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Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014 by Susan Davis (books for 10th graders .txt) 📖». Author Susan Davis

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to ME. I gave you all of ME. I laid down MY life. I, GOD, I JESUS did this for you and your weak commitment means nothing to ME.

You come to church once a week and then I don’t hear from you again all week. This is not a relationship with ME. I don’t want your half-hearted attempts to reach ME. I would rather you be hot or cold, but as it is I must spit you out. Don’t insult ME with your lukewarm affection. I won’t have it. It makes ME sick. You love everything else more than ME. You spend hours with your other wooden idols and with ME you spend almost no time. This is no relationship. Don’t think you will stand before ME and be saved. I will say, “I never knew you” and I never lie. I am GOD and I am a force to be reckoned with. It would be better for you to have never been born then to reject ME, the ONE WHO created you.

I am giving out final warnings. Quit embracing these wooden idols. They can’t return your affection. They are cold, lifeless. They are cruel mistresses. They will lead you to paths of destruction. You know of the idols I speak of…you know what I am talking about. It is your first love. I was your first love, but you have walked away and now you spend your time with other gods.

I will have no other god before ME. Choose these gods and die. They offer you pleasure for a time, for a moment…then it will be hell eternal…a very long moment…a very big price to pay for a brief love affair with a wooden idol. Embrace your idols and see how it goes for you. You know what idols I speak of—it is anything you find more worthy to devote your precious time to than ME. Even your families you put above ME. Do this and you will lose ME and your families you cherish so deeply over ME. I am a jealous GOD. I will not share MY love with other idols, other lesser gods.

Be warned. I am coming soon for a devoted wife. One who puts ME above all other gods and idols. She will have ME and I love her. I cherish MY bride and will love and protect her forever. It is not too late for you. But don’t waste valuable time on your lesser gods or you will find yourself in the soon-coming darkness. Then you will not find relief from your idols you so cherish. They will look back at you with a blank stare and you will weep over your loss. I am warning you now. Scoff if you like, but the day will come and your sadness will be great because you have rejected life and love, purity, wholeness, and all that a Holy GOD offers.

You decide. I cannot make this decision for you. You have this choice to make: life or death. I put it before you. Time is at hand. The hour is at hand. Please think carefully. I, JESUS am here waiting, but soon the door will close. Get your lamp full of MY refining oil. I cannot help you once the door closes. You will have to go through the fire of the enemy.

Please make this choice. Choose well. Save yourself. Warn others. I will wait only a little longer, than I must leave with MY faithful wife.

These are MY Words,

I, JESUS have spoken.



November 19, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

I am ready to give you words.

I am in front of you My people pleading. Listen to ME. The hour is short. The evil is forming. You must hear ME. I speak truth. Soon you will not hear any truth. Soon the world will become completely black with darkness. It will grow dark and cold uninhabitable, unreliable people at every turn. Truth will disappear. 

My people who preserve truth will be gone up into the heavens with ME to their glorious homes, homes I have prepared for them to be taken to for safety away from the maddening rush on earth. Evil will ensue, strongholds of evil unrivaled to any other time in history. People will cry out for justice, but it will be replaced with treachery and the divine will be replaced with gross evil.

Where are your heads, MY people? Where do you hide your heads, in the sand? Can you not see what is right before you? You are afraid to look up and see because you think all is well. My life is untouched. Things are fine. The world goes on as it always does. My church does not tell me any different. All is well.

Susan, write it down.

The people are mesmerized and taken over by their own maligned beliefs. They see not because they choose not to look. It is there. Those who bother to look see it and they warn others to save them from the coming storm and are met with opposition at every turn. MY people wake up. The truth is there before you. The hour is closing in. Listen to reason.

You think these words are empty. You think I, GOD am not speaking. You think I, GOD do not exist. Let me tell you, I am a force to be reckoned with. I will avenge MY enemies: those who choose to reject ME; those who choose to harm MY children; those who choose to hate GOD. Will you choose to be against ME or will you choose to receive MY salvation—MY blood-bought salvation.

Get on your knees before ME. Repent! Turn your hearts back to ME before it is too late. Show regret for your adoration of the world in front of a HOLY GOD who hates evil and protects the widows and orphans. Show ME your repentance. Show ME your sorrow over your lust for the things of this world and I will heal your hearts and bring you back to MYSELF. You will be found worthy to fly away with ME to safe hiding to MY Kingdom far away. I will hold you and love you. I will protect and keep you. You will be MY possession and I will love you forever.

