Genre Religion. Page - 104
Peace from heaven, sons! This is My gift of today, as today you have with you here the three hierarchs that have worked from the beginning, having been sent from heaven upon My work. Where has been heard of such work, such an anointment from heaven on earth? And what they had to do, they also did at the beginning of this work, and they did it in the end too, that is now. They came from heaven in the beginning and in the end and brought Me from heaven in a bowl and gave Me to Verginica from the bowl brought from heaven; and their anointment remained upon My work, a bishop anointment, sons, an anointment above nature. That is why the anoint-ment came down upon these three sons anointed by heaven into My garden of sons, into My lit-tle garden from the end.
When Chaim Rosenberg starts to hear things in the Spirit, he soon learns that others are hearing them too. With the help of a small group of Australian Aborigines, spiritually sensitive people from throughout Australasia are drawn together in a movement that will mark the start of a new age in human consciousness.
In today's world, thought captivity is a must!! Flashed on screens and inundated through media, our minds are subjected to outrageous projections and ideas. Before long, their (the world's) thoughts become ours and we find ourselves playing "their game." Such is not unique to our day, however. When one considers Paul, who lived over 2,000 years ago and was a graduate of Gamaliel's highest learning academy, it becomes clear why he would teach thought control. He was steeped in religious thinking and a master of the Law.