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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
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What is Romance?

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In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » Somewhere Only We Know by Taylor Broadway and Jordan Willis (diy ebook reader .txt) 📖

Book online «Somewhere Only We Know by Taylor Broadway and Jordan Willis (diy ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Taylor Broadway and Jordan Willis

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I couldn't believe this was happening. My parents decided to tell us, my younger brother, Levi and I that we were moving back to Shackleford, Tennessee; the place my five year old brother, Jack, drowned in the creek between my house and my best friend at the time, Preslie's house. My parents must like our old house. I mean, who wouldn’t? When I was younger, I could walk through a little path and get to my best friend's house. Preslie and I were ALWAYS together. If someone were to come over to my house and ask me to play, my mom would send them to find Preslie.
“ If you find Preslie, you’ll find Ethan,” my mom would say. Now, I guess you could say when my parents told me we were moving back to Shackleford, I was actually sort of looking forward to seeing Preslie. My cousin Adeline, Preslie’s best friend, said that Preslie was doing great. She had a boyfriend named Parker a star student, and super beautiful. The last time Adeline came to visit, she brought a picture of Preslie and man was she gorgeous. Her dirty blonde hair fell around her face in loose curls, he light brown eyes were looking right at me. At that moment, I remembered when I was eight and I was at Preslie’s birthday party, I planned to kiss her. She was turning eight , but I knew in my young heart, kissing her would be right. I hoped that when we moved back, I would see her and we could go back to being best friends. I think about Preslie everyday. I can almost remember the way Preslie smelled. Like green apples and sage. She smelled perfect. Preslie was perfect in every way and I could finally see her after ten years.
After my parents told me the news, I left the house on my motorcycle and went over to my best friend’s house, Adam. Once I arrived, I saw Natalie talking to her best friend, Kilee. As soon as she saw me, she walked over to me.
“Hey Ethan,” Natalie said as she kissed me and put her arms around my neck. “ I want to go somewhere to be alone. I have missed you so much.”
“Babe, we should,” I told her as we went up to the spare bedroom and she the door. She went over to the bed and sat down.
“ Come here babe,: Natalie smile as I sat by her and put my hand on her face and she shivered. “ I love you so much Ethan.”
“ I know you do, but baby, I need to tell you something,” I said as she wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed me down to lay down on the bed. “ Natalie, what are you doing?”
“ I want some. We haven’t done anything in three weeks and you should just give me some. I know you want to baby,” Natalie said as she took her shirt off and she started to undo her bra strap.
“ Get your sexy ass over here,” I told her as she took my shirt off and I started to kiss her.
“ I knew you couldn’t resist,” Natalie told me as she kissed me one last time, and then, she turned off the light.
An hour later, Natalie and I were still laying in the spare bedroom. Natalie’s head on my chest.
“ Natalie,” I said as she looked at me. Suddenly, she ran her hand down my bare chest, all the way down to my thigh. “ stop that. You are being super naughty.”
“ You like?” Natalie asked me as she kissed my neck and I smile. “ Obviously so babe.”
“ we need to be serious right now. I need to tell you something honey,” I told her as she sat up with the sheets covering her bare chest.
“ Ethan, what’s wrong?” Natalie asked as I touched her thigh.
“ Natalie, I’m moving back to my hometown in Tennessee. My parents want Levi to grow up there,” I told her as tears came down her face.
“ Ethan, should we break up?” Natalie asked me as she began getting dressed and I did the same. “ How could you tell me this after we had sex? Oh, and not to mention a three year relationship?!? How can you be so selfish?”
“ Me? Selfish? You’re the one only thinking about you. Like always,” I told her as she hit me across the face and she gasped.
“ Oh my goodness! I am so sorry baby,” Natalie told me as she tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.
“ Just leave me alone Natalie, We are done. I’m not your baby anymore,” I told her as I walked out of the spare bedroom and went downstairs to find Adam and Will. Once I found them, they were both making out with their girlfriends, Kilee and Sara.
“ Adam, Will,” I said as they both looked at me and stopped making out with their girlfriends and walked over to where I was.
“ What’s up Ethan? Did you do something to Natalie? Kilee said you broke up with her,” Will said as Kilee came over to Will and kissed his neck. “ Baby, not now.”
“ Kilee’s right. We broke up because I’m moving back to my hometown in Tennessee. My parents want Levi to grow up there,” I told them as they both looked at me.
