The work contained herein is a combined effort on notes by many, they are and have been edited and are open to all that have a desire to better understand the Holy Bible.
The work contained herein is a combined effort on notes by many, they are and have been edited and are open to all that have a desire to better understand the Holy Bible.
„Oh, it is a great mystery a man to be one flesh with his wife not two, but this mystery was only at the beginning and that is all, for the man violated it.”
„I give birth to the world again, and I start with you and then I give birth out of Me and out of you, and I start with you a new beginning, a new church, and the name of the church is the New Jerusalem, the citadel of God, the Word.”
„You cannot find Me, son, to those foreign to Me, to those who are not a house to Me. I am with those that I have them as My house and My rest in it, My will in the man, My people. Only such a man is Christian; he is My house.”
Romania was after God’s will in the past and now I want to bring it again after My will. The other little countries which join Romania and help her, they will receive help from God as well. If some of the countries show hate towards Romania, they too will come into blood and cleansing.
"I am The Lord Jesus Christ. I am not body, but spirit. I have descended with The Holy Spirit on Earth to choose a nation and to tell them about the mysteries for this time. I am God’s Word and I have come to speak on Earth,..."