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The Word of God about what defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him

«He said to them, “Are you also without understanding? Do you not perceive that whatever goes into someone from the outside cannot defile that person because it does not go into his heart but into the stomach, and then into the sewer (thus he declared all foods to be clean)[1]?”» (Mark: 7/18-19.)


«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth, and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. »      

                                                                                              (Gen. 1/29.)


«God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, 'Breed, multiply and fill the earth.»

                                                                                              (Gen. 9/1.)

«Every living thing that moves will be yours to eat, no less than the foliage of the plants. I give you everything, but you must not eat flesh with life, that is to say blood, in it.»    (Gen. 9/3-4.)




     What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?

                        Selection of texts from God’s Word[2] upon this theme[3]



… Behold my flowers, the holy prudes, holy martyrs, armies of angels, holy martyr virgins now come and sing to you. Well children, well children with your heart full of joy, oh, well my flowers! I am glad for you and for your joy as well, for in this night of plagues and debaucheries it is only you that pleased me. Oh, I sit and cry, as the earth is full of grave sins which have been done this night, debaucheries worse than in Sodom and Gomorrah; drunkenness, murders, abortions. I cannot look down on my earth. I cannot look because of the transgressions horror. The body laid hold of the soul, for a lustful and bloated body is a dead soul. Oh beloved, food and self-indulgence brought the man Adam out of Eden. Food and disobedience and immorality will fill the hell.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 31-12-1955 (On Slideshare)



Here is what I say to you: “I went to a dance hall and I found a sleeping demon; he had no work to do with anyone as all were his. I went into a church and from the door to the altar there were many demons with all kinds of evils; enmity, pride, libation, debauchery thoughts, tobacco. I found the priest smoking at the altar. But you, children do not judge, that there is someone to judge them.”


Oh, well my children, I have not come to destroy and tell you lies. I have come to tell you to love one another. Oh, your Father looks at you and does not find pleasant souls among you to accomplish the place in heaven. Here, the places are waiting for you and there is none to occupy them. Look, a Christian says that he cannot but eat meat.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 14-05-1957



… The day comes when for a meal you stay out of the garden, for Adam was driven out of the garden for a meal. See about the food on forbidden days. Why do you eat fish on forbidden days? Why do you say that not what enters a body defiles a man, but that what comes out of his mouth defiles it? Oh, how you will cry bitterly! But there will be late!


Oh, children quit tobacco, for tobacco is from the devil. Well children, I have sown wheat but the devil has sown tobacco. Here, he surpassed me for many would give bread for tobacco. Mind yourself for you will not get out of the hell if you get into it with all these that you are doing, for there will be no one to save you.


… Your Father is crying, the One who created the earth and all that can be seen on it for man, and now there is no fruit, there is no dance, there is no contentment and joy, there is no hope; all are sad. Do you know why there is no fruit? There are only dead children instead of fruit. The land and waters have been defiled because of so many things done on it. They have become worse than those who have no law that is the heathens.


… I have come down to the wheat field with the twelve apostles and I found a part of wheat and three parts of tare. Here is what the devil has done: he has sown tare and left. Who is it to be blamed: the sower or the keeper? Oh, brothers, the keeper. Stay away of all that is after Satan’s will and take care one another! Be on vigil!


… Father built a prayer house and the devil a dance hall. Father made a vine and wine; the devil made a brandy boiler, and brandy made him, for many put the grapes into it and turn into brandy. My Father has sent prophets to proclaim the seasons, and the devil has made the radio and speakers. Look, who says that brandy is not from the devil will not see God’s face.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 22-06-1957 (On Slideshare)



Here is another sin: man left the bread and feeds on fire. I made myself a dove and I met a man on the way who said to another: “Give me a light, as I have not eaten bread since yesterday, but I cannot abstain from tobacco.”

