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steal you away from ME. He wants to bring you down to his pit. He wants to see you cast away from ME. This is his intent. This is his goal. He has no feelings for you, only hatred. MY children, his aim is to destroy you. You mean nothing to him. You are playing into his hands, his wicked hands.

He wants MY children to die and to be destroyed. This is his chief goal and he will stop at nothing to achieve it. His vengeance is great. This is what drives him: to destroy and conquer MY children.

You must come to ME now in full surrender. This is your only shelter from MY enemy. Nothing else will save you from him. There is no other way to safety. When you step into MY Hands with a full surrender of your life over to ME and you seek MY SPIRIT in all HIS Fullness for your life and you vanquish your lukewarm love for ME, exchanging it for a full and complete, intimate relationship, then and only then are you ripped from the enemy’s hands. You must die a complete death of the flesh so his battle for you can be won, so you can win the victory against MY enemy.

This is essential children, until you make this choice to walk away from the world into MY Arms, MY Saving Arms, MY enemy still has you in his clutches. Your fight to conquer sin in your life will not be won until you fight it on your knees before MY Face with humble, sincere repentance and brokenness. Then and only then will you be able to break the back of the enemy who controls you so.

This is the weaponry you fight with against MY foe: humble repentance, a sincere felt heart of shame and sadness for the sin you have committed before MY Holy Face. Then lay your life before ME, expecting ME to take it and to fill it with MY HOLY SPIRIT. Yes this is how the enemy will be brought low. This is how you can trample on serpents and scorpions. This is how you break the back of MY enemy every day.

Show ME a repentant, humble heart each day. Let ME know that you understand that apart from ME, your HOLY GOD, you are nothing and incapable of dealing with the sin in your life and the temptations of the enemy.

Put on your battle gear and come fight with ME against the enemy. Break down the strongholds he has against you and those around you. Come down to your knees, MY children. Stand in the gap for those around you who are also lost. Break the evil bindings that hold you hostage. Hand them over to ME. Admit to ME, your MOST HOLY GOD, that you cannot fight this fight without ME, JESUS.

Give ME the reigns of your life. Let ME take over and I will vanquish the strongholds of the enemy. Even long-standing generational curses come crashing down at the mention of MY Name. MY Name is JESUS! I am CREATOR of Light, heavens, and the earth. MY Name is allpowerful. Use MY Name to destroy the enemy and the grasp he has over your life. I can do this but I need your submission to MY Will, the Will of GOD.

Children, the hour is drawing nigh for MY enemy to consume the earth. He is moving swiftly and gaining ground. The world is being consumed by what looks real and true—but it is false hope, false security. Only being ready as MY bride will you be safe and secure.

Staying focused on the world is a gaze of death. You are looking into cold darkness away from MY Glorious Saving Light. You are looking at the wide road that many will fall captive to and follow down to their eternal demise—everlasting hell and torment.

Children, awaken! Humble yourself before ME. Come to a humble repentance on the floor on your knees before the MOST HIGH GOD. The hour is quickly fading. Very few are coming to ME in full, humble repentance.

Very few will be removed to safety. MY Word says this. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Look in MY Word. Seek the Truth. Very few will be taken, very few will be rescued. MY Word is Truth. I am not a man that I should lie.

MY bride is pure and perfected. Very few are in this number. Very few want to come low in humble repentance and to seek MY Cross of Humility. This should make you sober.

I am seeking the few who are willing to give ME their complete lives and forsake all others and the ways of the world to put ME first in their life. This is what I require. If you have heard differently—you are hearing wrong and the enemy is leading you astray.

So come now—on your face. Surrender to ME; let ME reign in your heart. I will remove you to safety and you will be safe in MY Loving Arms for all eternity. The exchange is worth it: your life for eternal salvation, safekeeping, and being near your GOD, WHO created you and loves you like no other.

These are MY terms children. MY Word is clear. Read MY Word. Get to know MY Standards…what I ask of you. What I require of you.

Move in quickly, the hour of MY Return is now at hand. Don’t be fooled by MY enemy. He wants to capture and crush your heart and to keep you from claiming your rightful place in ME, in MY SPIRIT.

Sober up children! I am trying to wake you up. Come to your senses.

