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A big variety of genres offers in Today we will discuss romance as one of the types books, which are very popular and interesting first of all for girls. They like to dream about their romantic future rendezvous, about kisses under the stars and many flowers. Girls are gentle, soft and sweet. In their minds everything is perfect. The ocean, white sand, burning sun….He and she are enjoying each other.
Nowadays we are so lacking in love and romantic deeds. This electronic library will fill our needs with books by different authors.

What is Romance?

Reading books RomanceReading books romantic stories you will plunge into the world of feelings and love. Most of the time the story ends happily. Very interesting and informative to read books historical romance novels to feel the atmosphere of that time.
In this genre the characters can be both real historical figures and the author's imagination. Thanks to such historical romantic novels, you can see another era through the eyes of eyewitnesses.
Critics will say that romance is too predictable. That if you know how it ends, there’s no point in reading it. Sorry, but no. It’s okay to choose between genres to get what you need from your books. But in romance the happy ending is a feature.It’s so romantic to describe the scene when you have found your True Love like in “fairytale love story.”

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Read books online » Romance » What to do when he doesn't know you by Mia (best android ereader TXT) 📖

Book online «What to do when he doesn't know you by Mia (best android ereader TXT) 📖». Author Mia

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Why him?? Out of all the people in the world, my heart chose him. I don’t even know him, I see him once and I think I’m in love. The first time I saw him was at a school fair thing and I had no idea he even went to this school. I barely even noticed him dragging his girlfriend along with him, but I did notice that very sexy tongue piercing of his. I saw him a couple days later sitting at the benches outside the locker room. With his girlfriend. This time I got a little jealous of them because it hit me that they were together. Suddenly I’ve been seeing lots of this guy and I don’t even know his name. On Friday I had a field trip with my biology class to the beach to study things in the ocean. Guess who was there? Him of course. For now we are just calling him “Him” since we don’t know his name. He isn’t in my period be we have the same teacher so we all have the field trip together. I noticed his black hair, naturally wavy but flattened out by his Monster Energy Drink hat. He’s wearing a black shirt and some low jeans. Not low enough that its below his ass like a bunch of other guys but low enough for it to be sexy. He has a checkered belt and his black and lime green shoes. My friend Jasmine notices me staring and nudges me. I turn to look at her and she’s got a smirk on her face as she says, “Maverick Hudson. He’s a boarder from San Diego, freshman and he’s already got a girl.” I blush a little, embarrassed that she noticed me starring at him. “Maverick Hudson….does a name get any hotter than that??” She laughs as we pull our shirts off, revealing our bikinis and tanned skin. I look over and watch as Maverick pulls his shirt over his head revealing solid abs and pecs. He’s on the thinner side but the muscles on his body give him a masculine look. Jasmine practically has to hold me back from running over to him and feeling his beautiful body.
Next day at school in PE we have to run a mile and a half for our final grade. It’s almost the end of the year and I have to do good on this run because I kinda flunked the others. At my school you have a choice to do running for the entire year or swimming. But for this run, all the runners and swimmers run together. I freaked out when I saw Maverick and a few of his buddies walk over to the track in our PE uniforms. Now I have motivation to do even better on this grade to try and impress him if he even notices me. I ran it pretty fast, determined to get a good grade and to get Maverick’s attention and I finish the run in just over 12 minutes. Not bad but Maverick never noticed. He finished a few seconds after me, I’m pretty impressed with that. Not bad for a swimmer.
After school I walk downstairs from the second floor to outside where all the buses are. This is where everyone hangs out after school is over. I accidentally ran right into Maverick. I quickly apologize not even realizing it was him until he stands up after picking up my books, for the first time ever I hear his deep voice, “Sorry, that was all on me.” Then as quickly as we ran into each other, he continued up the steps, probably to go and meet up with his girlfriend. I found out earlier that morning that she was a Junior so she’s up at the upper campus of the high school. Maverick and I were freshmen so we were at the lower campus. My friend Whitney noticed that I was acting a little bit different. “You okay?” She asked me with a slightly worried expression on her face but I could see the hint of amusement behind those eyes. I look down at my green converse and back up at her and give her a nod. After a little more of her silently interrogating me her eyes widen and she gawks at me. I start to laugh and nod as I know what she just realized. She squeals at me and jumps up and down in excitement. “Who???!!” I hit her arm lightly. “Shush a little bit, people are starring. And it’s Maverick Hudson.” She gives me this look like she has no idea who he is but then she blurts, “He’s in my homeroom and he’s taken.” I hate how him being taken is the first thing that people tell me about him. Honestly, I don’t care if he’s taken or not, I’m still in love with the dude. I roll my eyes