“ When do you leave?” Adam asked as Will put his arm around my shoulders.
“ Tomorrow afternoon,” I told them as the both gave me a hug. “ I am really going to miss you guys.”
“ Trust me, I will too. Our running back isn’t going to be there for our senior year season,” Will said as Natalie walked downstairs, flipped me off and went over to Sara and Kilee.
“ I will miss you too bro. Baseball won’t be the same without our star pitcher,” Adam said as Sara cam over to Adam and kissed him.
“ I guess I better go home and pack. Have a great rest of the summer. I’ll text you or call you guys soon,” I told them as I walked out of Adam’s house to see Natalie leaning on my bike.
“ Ethan, can we please still be together?” Natalie asked as I grabbed my helmet and she put her hand on my chest and I pushed her away. “ How can you do this to us? We’ve been together for three year and now it’s ending because your three hours away.”
“ Trust me, I don’t want to do this either, but I am moving,” I told her as she put her arms around my neck and kissed me.
“ I’m sorry I flipped you off earlier. It wasn’t right of me to do that. I just don’t want to lose you,” Natalie told me as I wrapped my arms around her waist and move the hair out of her face.
“ Natalie honey, I know you don’t want to lose me, but it’s something we are both going to have to get used to us not being together. We can still be friends,” I told her as she had tears coming down her face. “ Oh Natalie. Don’t cry.”
“ I hate losing you Ethan, but I guess we can still be friends,” Natalie said as I let go of her. “ Bye Ethan Lee McKinley. I’ll miss you.” Then, I waved by to her and drove off back to my house.
Once I got home, my parents and Levi were asleep. I went into the kitchen looking for a Red Bull, but found a Monster instead. I grabbed the lone can and went up to my room to see boxes laying on my floor, waiting for all my stuff. As my watch turned to midnight, I began packing my things in the boxes. After four hours of packing, I finished packing most of stuff, except for my clothes. I took off my clothes I wore to Adam’s and put on my basketball shorts and walked to my bathroom to find Levi using the bathroom.
“ Hi bubby. Your up late,” Levi said as he flushed the toilet and washed his hands while I was brushing my teeth. “ Ethan, can I sleep with you please?”
“ Not tonight Levi. Maybe tomorrow,” I told him as he walked back to his room, laid down and went right back to sleep. After I brushed my teeth, I went back to my room and made sure every box was labeled with my name on it. Then, I stacked all of the packed boxes by my big window in my room. As I started to pack my closet, my phone buzzed with Natalie’s smiling face looking at me.
“ Hello?”
“ Ethan, can I come over?”
“Why? It’s 4:30 in the morning. I’m about to go to bed.”
“ I just want to.”
“Just for a little bit. Knock on my window.”
“ Okay, I’m here,” Natalie said as I looked out my window to see her standing there, waiting for me to open the window. I opened up the window and she came in and gave me a hug. Then, she sat on my bed while I packed my closet.
“ Well I guess you really are moving,” Natalie said as I put the last of my clothes into a box marked Ethan’s closet.
“ Yup. I am. You’ll find someone else better than me,: I told her as I put the box by the other ones. Then, I walked over to my bed, and got under the covers and looked at Natalie.
“ I guess I should go. I will miss you so much,” Natalie told me as she kissed me one last time and went out my window, shutting it behind her very quietly. After she left, I put my phone on the charge and fell asleep.
The morning after the big news, I woke up to Levi screaming about what he was going to have for breakfast and my mom was complaining about the Atlanta heat and how she’s so happy we are moving. Honestly, I think she just wants to see Preslie’s mom and her best friend, Shirley. My mom and Shirley were best friends all through their colleges years at the University of Tennessee. As I got out of bed, I could see that most of my room had been boxed up, courtesy of our housekeeper, Maria. I stretched and looked over at the picture of my ex-girlfriend, Natalie. She was so heartbroken when I told her I was moving and we couldn’t be together anymore.
“Ethan Lee McKinley, come downstairs and eat breakfast!” my mother exclaimed as I jumped in the shower before she could say anything else. Once I got out, I pulled on the same clothes I had on when I went to Adam’s house. The plan for the rest of the day was to leave at noon and be in Shackleford by four, just in time for a party. My mom said to dress nice, so I put on my usual school clothes.
As I reached downstairs, phone in my pocket, car keys in the other, and my I-Pod in my hand, I noticed the movers pull out of the driveway and turn to go onto the highway.
“ Mom, I’m going to go ahead and start driving. I noticed the movers just left, so I’ll just go ahead and leave,” I told her as I slid on my Sperry’s and grabbed a waffle from the middle of the kitchen island.

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