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2017.02.19 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful Judgment

            The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of the fearful Judgment[2]



I have written down for My coming the word into the midst of the Romanian people. I have room and board on the hearth of this people and I have a hospitable people and it has faith for My today’s work over the earth, everything coming out at My word, everything by My power and by the great grace of God’s creation, for My creation is this mystery working into the midst of this nation, in which I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, I have laid down My coming and My sitting on the reigning seat of My glory, as the word of My mouth was written two thousand years ago, for all the nations to stay under the glory of My word and to come together so that I may separate some from others as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats to put the sheep on My right hand side and the goats on My left hand side and to tell them their destiny for eternity, as everyone’s work was in his life on earth, and this is how will happen, because God said so.


I am writing down into My today’s book the word of watching for those who receive My exhortation, My speaking over the earth. Oh, one is to watch for the day of separation, for on that day I will say to those on the right and to those on the left their place of inheritance, and it is good for each man to take very seriously into consideration for this moment, for those on the right will hear the voice of God’s Son, Who will tell them: «Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave Me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me… Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me». (Matt: 25/34-40) Oh, and then I will say to those on My left hand, «Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels». (Matt: 25/41) Moreover, after I will have finished this separation each one will go to his place he has prepared by his works, as it is written.


Oh, behold, it is to be watched for that moment, and one should seriously consider My word of that time, for I did not take it with Me in heaven, but this word has remained on earth and it still has its power and truth.


And now, We are to put into the book the good meaning of this word, because each one understands in his own way and no one pays attention to God and to His teaching.


Oh, people of My word, oh, sons from the spring, let us split the thread in four for all the meanings sons so that it may be useful for many, for the man who takes pride in his works and faith, does not have the chance to hear how God’s word is to be understood. I had been with My disciples two days before I was cunningly arrested by the ruling priests, by the scribes, and by the elders of the people, who conspired how they were to catch Me. I was with My teaching upon My disciples and I told them many parables about the Kingdom of the heavens, and I have told them one after the other, and then I clarified to them the day of My coming with the judgment for the works. After that we went to Bethany, telling them that I would be caught, crucified and buried, and then the woman with the myrrh came and it happened so for the preparation of My sacrifice, because she poured out this myrrh over Me. And when the day of the Last Supper came, I told them that the time of My betrayal had come. We finished the Supper and I revealed to them the one who was going to sell Me and we got out in the garden of Gethsemane and waited for Judas there and he came with those who caught Me, and I went away from My disciples, from My brothers who were little in the eyes of those who ruled over Jerusalem, since I, their Lord and Teacher had been found worthy of punishment by crucifixion and there were only two men of influence who had mercy on Me in time of trouble and they took My body and organized My burial, and all the others found their place on My left hand side for the day when the fearful judgment would take place. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)


Oh, sons, while I was speaking to My disciples, I spoke about the day when as a shepherd I would separate the sheep from the goats and I would put the righteous ones on My right hand side, for they had mercy on Me whenever they did it to one of the least of My brothers. Oh, who would these brothers be? These are those who suffer with Me and for Me as My disciples suffered, My brothers without any price in the eyes of the rulers over the people, and they are those who follow Me with their life and not only with their works, for I said: «My mother and My brothers are those who listen to My word and fulfilled it when they are on earth», (See Matt: 12/48-50), and these have to be found, they have to be known, for they are the gold of the heaven on earth, and they have part with God in their life and after that, and whenever they are shown mercy because they are Mine, and those who have mercy on them will surely not lose their reward. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.)


I told My disciples: «Whoever will give you a glass of water because you are Mine, will not lose his reward». Oh, is there still someone among those who think that they know and understand from God? Is there someone really, one who understands My word, well explained? Oh, if you, man, need the knowledge of a mature man, to whom you want to go with your offering for the help you want to receive, can anyone pledge for you before the one you knock at his door? Oh, the same is with the meaning about the least of My brothers, those who can open the kingdom of the heavens for many. I am the King of those who love Me by suffering with Me and for Me on the way, as My disciples suffered, those who were despised for My name and who preached about the kingdom of the heavens to all those who believed or not in it.


Oh, woe to the rich people and who are rich in their possessions and who expose their good works, done for the people who have no riches, only to draw on themselves praise for their works! And woe to those who do not know to offer support to the least of My brothers among the people and who know the way for the works that reach before the Lord! Oh, those who are fools for Christ’s sake, they are the true messengers, they have got favor with the Lord, and they have it because their love, because of their holy way, and the poor man is not anyhow in God’s eyes, for many poor people are those who do not like to work for their bread and waste in sinful pleasures the things received from those who think that they can get good works for heaven, giving money to those who ask for it! However, the Word of the Gospel remembered on this Sunday according to the church order, oh, My word and its meaning were otherwise, for I have spoken My word for those who suffered, mourned and endured persecution and contempt because they were Mine, and behold, there is no interpreter to interpret My word well to the people, and the Lord has to come and interpret His Word for them.


Therefore, pay attention, you those who are both great and small, chiefs and soldiers, rich and poor, slaves or free, all those on earth, all pay attention to the Lord, for one has to watch for the fulfillment of God’s word, because you cannot fulfill it anyway you may want if you want to be written with those who do the works of salvation for their help on the day of judgment. Oh, watch, so that you may be able to get up from your bed for the watch upon your life, and watch for the Lord, for the Lord is coming, He is coming, and He is coming as a Shepherd and separates the sheep from the goats and He will put the sheep on His right hand side and the goats on His left hand side, as His word two thousand years ago was written. Oh, listen to the exhortation for the watch and show Me that you listen, because God calls out to you to listen to Him.


Oh, My today’s country, the country of My coming as word on earth, oh, Romanian people, put to your heart My love for your country and call home your sons who left the country and went far away, for I bring you good news, that this citadel, sweet to Me, will be called “There the Lord is,” and it will be called “Home,” only it will be called that way.


Oh, Romanian sons, do not leave this country. It is My today’s country and your country, and I have in it board and house and the throne of My glory, as it is written to come and to judge from the throne of the glory all the nations, for the book of My word written on your hearth is the throne of My glory, and God’s Word flows from it over the earth and waters the earth with His glory. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.)

Oh, Romanian sons, come and meet together at your home, sons! When I come to you in your country and when I let My word on the table, oh, where do you go so that you may not be found guilty because you have gone away from the Lord?


Oh, stay at home, sons! This country is going to shine with My glory in it soon, soon! (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan”, r.n.) Oh, do not lose your patience and do not lose your faith. Encourage one another in faith, Romanian sons!


Seek after Me, sons, and pay attention to My word upon you, for I come into your way with it, because this time has come, and I, the Lord, watch upon you and for you, and now I am asking you: Watch with Me, watch with the Lord for the country and over the country, and watch once with the saints, and you will be written among those who have mercy on Me and give to Me; they give Me so that I may give them My kingdom, and

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