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a dry crust on it, because everything has come to an end! I have come back from heaven to prepare the way of My coming with the saints, but the earth is a way of lawlessness, and what shall I really do? Behold what I will do: I will come back to the first beginning and I start from where I left off. Amen.


I glorify Myself through the word over My fenced garden in the middle of Romania, the place of the beginning of the earth, from where I took the dust with My hand and I created the man, so that I may put the man back over to the earth then, but not also over the heaven. I come back and I work as in the beginning. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[8]”, red. note[9]) As I worked in the beginning? I worked out the word and I made all those that are, and now I also work out the word, to break down those that are, for the man and the earth from under him are the way of the lawlessness, a hard-trodden and uncleared land. 


I am that Word, the One after seven years from the sealing by My holiness law of the garden of the Holy of Holies, the place I enter as a Bishop of My Father after two thousand years since My first coming among the people. Seven years ago, on the twelfth day of the twelve month, I sat down with My holiness as on the Mount Sinai, I set Myself to be and to stay with a hearing and working word on earth from the middle of the garden, made out of My word to be My holy mount in the middle of Romania, the country for My coming after two thousand years, for the earth is all over only a way of transgression and there is no longer any place for Me and for the one who believes in Me and in My coming after two thousand years. Seven years ago this day, I made a great joy for My Father and for those in My circle, as I made holy a place for Myself so that the heaven may have a way for its coming on earth and to redeem the bedding lost through the fallen man in the garden of Eden, from the earth of the heaven.


There is nothing to save on earth, but what is impossible with man is possible to Me; and I enclosed, sanctified and sealed My garden by My name, the garden which was the place of My rest from the beginning and behold, from the end as well. I made man after My image and after My likeness out of the clay of this garden and I rested in him; however the Father was in Me while I was working the man.  I looked from end to beginning and I came across by My eye to this place of the beginning of the earth and of the man on it, and I worked a word upon this land and then I named it the garden of My word; and it is so. And if it is so, here I am the word upon the land from the middle of the earth, from the top of the earth, the high mountain which God, the Word sits on.


I deliver this word and proclaim Myself victorious over My adversary, the man; the man who set himself against Me from the beginning and until My coming of today. I am the Christ of the Father, and the man who stands against Me is called the antichrist. He is not called man anymore; rather he is called the false prophet who stands against God from the beginning and until My coming with the judgment for the thief. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[10]”, r.n.)


I work hard as all are finished and I find nowhere else on earth tools of work for My heavenly work, for there are on earth only human things. But behold My book for the false prophet, the antichrist, who has been coming ahead of Me since seven thousand years to thwart My work from the Father on earth and on the man that came out of the earth! The antichrist is the beast with seven heads and he is a devil, not a servant of God.


But what is the beast with seven heads? It is the power of the earth through the people who overthrew the dwelling of God in man. It has ten horns and ten diadems, and it has the name of blasphemy on its heads, and the devil gave to it the dominion over the earth and it cries everywhere: «Who is like the beast and who can fight against it?» And here, its mouth blasphemes against God and upon His tabernacle and upon those in heaven. And it was given power to wage war with the saints and to overcome them, and it has dominion over all tribes, peoples and nations, and all the inhabitants of the earth who are not written from the foundation of the world with their names into the Lamb’s Book of Life, worship the beast.


But what is the false prophet? He is the man who comes out of the earth and who fights against God from beside God, for it is written: «I saw another beast coming out of the earth; he had two horns like a Lamb and spoke like a dragon; and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. He makes the earth and all those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed, and he deceives everyone by the miracles that were given to him to perform before the beast».


Here is the false prophet revealed by the Scriptures, for Daniel the prophet said this: «The frightening, awesome and exceedingly powerful beast with great iron teeth and bronze claws, was eating, tearing and trampling behind her. It differed from all other beasts, for it had ten horns. And another little horn came up among them and this horn had a human eye and a mouth which was speaking great things. But the beast was slain and its body was destroyed by fire as with the clouds of the sky someone like the Son of man was coming near and to Him it was given the authority; the eternal dominion, and all the peoples, nations and languages were serving Him; and His kingdom is without ending and His saints will be Heirs together with Him».


Daniel the prophet wrote: «The false prophet will speak words of blasphemy against God and will persecute the saints and think to change the feasts and the law for a time and times and a half a time, but the people of the saints will take over his dominion, for he will be judged to destruction and falling down forever». Amen. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism[11]”, r.n.)


Behold the thread hidden from the human look; behold the false prophet of seven thousand years who has stood close to God in order to overthrow His dwelling in man. Behold My book lowered from heaven for the false prophet, the antichrist, who has been coming before Me since seven thousand years to thwart My dwelling in man and to make him not fulfill My holy commandments which give those who work them eternal life. Behold the false prophet, the one with a Christian face, the one who stands under My garment, for it is written: «He has two horns like the Lamb’s but speaks like a dragon and he is holding all the power of the first beast». I uncover him and proclaim his nakedness, and I proclaim it to all the rulers of the souls and bodies, to all the margins, for towards the end he put his heads in My country full of all My gifts, the gifts of My second coming on earth, in the work of the new Jerusalem over creation. Amen.


I will stand for three days in a row as a word over My garden which I proclaim Myself with My voice on earth from. Three days in a row I will be writing in the book for the judgment of the false prophet for as long as seven thousand years, for he has been working under the same vine with God: Cain upon Abel, Esau against Jacob, Joseph’s brothers against Joseph, Saul upon David, Caiaphas upon Christ, and the servants of the church against the Christians, My holy people within his life, for the man of the church gave himself over to the false prophet, who set himself to perform miracles in heaven as on earth, he says, to deceive the church of Christ and to pull it aside from its foundation and to take a name of Christ in the church. But he is a false Christ; he is a devil; he has been the antichrist from son to son until today for seven thousand years.


Oh, you false prophet who overthrow the God’s dwelling in man! I am who I am. I am the Christ of the Father. Amen. Come out to meet My word, for I write the book for your judgment. I am with a holy feast on earth, a day of seven years from the day of the sealing of the garden of New Jerusalem, a word after seven years since the destruction of your power, the hidden one from those on earth. I come against you for it is written: «Someone is coming with the clouds of the sky like the Son of man and will judge the false prophet to destroy him forever». Amen.


I left seven years of grace on earth but you work with money and with vainglory and make the earth and its inhabitants to believe that you are the man of God, but you are a devil, you are a serpent in the way who bites the horse’s heels causing him to fall, for you are coming from the beginning and working from sons to sons, as it is written that you would be a serpent, for when Jacob blessed his sons he said this: «Dan will be a serpent in the way to bite». I come against you and tell you: you have taken a shepherd appearance but you are a devil who deceives and persecutes the people of the saints from beginning to end, for your line as Mine, is from beginning to end, and My church, the man created by Me, has been falling down from man to man until today, by your hand, by your work against Me and against My saints in whom I have been dwelling and working from son to son according to the ongoing course of the saints.


I want to tell you that you are but flesh and come out of the earth and I want to remind you My word: «The flesh lusts against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh»; you against Me and I against you; I, by My saints from heaven and those born by the Spirit on My preaching, and you are only flesh and come out from the earth and you are a devil, not a shepherd. And those that are not written into the Book of My life, from the foundation of the world, you overcome them with pleasures and vainglory to worship you, but I am coming with the clouds against you and pronounce your judgment. Three days in a row I will let the word upon you, and on the third day I will be closing the book for your judgment. I come and tell you that you cannot do anything for

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