS about that, to get HIS Viewpoint but I dared not to.

We walked and talked a lot. I remember that I was very talkative. I asked HIM a lot of questions. It is so nice to walk with HIM, while you can see HIM, hear HIS Voice. I talked to HIM like a long-time friend who had desired to see me, and with perfect ease except that I know HE is the LORD. I felt so good, so secure, and peaceful. I did not want it to stop.

WE came to a place where people rested on some sitting spots. I saw a group of people there. I noticed some of my living friends: Sis C, Sis T, Bro K, a small child, plus some others that I recognized, (I will not mention their names, so that they do not fall on the snare of the devil: pride). They were talking with smiles and full of joy. JESUS and I passed through the middle of them. I looked at Bro K, and I thought they were seeing US, but they did not give me any sign that they had. I smiled at him. I was very delighted to know that these guys were on their way into Heaven. WE left them as we walked, and I began to ask JESUS about many questions particularly about myself.

WE entered into the City of GOD. I noticed that it was huge as I have always seen it; many saints were moving about on the streets. I could hear activity within the walls. Also I saw very big buildings, beautiful. We walked towards this big building. It looked like a place of worship, a gathering place, and there were so much noise and activity inside. I caught a glimpse of saints moving inside, the doors were opened, there were set of chairs outside. We did not enter; rather WE sat on them just by the entrance. I looked at JESUS, I said, “LORD, why is it that when I pray and ask you on physical things, you take long to respond, but on spiritual ones you answer immediately?” JESUS, looked at me, and beckons me to continue explaining, and then HE said, “Example.” I said “LORD, when I ask YOU, that I want to sense YOUR Presence, and I want to grow in the Word, and I want a spiritual experience like a Heaven visit, and I need something to uplift me spiritually, in that very same week you answer me, why LORD? Also many people are asking me, why is it that I can visit Heaven so often, yet they themselves cannot even have one visit? Some don’t e en belie e in these experiences.” When I said that, I then noticed displeasure on The LORD’s Face, and that is when I looked into HIS Eyes and Face. It was radiant and soft, golden olive complexion, very glorious, and I saw HIM look away, then look at me. HE said to me, “Because GOD wants to use you.” When the LORD speaks to you, even simple phrases HE utters, carries a series of meanings and revelations. The HOLY SPIRIT opens your spirit to understand clearly.

On the issue of answers to prayer, I understood by revelation that The LORD will answer us on spiritual things faster than our physical needs, because HE is interested more in our eternal spiritual state than our temporary satisfaction. So anything that might jeopardize HIS plans and purposes for us, HE will not answer or HE will give it to us at the right time. Any ‘blessing’ that we ask for while it might temper with HIS Will for us, HE will not give it to us, until we are groomed for it. There are times we ask for right things at the wrong time. Those HE will give us at HIS Own timing, Also The LORD wants us to die to the fleshly desires. Then JESUS asks me, “What is it that will keep you out of Heaven?” I learned something, when JESUS, The CREATOR of Heaven and earth asks you a question, it’s not that E does not know or HE looks for your answer, HE wants you to reflect back or

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