This is your GOD, JESUS, WHO died on a Cross of Humility, Humble Submission to save humanity.

Come with ME to the narrow path.

The hour diminishes…


Luke 17:26-30 (KJV: 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

1 Peter 4:18 (KJV: And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV: 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Luke 10:19 (KJV: Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.


Part II Received November 26, 2011

Letter from the LORD JESUS:

Write MY Words: Children this is your LORD. The hour has come for MY Soon Return. I know many of you disbelieve.

I am coming sooner than many people think. Children you must make yourselves ready. I have pleaded…I have cajoled…I have tried to reason. Yet, many do not respond.

Please make yourselves ready. Come into MY Light. Let MY Blood cover you. Let MY SPIRIT fill you. This is the hour of preparation. Do not delay. Make ME your center focus. Lay down the things of the world. Lay them down or they will drag you down to the deepest, darkest pits. Please heed these warnings.

The hour is close children. Come alive! Come alive through MY Blood! I am the only Way, the Truth, the Life! No one comes to the FATHER but by ME.

I am pleading children. Now you must do this, now! MY Love is patient, but time marches on and MY Coming is growing closer. Don’t be fooled by the ones not watching. If you are not watching, you will be left to face the worst. Only follow ME, JESUS. Now is the hour to repent. I Have Spoken

MY Word is True

See the times. They speak of MY Truth.

I, JESUS Have Spoken



November 28, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

This is MY Voice Susan, so write MY Words down:

Yes children, this is your LORD Speaking. The hour has come for MY Soon Return. Soon children, this will happen. There is so much disbelief floating around.

MY children, why do you disbelieve so? Could it be because you do not believe that I am real in the first place? Could it be that you doubt I exist? Or could it be that you want to believe in your own version of GOD or your own interpretation of MY Scripture?

Could it be that you have applied your own thinking to the interpretation of MY Scripture, so that you have concluded from MY Words what you believe to be so, which runs counter to the actual meaning of MY Scripture, which is another school of thought apart from what I, GOD, set out for the Scripture to mean? Could this be, MY children?

You see children, all Scripture is GOD-breathed and originates from MY Throne Room. It is also understood and interpreted only and exclusively by the Leading of MY HOLY SPIRIT, GOD HIMSELF.

Now if you are not SPIRIT-Filled, possessing a full oil lamp, than you couldn’t possibly be interpreting MY Scripture correctly because it is not understood by the teachings of men but by the understanding provided by MY HOLY SPIRIT. MY SPIRIT-Filled children read MY Scripture through MY Eyes and therefore see perfectly that the times are lining up with MY Word and they know MY Coming is near. MY SPIRIT leads them to all Truth.

Without the intimacy of MY SPIRIT in FULL, your eyes have scales over them and you will not see or believe it when someone tells you MY Coming is close. You are in a lukewarm condition toward ME, your GOD, and you need to seriously examine the condition of your heart toward ME, your MOST HOLY GOD! Your eternal salvation depends on it!

Children wake up! If you do not see that MY Coming is close, you have gravitated far away from ME into a lukewarm condition and further into a love affair with the world, to which I am vehemently opposed. Does not MY Word say that the world is an enmity to ME and that you cannot maintain a friendship with ME and the world both?

Children, come to ME for eye salve and a heart of flesh through a full surrender. I want a sincere, heart-felt surrender, repentance on your face for your vile sins committed against a MOST HOLY GOD. Then I will fill you completely with MY SPIRIT if you ask for HIM and truly desire HIS Presence in your life. You must want this. I do not force this decision on anyone. It must be made by the individual. I can only plead and request for you to come to ME in humble repentance before it is too late.

Think seriously over this MY children. Your eternal destination depends on it. Many will throw their lives away in this last hour because they refuse to consider MY Pleadings, MY Word, MY Drawing through MY SPIRIT.

You must choose. You must decide. But just because you don’t believe I am coming back soon that does not make it so. I will come to retrieve MY bride on time, whether you believe or not and woe to you if your heart is not right with ME and your lamp oil is not full.

Read MY Word. Seek MY Truth. The hour is closing down.

Fear is the weapon of the enemy. Truth, Light, Peace,

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