Reject ME in this hour and I must leave without you. I am sorry, but I cannot take you if you do not surrender all to ME. Half-hearted commitments cannot be accepted. I love completely. Love ME completely and be saved, be spared from gross disaster.

You are listening to men if you do not see this coming. You have folded in with the wayward sheep who have left MY pasture. You are following blindly the sheep headed away from their lovely Shepherd into the darkness. The wolves are waiting in the wings to capture you when I take MY faithful flock to safety. You will be devoured. This is not a parable or story. It is truth. You are blind if you cannot see it.

I am before you pleading. Open your Bibles. Read the truth. Stop listening to men. Seek ME, your LORD JESUS. Pray to ME. Read about ME. Ask MY Spirit for truth. Ask ME to open your eyes to truth and I will help you see. I have the answers, not men. You are blind leading blind. Take off your blindfolds. The hour is short. Seek ME. I will give you truth. There is no other truth. I am the AUTHOR of truth.

Oh, listen to ME, MY people. These are not empty words. Get on your hands and knees before ME and pray for your very souls to be saved. I will do it. I will see your humble hearts and I will lead you out. Give ME your all and I will save you from gross, endless evil that only I, GOD will stop. MEN will not be able to stop the evil forming—try though they might.

You cannot accept a GOD who rejects HIS children, you say. MY Word explains this clearly. Salvation is through a relationship with ME and MY blood covers you. There is no other way to the FATHER but through ME. I AM THE ONLY WAY.

Count the minutes ticking away: like mist through your fingers. You are wasting precious time on pursuits that don’t matter. Your idol worship will not save you. Release your grip from death. Continue in this way and you will surely die without ME and I am mankind’s only hope despite what the enemy may whisper in your ear. If you cohabitate with the enemy in your thinking and schemes, you will lie down with death and I cannot help you.

You say, “HE rambles on with these empty warnings—I do not see it.” Open your eyes, you lost generation. You are caught up in the world and cannot recognize truth. The world calls, invites, appears so 33 normal. It deals in death. It is a snare; a trap awaiting to take you normal. It deals in death. It is a snare; a trap awaiting to take you under. So many have already fallen in her eternal trap: never to be seen again. So many more will fall into the eternal trap of outer darkness and hell. There are many paths to lies and only one narrow way to truth. I AM THE WAY.


You are about to miss glory everlasting traded in for a fallen world. Wake up O’ earth! Grab for MY hand. See the piercing. This is what GOD did. I stepped down from MY Kingdom and died a horrible death because I did not want to lose you for eternity. Why do you refuse ME? If you are not watching, you will miss it. MY faithful who watch will be taken. This is your LORD speaking. Consider these words carefully.

I, JESUS have spoken.



November 21, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

Susan, write it down. These are MY words your LORD JESUS.

Today is a new day. Tomorrow will be another day. Day after day, the days go by. People think nothing new is going on. “Same today as yesterday, each day folds into the next,” they say. But, let ME tell you the time is running out. The hour is waning—precious moments disappearing. Time is dwindling away. The hour is closing in. Each moment is precious is now. These moments are precious.

Please consider what I am about to say. Your life here is in the balance, hanging in the balance. Your hour is dwindling away. You are running out of time to decide whether you are going to choose ME your LORD JESUS or to go with the enemy. He is waiting to see what you will do. The hour is closing in. There is a battle ensuing for your soul, your very soul. You have no idea what is going on around you. The enemy is a raging force, a raging lion waiting to devour you.

It is true—the hour is at hand. Men are asleep. They cannot see the condition of their hearts. They are far from their CREATOR. They are miserably far. They are far from reason. They have lost their minds. They are losing their souls.

My pleas are desperate. The hour is waning…closing in. Time is short and you think you have all the time in the world, but sadly you do not. The clock is ticking away. What choices will you make? Are you ready to walk away from this world into MY wide outstretched arms and to leave with ME? I will be leaving with the church soon. She is ready. I am ready. I, LORD JESUS am ready. We are ready. Will you join us?

Evil is closing in. You are blind if you can’t see it. You have left the path of light if you can’t see the darkness closing in. Where is your head? Have you lost your senses? The time

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