at her and say annoyed, “I know he’s taken but she’s a Junior and they probably won’t last forever…” She hold up her hand to stop me and she gives me this look like she just remembered something so important. “I overheard him talking to Carter that he doesn’t actually like the chic. He just wants the title of “boyfriend”. His girlfriend isn’t even that pretty, I’ll introduce you guys tomorrow or something.” I’m astonished by all of this. He doesn’t even like her?? And if he just wants the title of boyfriend, he can definitely be mine. I’m not trying to be cocky or anything because I don’t think I’m beautiful or anything but I know I’m not ugly and I can tell by the way some guys look at me or how strangers ask me out just by my looks. There’s only one thing on my mind for the rest of the day, or one person I should say because Maverick is most definitely not just a thing.
It’s almost the end of the school year and I’m pretty bummed out that I won’t even be able to see Maverick’s face for the entire freaking summer. I’m not all too excited about summer either because I’ve got summer school and stuff. When I got to class this morning we had a sub so we just had a study period. I had nothing to do since it’s the end of the year and we don’t have any homework so I decided to Google random things. First I Googled myself…awkward things I hope nobody will ever see. Then I thought of something kinda weird a stalkerish but what’s the harm if nobody knows right? I typed in his name, Maverick Hudson. There were quite a few things but I wasn’t sure which was related to the Maverick Hudson that I was looking for so I clicked on all the links. The first was an article of him giving an award speech for people in the military. That was pretty boring. Then I found an essay that he wrote in January. God I feel like such an obsessive freak. I downloaded the essay and read it. It helped me learn a lot about him, like he loves dubstep and alternative music. Which is fantastic because I love both of those as well. Anyways, I think I’m done stalking him, I feel disgusted by myself now.
You know how your friends make you all weird while your around your crush? My friends are just like that. In PE today, Maverick was in my class. I hadn’t noticed until all my friends were acting all weird and then I realized why. After we did some warm ups, we left the room and my friends saw Maverick walking towards the door right next to us. They shoved me right into him and he smirked. Yea, the bastard smirked at me and then I realized that he must know. He must know right? Why else would he smirk at me like that. What a snarky little bastard. Why do I like him??
During my free period I have no homework or anything to do so I just go to one of the benches on campus and stare at Facebook for a while and listen to Dubstep on Youtube. That’s how lame my life is, it just sucks because none of my friends are in this period. Carter comes and stars humping me from behind and singing “Milkshake” by Kelis. I turn around to look at him and he’s got his shirt above his stomach with his collar flipped up (we wear a uniform at my school. Polo shirts and Bermuda shorts) and he’s still humping me. “What the fuck are you doing Carter??” he sits down on the bench next to me and pulls me close by sliding his arm around my waist. He kisses my cheek while I just sit there, stunned, no idea what is happening. “Carter you still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing?!” I practically yell at him. “Be my girl Mia, you know I’ve loved you since 7th grade. Please, I’ll treat you right, I’ll never cheat or look at any other girl the way I look at you. Please baby, go out with me.” I stare at him in confusion when I see Maverick walk by, he’s starring at us. Probably because Carter is his best friend and all. I think to myself, if they’re best friends and I’m dating Carter I’d be around him a lot more often and maybe it might make Maverick jealous. Sure I’d feel bad about using Carter like that, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind as long as he won’t ever know. I look back at Carter and tell him, “Sure, I guess it won’t hurt to try this out.” I looks at my wide-eyed, “Seriously??” I laugh a little at his reaction, “Yupp”. He pulls me even closer to him and leans his head down towards mine. I know Maverick is still standing there, starring at us so I slide my hands up to Carter’s neck and pull him in for the kiss. He kisses me slowly and sweetly, right hand on my face and is left on my waist. I feel his tongue tracing my bottom lip and I open my mouth for him and his tongue slips into my mouth. Our tongues dancing together and he pulls away after a little while, breathing heavy. I give him a quick kiss on the lips and sit back on the bench. “How’s that for our first kiss?” He says with a wink. I just laugh and grab my bag and go to my last class of the day, math.
In the hallway someone stops me. That someone is Maverick. “So you’re going out with Carter now huh?” Well this isn’t exactly how I intended our first discussion to be like. “Uhmm yea. So?” He gives me this frustrated look that still looks so cute on him. “Why? I know he’s my best friend and all but you shouldn’t. He’s a douche, even you know that. He probably gave you the whole “I’ll never cheat on you” and shit speech right?” I blush a little that he would now that, “Yea, but it won’t hurt to date him and see what it’s like. Now if you don’t mind, I have a class to get to.” He folds his arms across his chest in defeat and says, “I’m Maverick by the way.” Then he walks off, leaving me in the empty hallway, wondering why Maverick would care if I’m dating Carter or not.

Throughout all of math I can’t get my mind off of Maverick and what he said to me. “Mia! If I have to ask you again

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