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control of your surrendered life. Isn't it great to be around other believers who don't dwell on the past but look to a new day and a bright future in the Lord with absolute assurance from Him ? Your own spiritual joy is enhanced by them. Praise God for the freshness of the Holy Spirit filled life. The daughters continue to gaze at this miracle before them. One of them exclaims that the bride is...


"...fair (lovely) as the moon..."

The moon gives off a soft and gentle light by reflecting the rays of the sun. Because of sin, this old world in which we live is engulfed by spiritual darkness, hardness and harshness. The world needs to see the "moon" in us. In itself the moon is absolutely lifeless, it has no energy of its own. However, the moon continually reflects the light of the sun. The moon's life is the life of another, its gentleness is the gentleness of another, it blesses only by being blessed by another; its glory is totally the glory of another!

As the sun gives beauty to a submissive moon so also the light of Christ, in the power and beauty of the Spirit-filled life, will be reflected in us as we submit all to Him. No wonder they were so delighted to gaze on her. She reflected pure beauty! She reflected Him!

Your spouse, your family, your friends, your co-workers and casual acquaintances all need to see a "dead" and "dark" former you reflecting the living light of Christ (Gal. 2:20)! Just as the moon uses no energy to bless, so you are not to struggle in your energy to live the Christian life, but you are to surrender each day to the Lord totally so He may touch you and others through you.

The Holy Spirit then arranges all the circumstances in your life that will best reflect Jesus to those who need to see Him in you. You will, for the most part, be very unaware of all that the Holy Spirit is doing, but you will have confidence that He is "doing"! Do people need to hear your opinion, wisdom and knowledge? No! A yielded life to the Holy Spirit will reflect Jesus' wisdom and knowledge to all those brought into your life (Col. 2:3).


PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Abba Father, I want to have Your glory shine through the life that You have created in me. I submit my mind and heart to You. Take them and transform my walk to be in agreement with Your Holy Word. Let the lovely image of my Beloved be daily reflected in me by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is my desire in the wonderful and mighty name of my Beloved, whom I love and serve, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen!"


There are many times we are called on to walk through a dark circumstance. Even though it seems at times He is not there, the reflection of His promises say otherwise. The moon is just a reminder that the sun is still there in the darkness. What an encouragement to all of us that the night will pass and the day will dawn whether it be in a deep, dark crisis we are facing or knowing that through the darkness of this world, Jesus, the Light of the world is coming back soon.


" clear as the sun..."

As an adjective the Hebrew word for "clear" carries with it the meaning of: "pure" or "clean" (see Psa. 19:8; 24:4; 73:1). This word "clear" comes from a Hebrew word which means: "to purify", "cleanse", "make bright". The sun is the power of our solar system. This is the light that brings life! Are you" clear as the sun..."? Do you bring life wherever your footsteps take you? The sun is the generating power of our solar system. Without its power and energy all would be lifeless and dreary. She not only reflected Jesus' light as the moon but she possessed His dynamic spiritual power within!

The power cannot be unleashed and seen in us until we have given our all to Him. She has repented from her compromising sins and made Him Lord of her life. She now walks the blameless life (Eph. 1:4; 5:27; Phil. 1:10; 2:15; Col. 1:22) before all - clear as the sun. It all happens when we give every aspect of our life to Him without reservation! It's His power that will be seen in us and then, flow out through us! Lives will be blessed, changed, saved, healed, delivered (Eph. 3:20; Acts 1:8). Remember, it all began with the defining moment in 6:3.

He chose you to be His vehicle through which the world may see His purity and love (John 17:22-23; II Cor. 3:18). Do they? This poor old world, with its empty lives, gropes for meaning, purpose, usefulness and purity but to no avail. They give up in despair. O Christian disciple, let the world see Jesus in you! Stay daily surrendered and submissive to Him! We are to be pure and clear as the "Son"! That kind of life is at your fingertips if you would take your compromising hands off the controls!

There is nothing like a transparent (clear) believer! You never have to guess about them! They have a clear-cut witness and would do nothing to offend Jesus or you. You know, without question, they are totally in love with Jesus and you, filled with His Spirit, filled with His Word and His ways! Are you perfect? No! But as you confess each failure and sin then repent of them, a little more of Jesus is seen in your life (John 3:10)! Your reflection of Him will grow brighter.


"...and terrible (fearful) as an army with banners?"

The Beloved proclaimed this in v.4 and now the Daughters of Jerusalem absolutely agree with His estimation of her. When Jesus becomes your entire reason for living, then nothing, absolutely nothing can defeat you! His banners over you cause the Prince of Darkness to cringe in fear and retreat!

