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where part of the great move. Started and ordained by God Almighty, where Jesus, My Son, will be in the front and a group of 300 (symbolic, like with Gideon) will rise up and move with Me. For this will be a move ordained and blessed by Me. I will tell you before it happens. This move of fire will be a great movement, one you will call revival. It will start in this country. For I chose you, set you apart, and anointed you, My beloved people of this country, South Africa for Africa.” Chapter 8: O DRY BONES, HEAR THE WORD OF JEHOVAH!

 29 September 2011


“This is the first day of the New Year. A new year for My people, Israel, My Jewish people. It is indeed a new year, a new season, a new beginning. Many things will blossom anew. Many things will spring forth in the Spirit. I am pouring out My Spirit over those who are obedient to Me, those who obey Me. Those who seek My heart and counsel, I will bless and I will anoint them and give them authority to open and shut doors.”



“Yet, I am grieved by My children, those who have Me in their heart and even confess Me truthfully, but still do not obey My voice. Where are My true children who will stand up when I speak and do what I ask? Although things might seem difficult, strange and abnormal in My asking, all I require is 100% obedience towards what I ask. I will give you the grace to do what I ask, and if you do what I ask, I will bless you far more than you can imagine.

Why is it so difficult to find truthful one-hearted people who will obey Me and do only My perfect will? I continually search the earth, yet I find only a few. Do you want to serve Me truly? Then do what I tell you to do. Only be obedient in what I ask from you. Do you obey people or do you obey Me? If you don’t do what I command you, your work will be hard and your labour will be fruitless and in vain.

Can My true Body please rise up! Prophecy over these dead bones, Deborah. Tell these dry bones to rise up.”

“Then He said to me, Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of Jehovah. Thus says the Lord Jehovah to these bones: I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. And I will put sinews on you and bring flesh back on you and cover you with skin and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you will know that I am Jehovah.” (Eze. 37:4-6)

“This word will go out and it will be accomplished. For My Body must rise from her sleep, for the Bridegroom is coming. My Body needs to prepare for the wedding feast. They need to prepare for My coming. To those who await My coming, to those who desire that I, their Lord, will come, I will make My season of My coming known to them. Many within My Body still rejects Me, for many in My Body still do not desire to truly know who I really am. They believe I am something I am not!”



“Within this Body, My Bride will desire to know Me intimately. My Bride will seek My heart, seek My counsel, seek My face, seek My wisdom, seek My voice, seek Me! My Bride will love Me and will obey Me. Do you want to know Me intimately? Do you desire that I give My heart to you? Come to Me with your whole heart. Give Me your
heart and love. Surrender your life and dreams. If you surrender and give Me your heart, I will give you My heart. You will be filled with My Spirit and I will pour out My love on you. For you will be a precious possession to Me. You will then be the apple of My eye! 

I listen to the prayers of those who love Me. I only look at the heart. Nothing is hidden from Me. I do see all things. Come and make right before Me. Come and repent, so that I can make you as white as snow and wash you clean, for I will only come for a spotless Bride. If you come and wait on Me, sit at My feet in silence, in the quiet of the night, I will teach you things and I will reveal secrets to you if you desire to know more.

Do you desire the eyes if an eagle? Do you want to see far into the future? Do you want to know secrets about the Millennium? I, the Lord, know all things. I know the end from the beginning. I will show you many things. But, can you love Me and obey Me?”



“It is true that I desire to work through people. I choose people to do some specific tasks. Should you be chosen to do a task and you are disobedient, I will give you time to repent. But if I see that you are not going to do My will, I will remove that task from you and give it to another. I will also give your authority and blessing to another. When I call someone and they are only obedient after a while, that person slows down and draws out a process that has consequences for many people. It can actually mean life or death for another person, yet you do not know it. Therefore, when I call you to a task or to obedience, do it in the time I say and not in the time you feel like. For your immediate act of obedience can change many, many lives. You can frustrate Me with your passivity.

Therefore, rise up when I speak and do as I command, for I will indeed bless you if you are faithful and obedient to My voice. 

Be wise– choose My perfect will and My perfect time.”


 1 October 2011


“Many of My people, My children, suffer here on earth because of people's disobedience to My voice. You pray and cry out to Me to let something happen in your life or for a door to open, and because I work through humans, I can make a human heart soft and pliable in My hands. Worldly people do not know when I soften their hearts to open a door of opportunity for one of My children.”



“But why is it that if I speak into the heart of one of My own children, and they do realise it, they deliberately delay what I ask from them? So many people get hurt because of this selfish act, this total disobedience to My request. Who do you think I am? 

Don’t you understand that if you do what I ask you, you will then receive favour from Me? Then you do not understand if I do not answer when you ask Me to deliver you, bless you and guide you. Because you dishonour Me when I call you to obedience, I cannot honour you before My Father. The death and destruction you bring to others and yourselves are great. Stop being so self-centred and selfish towards others and Me.”



“If you are disobedient, you rebel against Me. This is an abomination in My eyes. You need to come and repent of all your disobedience to Me. Ask Me for forgiveness because you will reap what you have sown in eternity. If you do not come and make right with Me, you will be judged for all your acts of disobedience towards Me and what I have called you do to.”



“If you are disobedient, you frustrate My divine economy (plan). If you come to Me, I will forgive you and then you should step up and be the man and woman I have called you to be before the foundation of the world. You then need to ask Me to heal and restore those people and situations that died with destruction due to your disobedience. There will be consequences because of your disobedience. In other words, there will be scars. But I can heal those scars.

Do you now understand what your act of disobedience means? Do not be a fool, for a fool listens to the counsel of man and trusts his own judgment. A wise man listens and seeks the counsel of the Lord. Therefore, stop being disobedient to Me. It is a sin and unless you repent, the blood of the people will be on your hands and you will be held accountable for it. This is indeed very serious. Unless you take My Word seriously, you will eat this fruit, of what you do. 

Those people who have suffered and endured pain because of another's disobedience and act of own free will, which is not in line with My perfect will; I will heal your scars. Your inheritance just increases with every disobedient act (from others) against My Word and against you. For I, the Lord, take note of all these abominations against you.

For I asked and spoke blessing through My children to bless you and to give you the desires of your heart, but then, due to their rebellious act of disobedience to Me, you were robbed from that blessing. I will restore double to you with each act of disobedience towards you. You will also reap this blessing in eternity.”



“Keep focusing on Me, and know that I love you and My plans for you are to do you good. It is not I who am against you, for My desire is to raise you up. You are My obedient ones, the ones who I call friend. I love you with an eternal love. 

Know this: that everything that is not a breakthrough in your life at this point, will still happen. For I destine to bless My obedient servants. Those who, despite total isolation, still do and say what I say; I will raise you up. For the eternal blessing on My obedient ones will remain forever.

Forgive those who trespass against you or those who you know did not follow My lead, and in doing so, did you an injustice. For I, the Lord, will deal with them. I will give them time to repent, and if they do not, I will judge them.

Therefore now, My obedient ones, I know about your suffering under the hands of the disobedient ones. It is all written down. I will restore to you. Keep being obedient to Me and to what I’ve called you to do, even if things look bleak or if there is no light in the tunnel. I will bring you breakthrough and blessing. Wait for My timing.

The disobedient ones do frustrate Me and My timing, but I will do for you far more than what you can think or pray. Just keep watching for Me, abiding in Me, love Me

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