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reason they exist! I am the ONE WHO brings the sun and the rain.

This is a dark hour and it grows darker each day, yet MY leaders cloak this Truth from MY flocks. They hide it and only bring Words of happiness and joy. MY flocks are deceived and are not being prepared. They think all is well and they continue on as always.

What words of warning would revive them? What must they hear to believe MY Book has laid out all the Truth before them, yet no one hears, no one believes.

What must be said for the church to take hold of the warnings and put aside their obsessions with the things of the world and watch and prepare?

Hosea 4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou has rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to ME: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy GOD, I will also forget thy children.

They are soft and being misled. Time is getting away and the church remains grossly complacent as if everything is alright. How deluded the lukewarm church is. How lackluster its pursuit for ME is and all I represent. If the church really pursued ME in intimacy, then none of MY Warnings would come to them as a surprise and they would be whole-heartedly heeded.

This is a great hour of darkness for the churches. Very few are sitting up and taking notice. Very few are walking in MY Precepts and Ways. Grace is not extended to those who willfully live rebelliously, unrepentantly. You can quench and grieve MY HOLY SPIRIT and then what do you do O’ church?

Ephesians 4:30. And grieve not the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

When you drive MY SPIRIT out of your beautiful buildings because HE is too extreme for your taste—I and MY SPIRIT are ONE. Who are you worshipping if you have excused MY SPIRIT and the move of MY SPIRIT from your presence? Just who are you worshipping? You are idol worshipping!

Acts 7:51. Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the HOLY GHOST: as your fathers did, so do ye.

You have created a god of your own making, a god who suits your worldly likes and desires, but it is not the ONE True Living GOD. It is merely an idol. You think the people in the past who worshipped golden statues were scandalous - you are no different! Come to ME in humble repentance churches and I will cleanse your souls. I will forgive you for your pursuit of mammon and for getting away from ME. I long to bring you back to MYSELF. Let ME revive you and bring you peace and make you right with your GOD.

Mark 8:36. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? As it stands, you are far from ME and MY Ways. This I will not bless. Please turn back to ME O’ lost church! I am still waiting yet a little longer. Delay is not an option. Stand alert and heed this warning. Take action! Many lives are at stake!

2 Timothy 4:3-4. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine: but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.



Let US begin. This Word, I want to talk about MY lost church, those who believe they are secure in ME but are far from ME. I am addressing you now: Many are in churches they believe are giving them the full Truth about ME and what I stand for - but the Truth is there are watered down versions of what I stand for in most of the churches around the world. This means they are carrying half truths to the people because the people will not tolerate the whole truth.

They do not want to know MY Full Gospel. They want to hear what tickles their ears and placates their desires to be in the world and live worldly lives.

The hour is coming for MY Return and I cannot take MY half-hearted, lukewarm believers. They will be left behind. They will know then what their semi- interested faith has done for them.

Revelation 3:15-16. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of MY Mouth.

Now children, you cannot rely on your church leaders to present you with all the Truth. You must seek ME yourself for all the Truth. You must read MY Book, surrender to ME whole-heartedly and ask to be filled with MY SPIRIT from a repentant, humble heart. There is no other way. I want a full commitment. I will exchange your life with a life that is full and abundant and you and your eyes will be opened to Truth, MY Truth. Then you will understand what I require to be received into MY Kingdom.

MY church has lost sight to what it means to be MY follower. They do not follow MY Precepts and Ways. They look for loopholes to do exactly what they want and still feel good about themselves. This has been going on now for a very long time but now it is rampant and very few want the whole Truth, very few want to understand what MY Word really says. They want little stories that make them feel good as they come and go but never really want to know ME or WHO I am.

They only think they know ME. I am not truly known by most of MY followers.

Most only dabble in a relationship with ME. They do not fully understand what it means to make ME their GOD. I am just a bystander looking in on their life, never really taking part in their life, never really sharing an intimate relationship.

Matthew 7:21-23. Not everyone that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of MY FATHER which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in THY Name? And in THY Name have cast out devils? And in THY Name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from ME, ye that work iniquity.

This saddens ME greatly as this is the true reason I created MY children, for intimacy with ME, to walk this life’s path together. Yet the world so entices them that they have chosen the inferior way than to come and know their MAKER.

How sad to be so intrigued with the creation and to reject the CREATOR; MAKER of all they are intrigued with. How very sad indeed! MY children, you do not see that I require holiness and fidelity.

Children, I want to be your FIRST THOUGHT, your FIRST LOVE, your FIRST - ALL in all. This is why you were created—to be MY companion eternal. If you choose not to walk this road with ME now, how can I expect WE can be eternal companions? Who do you expect to be eternally tied to…ME or MY enemy? You need to ask yourself this question.

MY Love is deeper than any love man knows. Do not sell yourself short seeking inferior satisfaction. You will never know a greater love than MINE.

Children, you need to search your heart and examine your soul. Where do WE stand, you and I? Where do I fit in your life? Am I on the outside looking in or do WE really have a relationship? Am I the core of your life? Where do you want ME to be? You must ask yourself.

I wait on you. MY Arms are wide open to bring you into a full fledge relationship with your MAKER, your GOD.

The hour approaches for important decisions to be made. Do you want to be among MY bride? She is MY all in all. She waits on ME and watches for ME. I am more than a fleeting fancy for her. I am not someone she calls on intermittently or when she is in need of something. She and I are interlocked. I move, she moves. WE blend, WE are ONE. She is in MY Will and she moves down MY Narrow Path. OUR Course is aligned.

So MY children, I leave the choice to you. Although I want you to choose for ME, you still have a free will. So I invite you to come into the Perfect Relationship and Purpose you were designed for. The choice is yours. Don’t wait too long to choose. The offer will not last forever. 



Yes daughter, WE can begin. Susan, this is what I want to talk about today: The sin that rises up in the hearts of men - it is the sin of lust for the world. All the ways of the world are evil, evil men inspiring evil acts. All that the world does is apart from GOD.

The world is not in MY Will, so it is not of MY Will. The world often professes to know ME, but it is far from ME and MY Truth. It runs full force in the direction that it willfully wants to go in without ever consulting ME, its MAKER. This is evil.

To run outside of MY Will is evil. The only will that is not evil is MY Will. Do you not see this MY children? How can this world move in the direction of GOD now when it has gotten so far from WHO I am and what I stand for? I stand for holiness, purity of heart, law and order, truth and morality. This world challenges all MY Ways and doesn’t even come close to what MY Book sets out as Truth and MY Everlasting Way.

The world maligns ME and MY Ways every chance it gets and those who follow ME. MY Ways are not respected or revered. If they were, this world would not experience the woes, hardships, disease, and sadness that overwhelms it. MY Way brings blessings. The world’s way brings cursings and cursings abound.

Only those who really walk close to MY

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