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my work! I have to be with You my Love, my Bridegroom, my Lord! Your joy alone is my joy!" He takes her by the hand and they begin to walk toward the valley of orchards! Little was said but a beautiful glowing midst enveloped them as they walked off.


PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Lord, for too long I have held the reins of my soul’s chariot deciding where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do! Seldom did I consult with You and find out Your heart’s desire. Take the reins out of my hands! I want to hear You say that I am noble because of my willing heart. This is my longing and this is my joy. Praise Your holy name Lord Jesus, amen!"


With tears in their eyes, these beautiful ladies of royalty watched as this wonderful couple walked off in the light of the early morning sun. O how they would miss them! They called out to her with hearts full of love and appreciation for what she had become and said:


V.13 "Return, return, O Shulamite; return, return, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite? As it were the company (Heb. "dances") of two armies (or "encampments")."

They had been overwhelmed and awestruck at the glorious transformation into His likeness since the first time they had laid their eyes upon her in chapter 1! Those who have the fullness of Jesus in them are the ones who are truly missed when they depart. Your heart cries out, "Come back, come back, come back! Let me gaze upon Jesus in you once again for it is so refreshing to my sou!"! For the first time she is called "Shulamite". It has been pointed out by others the name "Shulamite" is the feminine form of "Solomon". How appropriate that they call her by His name for she now bears His image more than ever before because of her confession and submission of love. Praise God, one day we who love and adore Him; we who have been chosen as His bride will have His name written across our foreheads for all eternity. "And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads." (Rev. 22:4).

Excitement filled the bride. Quietness gave forth to joyful dancing and skipping down the path to the valley below! The daughters were ecstatic as they watched the bride dance in delirious delight. Praise God for those who are so surrendered and spirit-filled that they can dance like David danced before the Lord (II Sam. 6:14)! When you confess that Jesus has total control of you and then obey, the Holy Spirit fills up your soul with joy unspeakable, full of glory (I Pet. 1:8)."Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing." (Psa. 30:11). The scripture tells us to "...praise his name in the dance." (Psa. 149:3)! The change that had taken place in the bride's life was so dramatic that she could not hold back. Thus, she danced exuberantly before the One she adored! Glory to God! Just like two armies dancing and rejoicing over victories! Reread v.11.

As the Bride walks with Him through the garden in the valley she observes the deep, deep concern and care her Beloved has for the spiritual trees, plants and vines in His garden. They are of inestimable value to Him. All of a sudden she remembers that this is where she had found Him (6:2) when her life was so dramatically changed. She noticed what great delight swept over His countenance when He, O so lovingly, touched the tender buds. He could envision blessed fruit being produced in the future!

He spoke to her concerning the garden. His hand pointed from corner to corner and said, "See this vast, beautiful garden ready to bloom, it was a very dead and ugly piece of ground filled with thorns and thistles before I planted My seeds in it. This ground cost Me dearly but it was worth it all. Look how beautiful it is now My love and one day it will be perfect forever without spot or blemish (Rev. 19:7,8; I Cor. 3:11-15)!"

They walked and talked through this splendid garden. She could feel something strange and fantastic happening in her heart. She was beginning to have the same great love for the garden as her Beloved! All He could talk about was the beautiful, blessed fruit that was being produced. She felt the thrill of it with Him. She shouted with joy in her spirit at this new revelation, "This is what He saw in me (4:12-5:1)! This whole garden reflects His glorious image (Rom. 8:29). I now see what He is seeing, the beauty and wonder of other surrendered lilies!" Now she understood the deep concerns of His heart!

Jesus wants us to be concerned about His concerns. He wants us to love our brothers and sisters and see them flourish in the power of the Holy Spirit. Is the vine flourishing, in me? In you? In others (John 15:1-11)? That is His deep interest! He is the vine and what delights His heart is to see abundant life budding in the lives of His people. The Beloved looks closely to see if the pomegranates are blooming. Blooming indicates there is heartfelt "first love" love being offered in worship to Him from His thankful people.


PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Lord Jesus, I love You and will gladly allow You to have Your wonderful name displayed in my life and speak it with my lips as long as I live! When people gaze upon me may they immediately say 'Jesus' in their heart! Lord, may I be like Peter and John when others saw and heard them, the people knew they had been with You Lord (Acts. 4:13). So strong were You in their life that people were powerfully affected even by Peter's shadow (Acts 5:15)! Dear Bridegroom of my heart, cause me to be so intimate with You that Your very presence in me will have a positive spiritual effect on others. Praise Your holy name! Amen!"






AN OVERVIEW OF CHAPTER SEVEN: The bride is now ready for service. With His heart filled with joyful anticipation the Beloved describes features of His bride which had not been considered before. The Bride is completely convinced that His desire is for her good only. She acts upon that revelation and suggests they both go out into the villages and country and minister. What He had so desired from her in chapter two ("come away"), she initiates! She has the mind of her Beloved - the mind of Christ! 


The bride is ready to disciple others with Him. The symbolism of the feet and nose are very significant. Never before had He described them. All of this is leading to her new walk of ministry. This is the believer's crowning moment while living in this dark wilderness scene. A path of service has opened to her and a spiritual intimacy seldom experienced by the average Christian.

As they walk hand in hand in His garden (6:11) the Beloved's heart continues to be filled with glorious joy. Thoughtfully He pauses for a moment admiring her feet, then shares...


V.1 "How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints (Heb. "roundness") of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hand of a cunning workman (artist)."

For the first time the Beloved describes His bride's feet and hips. What has made the difference? Prior to this He described her from head to waist, but now she is ready to walk in holiness, power and service. He observed with great delight her joyful dancing just a few moments ago. Her feet were clean in (5:3) but they were not ready for action. These feet are ready and willing to go with Him anywhere. With her shoes on she is ready to stand! What are these shoes? "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace." (Eph. 6:15). With that kind of firm foundation she is able to stand, "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand, stand therefore...." (Eph. 6:13,14). O to walk with peace while the storms of life gather ‘round you and the enemy’s weapons are formed against you.

With joy He says, "I died for you My bride that I might experience this moment with you. Now there is nothing in you that will hinder our intimate fellowship anymore. You have reached full maturity. I look at your feet and see that they will walk with Me and for Me without any hesitation. You have no idea what happened in My heart when you, My dear dove, said, 'I am my Beloved's'! It was at that moment your will became My will! My heart is pounding with great anticipation with what lies ahead for you and Me together! Thank you, thank you, thank you for not giving up, but always seeking Me whom your soul loves! One last time I am going to describe the beauties of what I see in you. Keep this love description deep in your heart. It will be a strength and joy to you throughout your wilderness journey."

Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs flooded her Spirit-filled soul (Eph. 5:18-21)! Heavenly melody upon melody was played upon the heart of her spirit to her Beloved. O so thankful! O so pure! O so submissive! O so filled with incomprehensible joy! She was about to burst!

Your spiritual feet are important to the Lord. You must first allow the Prince to wash your feet (John 13:5-17). Your walk becomes dirty. He will do it through the Holy Spirit applying the Word to your life. If you do not allow Him to cleanse you then the Prince cannot share His ministry with you (John 13:8).

Let’s pause for a moment and consider what the Word has to say about "walking" and "feet". She had to receive His Word first before she could walk in His will. The Lord proclaims in Psa. 119:105, "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." At the very beginning of their relationship (1:4) she had prayed for the activity of her feet as well as the daughters of Jerusalem, "Draw me, we will run after thee… ". Feet must move in order to run. That spiritual request was being answered progressively in 6:1,13; 7:11! She had to first hear the Word before her feet would heed His call! It took time! Be patient dear reader, God's timing is the only timing for a true sanctified, Holy Spirit led walk for Jesus! Don't try to figure things out, just lean on Him and know His purposes are being fulfilled in your life daily.

When the Beloved decided to inspect His garden and orchard, He started to leave (6:11). He did not ask her to come

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