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 07-06-1958 (On Slideshare)



… Someone keeps saying, “I do not want children any more. I have got four.” But why not just say, “I will sleep in another bed?” Look, however I will put it, is still not good for you, Christian. Intercourse between man and woman was for the birth of sons and not for lust. Oh, the animals got ahead of man. Only if my teaching would be appreciated by Christians, for I cannot say this thing to the heathens. Brother and sister, may God forbid child conceiving in your womb out of your lust that you have. Do not be upset that that I tell you, but this child will be always sick, mischievous, for someone asks, “Why the child is sick or bad?” Oh, you have not thought at Lord, Jesus Christ, but only to satisfy your desire. If death is to come at that moment, it will be hard for you. I am ashamed of this sin. Be frightened of this thing. I have commanded to unburden the women’s arms and they said that it is him that cannot do it. Brothers, whoever is a Christian let him work according to my command. Who is not a Christian, let him work according to his own will.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 15-09-1965 (On Slideshare)



The greedy man at all breaks God’s building. Greed is the evil spirit. Son, Christian, fast to lose your desire and ask God for temperance of your body! Christian, you get up at night and you cannot say your prayer, but can do other bad things and the whole hours pass this way. Young man, my eyes hurt me looking at your sins. Oh, only if you were the one who keeps heaven and earth in his hand. Oh, what great pain!


… I have wonderful words, but whom shall I give them? You say that you are Christian, but you do not leave the bottle from your hand. You know that you are a driver and you do not drink as you get off your job, but from the Kingdom of God will you not be driven out? From your job you do not miss an hour for you get fired, but are you not afraid that you will be driven out from the garden of God when you miss?


… How nice it is in the city! It writes taproom, tobacconist, food store, only death it is not written, but death is written in another language. Do not rise against Me, as you have the right to say that I did not tell you that it is written death. It is not sin to buy, but buy only what you need. Blessed are those in the city if you do not touch your little clothes with this pitch.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 07-01-1972



… Lord, Jesus Christ has written from heaven on earth, “Traveler, remember death!” Whoever finds the slips let him read them! Close the pubs and latch the doors, for all these the earth will swallow up first.


… This village, banks, all will remain empty[4], as it did a lot of trouble to Me.


… Woe to the man who became an innkeeper. Woe to the man who sells meat in the fasting days, who sells drink in the fasting days! Sons, a man will come and say, “This prophetic word is a liar”.  But I say take heed for the earth will open itself and swallow this man and many of you will fall, for he will come and say the same into his bed as My vessel through which I speak, and will speak against My work and My working and there will be great war.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 25-04-1973



Make prayers. Sons, your fathers and ancestors made prayers in songs. Daughters and sons, where are your melodies? The book of Lord, Jesus Christ says, “Sing a holy song”, for the taprooms roar with wordly songs. I met on My way a man who sang, “I got a penny and I want to drink it!”

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 30-08-1973



… Open your heart, because otherwise the fire comes from Sodom and Gomorrah. For tomorrow morning you will see as your house burns and as all your cattle run away with terror with fire on their back. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire”, r.n.) Take a good look for all those that you see naked and talking with guys, you will not see them anymore, for these have brought the end on earth. Sons, do not let these things to enter in your houses. Do not let fire to enter in your house. Let God see the sign at your window to escape. And if in your house you let your daughters to be naked and your sons as those in Sodom, of the world, then you will not get away, you and your house and your cow and your things will burn.


… Not even when I was on the cross, was I so sad as I am today. Sons, I do not give you brandy. Brandy is from the devil. I give you grapes but drink with measure. I have given you the plum as a fig, not to boil and turn it into brandy. Little children, behave yourselves and do not spoil the things of the Lord. Woe to you plum tree for you yielded the plum and you were turned into brandy. I speak spiritually. Listen carefully and buy wisdom if you do not have it. But you buy only pigs, cows and horses. Buy wisdom too. For you worship both God and the evil spirit. You fast but at the same time you lie. You do charity but you steal as well.


Nothing on earth can save you on the day of judgment. The earthly judgment does not resemble with the heavenly one. Heavenly witnesses and lawyers do

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