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The Word of God about the mystery of the man and the woman

                               The mystery of the man and the woman


                            Selections from the Word of God[1] on this topic

                                                (Translated by I.A.)



… Behold My flowers, the holy prudes, holy martyrs, armies of angels, holy martyr virgins now come and sing to you. Well children, well children with your heart full of joy, oh, well My flowers! I am glad for you and for your joy as well, for in this night of plagues and debaucheries it is only you that pleased Me. Oh, I sit and cry, as the earth is full of grave sins which have been done this night, debaucheries worse than in Sodom and Gomorrah; drunkenness, murders, abortions. I cannot look down on My earth. I cannot look because of the transgressions horror. The body laid hold of the soul, for a lustful and bloated body is a dead soul. Oh beloved, food and self-indulgence brought the man Adam out of Eden. Food and disobedience and immorality will fill the hell. (See selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?[2]”, r.n.)

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 31-12-1955  (On Slideshare; on Issuu; on Google Drive)



... On the shores of the waters it is written a wry name: „Beach.” And on this shore there are only nudes, men and women. It is freedom for these. Only you, Christian, have no freedom. How can the sun have any more light when it sees these? As it was given the freedom for the unclean things and the freedom of the clean things was deterred, and the godly curse will come upon these who forbade the clean things.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 23-06-1977


The time is coming for your daughter to part company with the one from Sodom, but the separation will be by the edge of the sword; however, this was in the beginning and this will be in the end. Do not bind your daughters by the lawless ones. It is better for your daughter to remain virgin.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 20-09-1977.



… The Lord, Jesus said: „Let your little dress down!” and she looked ugly at Me. The Lord, Jesus said: „I saw you smoking!” and he looked at Me like My fiercest enemy. Not even Caiaphas or Herod looked so fiercely like that virgin boy or virgin girl. The Lord, Jesus Christ said: „The Christian woman shall not have her head uncovered; she shall not have her leg uncovered, and she shall not have pointed or high shoe heels”. And because of this there was a great war between Me and them. Now I do no longer say anything. I close My mouth and swallow it, as it is My turn, but later it will be your turn, as you will swallow until you swell and burst and you will cry out and I will not spare you. It is hard sons; it is hard for someone to listen to My teaching. It is hard; it is hard, Christian. This is the sufferance of My vessel: the disobedience of My people. This is it: the disobedience of My people in everything. Son, I have the power to heal it, but let the people which torment it heal it.

Excerpt from the Word of God, on 22-10-1978



God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, blesses the word and the counsel of the word, which is coming down now from the bosom of the heavenly Trinity, so that it may give food to the people with a holy name. Amen.


I am the bread that comes down from heaven. I am the Word and I come down to the people with a holy name to feed it by the word. The Word is the bread that comes down from heaven and those, who believe from the people with a holy name, eat, and those that do not believe God, the Word, which comes down by the word, eat by hearing, but not also by faith, and they do not eat actually, and they do not grow up by the word. They are stunted, and if they have strength, they have no good strength, and rather they have strength harmful for salvation, and those that do not believe have strength for disbelief.


Peace to you, people with a holy name! In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, peace to you, people with a name of Jerusalem, as Jerusalem is a holy name, and this is the name that you bear by God’s gift, a people with a holy name, a people united with Jerusalem from above, which came down upon you, as it was written in the Scriptures for this time, and about which the loved John wrote by the Scriptures that speaks: «I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, and the voice of the One Who sat on the throne said: „Behold, I am making all things new». Amen. (See selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, people with a holy name, prophesied from the time of the beginning of the new kingdom of Jesus Christ! I decided to come down again to you by the word and to remind you not only to bear the name of God’s people, but also to be with a holy life and well-prepared before the One Who comes. But you should not repent only for a while; not so, but rather you should always stay watching. Do no longer watch only for a while, but watch until the end and believe until the end and let God work upon you as He knows; how He sees what is needed. You should not only bear the name of the people of this godly work, but also be with your being and life and with all your occupations and have faith and live by faith, as this will be the first blessing proclaimed upon the sons of this people; blessed is the one who was called and then believed into this work of Jesus Christ, Who came by word to prepare well the way for His second appearance into the middle of the people. Blessed are you, those who believe into this heavenly descent on earth! And I say again: woe to you, those who met this spring, this word of salvation, and were unfaithful and tempters and left this heavenly descent!

Loved people, get up for happiness and not for groaning, as these two words will lead the sons of this work to the right and to the left.

Oh, I still have many things to tell you, people with a holy name, but can you bear them now? Behold, those who believe in God, the Word, rejoice bearing everything the word brings from God, and those who do not believe, cannot bear those that I come with from now on. They cannot believe, because those who tempt God, the Word, in His work, are not given the power to believe. This is what I told him who asked Me to heal him: «Lord, if you can, heal me», and I answered him: «If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes». And I saw his faith and heard his prayer to help him and to give him power to believe, as he said: «I believe. Help my unbelief!».


My apostles believed and prayed to Me to increase their faith, but they could not stay careless in their faith. They prayed saying to Me: «Lord, increase our faith; increase our faith». And you, My loved people, you had into your midst the God’s glory, and you still did not know how to believe in it, as this work is the God’s glory into your midst, (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.) but he, who did not stay small under it, did not understand God in His work in His greatness, as he did not make use of the holy propriety that this called people was so much in need of, so that by the holy propriety he might have received grace before God.


… The heaven is not earth, Christian. The heaven is heaven, and the earth is earth, and the union between the heaven and the earth is from heaven and not from earth. But how shall I do to you to know well this heavenly mystery? Behold, for this wisdom you need humility and true and special repentance; you also need holy propriety before the heaven, as the heaven has bowed down up to you, My loved people; it has bowed down to teach you about what heaven is and what earth is; what a heavenly man is and what a heavenly body is, because, be careful, there are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. Oh, you had to be from heaven for a long time, people with a heavenly name, people with a holy name, as this is the work to which I had to arrive with you, Israel of the promise. I have come by the word into your way to urge you to repentance, and then to work out a heavenly lesson upon you. I came to give you birth again and you should no longer defile your garment for this time, as I have to dress you, son, with the garment of the glory which is coming from heaven upon the land of Romania, My holy people from the middle of this blessed land, prophesied by God.


Behold, I work out this heavenly lesson upon you, but you should also learn, Christian, you should learn to know what to do to be the hair of the glory that comes with Me. It still is a little time and I will come on the clouds to you, (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) so that the world may see that I am with you, My small people that I am well pleased with, for the redemption of the creature. My Father was well pleased with Me and I listened to Him in everything, but you, loved people, you have listened very little to the One Who was well pleased into your midst with a heavenly work.

Oh, people with a holy name, I was so patent with you! I have given you food with so much patience and I so was patient with you by teaching you, so that you may know the lesson of the kingdom of the heavens, and to start with you the visible kingdom of the heavens, My kingdom in your spirit and body, people with a holy name and heavenly calling, and I remind you again: It is not you that chose Me, but rather I chose you, children of My people, and I chose you to get you used to have a godly nature, as it was the nature of My body. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God[4]”, r.n.) That is why I came from My Father and I became flesh, to show the people what the godly nature is to speak in the man. I took upon Me all the human nature to be able to scatter the people’s sin, condemning them into My body, and that afterwards the people may also condemn them in their bodies too, but the people remained united

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