Glory to God we are in His army and fully equipped to do battle. God Almighty is our banner (Ex. 17:15)! As the enemy approaches he sees written on these victory banners over you: "Abba Father"; "Righteous Father"; "The Blood of Jesus", "The Name of Jesus"; "The Sword of the Spirit"; "It is Finished". As you submit every situation to your Beloved these banners are unfurled by His angels encamped round about you! The enemy must retreat. These banners are filled with His light that the Prince of Darkness hates. Notice she has His light in the morning, at night (moon) and during the day (sun). Twenty-four hours of protection! The Word proclaims, "...the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended (Gk. overpowered, overwhelmed, seized) it not." (John 1:5).

The bride asked that her very special intimate friends, the virgins and daughters, meet with her for fellowship. The sharing times were always an inspiration to them. More than anyone else, they understood her deep experiences in the Lord. Their own spiritual journey had been very similar. Waiting for the bride to arrive they conversed with one another about how much their lives had changed and of the Bridegroom's love which filled their hearts.

The bride walked in, radiant looking as ever, with an excited tone said, "Dear, dear friends, I just want to say how much I love you. You have been so faithful to me. Look at us here, why do we meet so often like this? It's because of Him! He's everything to us! But I especially have much to be thankful for concerning Him. He has been so gentle with me from the very beginning. He knew long before it ever dawned upon me that I had to go through the growing pains of surrender. But O the joy ladies, you all know what I mean! Remember what I did not want to do (2:16)? My Beloved is giving me another opportunity. He is asking me to go with Him into the valley. What I am so excited about is that I didn't hesitate one second this time."

They were all smiles and then at the same moment clapping for joy they broke out in laughter! One of the virgins said, "We'll miss you so much. These times of fellowship are very precious to us. We will be praying for you as you leave on this wonderful journey. We will be anxiously awaiting your return and you’ll have to tell us all the details of what it meant ministering so intimately with the Beloved." Everyone gathered ‘round and laid their hands on the bride praying a blessing of the Beloved’s Word over her.


PRAY WITH ME: "I give You praise, I give You praise, I give You praise! My Father, I love You! My dear Lord Jesus, I love You! Dear, dear Holy Spirit, I love You! I give You all the glory for on me and in me shines Your light from morning to night! I bow before You with a heart filled with thanksgiving. Your banners are lifted up above me causing my enemy to be defeated. Thank You Lord, I submit my heart and life for You to keep it clean and bright before a wicked and perverse generation. Bless others through me, in my Beloved Jesus, amen!"


Before they leave the Beloved explains to her the purpose for this journey. He says...


V.11 "I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits (Heb. "freshness") of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished, and the pomegranates budded."

How wonderful is this scene! It is springtime, a time of new beginnings. The Beloved is leaving to examine His spiritual garden to see how fruitful it will be. There was another time He spoke of this in (2:11-13). At that time her heart was not moved. But now He knows she is ready to leave with Him on a spiritually breathtaking journey by faith into His vineyards! Even while speaking about the beauty and fruit of His garden a special glow came upon His face.

The Beloved's great concern is always the condition of His garden. He Himself is the seed that was planted there (John 12:24; 19:41; Mt. 13:36-38). Jesus buried His seed at Calvary and resurrected it in our heart garden. He gave His life so glorious fruit could be produced by the Holy Spirit in the heart garden of each believer! O the power of that SEED to transform the hardest of hearts! Paul prayed, "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection..." (Phil. 3:10)! He loves to share His work! He does not want to go alone! It enhances His joy! For a moment He pauses, then explains...


V.12 "Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like (set me over) the chariots of Amminadib."

The Hebrew word "Amminadib" is a combination of two words "am" and "nadib". The first is usually translated "people" and the second word can be translated "willing", "voluntarily", "inclined", or "noble". Am I seen by Him in the company called "His willing people"? O how it pleases the Beloved's soul to be with those who possess a willing spirit to do His perfect will. An inclined heart voluntarily desiring and doing His will causes the Lord Jesus to call us "noble"! Are not His chosen called "a royal priesthood" (I Pet. 2:9)? Chariots imply movement from place to place. It is a vehicle that must be controlled and driven by another. Are you spiritually noble by having a willing, submissive spirit obeying His loving commands?

The Beloved looked deep into her spirit and knew she was ready, O so ready and willing to go with Him to the garden! His heart leaped with joy because she was now one in purpose with Him. He could hear her say quietly, "Wherever You want to go I want to go! Your desire is my desire! Your work will be

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